With that, a sword light suddenly appeared in front of him, and then he cut it down directly.

But the centipede just giggled in the face of the sword.

In the laughter, the light of the sword was directly shattered as soon as it came near, and then turned into nothingness.

People can't help but look at this.

You know, it was a sword from the sword emperor li Jingxing!

As a result, this beautiful centipede did not even move, so it was easy to resolve.

How terrible is the strength!

At the same time, the beautiful centipede said, "Oh, how can we fight and kill as soon as we meet? He is a weak woman

But as soon as his voice fell, a long sword with a faint red light ran through his chest and abdomen, and then came out from the front.

The huge body of this beautiful centipede struggled and wriggled, while it slowly turned its head and looked at the people behind it.

Seeing Xue an holding Tianzhu sword, he looked at it lightly, then said in a cold voice: "I'm sorry, in my eyes, you can't even count as a person, let alone a woman!"

With that, Xue an's wrist turned and Tianzhu sword began to stir wildly.

"Damn it, old Xue is so handsome!" Fox night can't help sighing.

But at this time, a strange thing happened. There was no color of pain on the face of this beautiful centipede. Instead, she looked at Xue an with great interest and suddenly said.

"I finally understand why the Hydra failed. You are really a very interesting person!"

Xue an slightly raised his eyebrows when he heard that although he had pierced the body of the beautiful centipede with his sword, there was no blood gushing out, and Tianzhu sword did not absorb any evil.

But he soon regained his composure. He didn't even retreat. Instead, he said, "Oh? Do you know Hydra? "

"Of course, that trash should have been my food after failure, but it was lucky to be taken away by an adult!"

With that, the body of the beautiful centipede suddenly disintegrates, turns into a blood mist, and then instantly appears behind Xue an, re condensing into a woman's body.

At this time, it has been the same as the Terran, and become more and more gorgeous and moving.

Then he leaned down and whispered in Xue an's ear.

"Xue an, you are indeed worthy of the attention of adults. I can't even bear to kill you. If you are willing to surrender to me, I can plead with adults to destroy your body and keep your spirit. What do you think?"

Xue an didn't even move. He didn't even look back at the woman. "If I say that, do I have to thank you?"

The woman giggled, "of course, after all, you should thank me for the crimes you have committed countless times."

At this moment, in the eyes of the public, Xue an and this beautiful centipede are like close friends talking.

In particular, this beautiful centipede still nestles up behind Xue an, but Xue an has no defense at all.

This does not prohibit many people to pinch a cold sweat for him.

"Ha ha!" At this moment, Xue an sneered, and then his eyes flashed.

"Since you know why hydra is defeated, you should also know what my answer is!"

The centipede sighed, "it's a pity. To be honest, there are few people who can move me. Especially in such a remote place, don't you really think about it?"

Xue an didn't speak, but he showed his attitude with his actions.

Suddenly, countless swords appeared around his body, and in an instant, they gathered together and stabbed at his back.


The body of the centipede disintegrates again. After it appears again, it has appeared in the void in the distance.

"Well, since you are so stubborn, I'll teach you a lesson."

But before his voice fell, Xue Anye had already arrived, and then raised his hand to blow a blow.

This fist, with the power of thunder, directly hit the face of this beautiful centipede.


This beautiful centipede couldn't escape this time and was blown out with one punch.

After landing, her proud face has been concave, like a smashed doll, which is creepy.

"Ah, asshole, you dare to damage my face. Xue an, you will surely die!"

The centipede made a terrible scream.

"I'm tired of hearing that!" Xue an said it coldly, then rushed up again.

But at this time, this beautiful centipede suddenly raised its head and gave out a very sharp howl.

Even the insects kneeling on the ground were not immune to the sound, and they were directly shocked to powder.

All the people who heard the howl were in pain.

Some people covered their ears, but the blood still gushed from their ears.Xue an, who was closest to him, was the first to bear the brunt of the attack. He felt that an evil idea poured into his ears and directly shook his own sea of knowledge.


Xue an's eyebrows are bright, which is the expression that the divine idea is urged to the extreme, and then he interrupts the howling of this beautiful centipede.

But in his knowledge of the sea, a more dangerous battle is going on.

Representing the beauty of the centipede, the black idea bombards Xue an's sense of the sea, while Xue an's idea struggles against it.

The two are intertwined and are inseparable.

This is Xue an's first encounter in so many years that he can shake his mind.

But more surprised than him is this beautiful centipede.

She was thrilled by the fact that she got a flat blow when she thought she would win.

Then, in Xue an's sea of knowledge, there came the sound of his roar, "how can this be possible? How can you have such a powerful idea? "

Xue an sneered, "there are many things you don't know!"

With that, Xue an's mind set off a wave, straight to the opposite beauty centipede!

This beautiful centipede soon woke up from the shock, and then a burst of sneer.

"Xue an, you are really very powerful. You can even share your thoughts with me as a fairy emperor, but you still don't understand where you lost!"

After that, the boundless black idea went straight to the opposite side.

Not only that, in the outside world, this beautiful Centipede's mouth appeared a sneer.

"Xue an, I see how long you can last, and even if you can wake up, it's too late!"

After that, the beautiful centipede looked down at the people at her feet and began to sing softly.

The voice of singing is sentimental, like crying, which makes people indulge in it in an instant

but the most beautiful singing is actually extremely terrifying, because in an instant.

A few strong men who were close to each other were shocked to pieces on the spot and became a corpse.

The sound of singing spread throughout the battlefield.

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