When the sound wave passed, countless people were obsessed.

"Everyone, close your hearing immediately, don't listen to it!" Hu Huan yelled at once.

The roar of the voice is like thunder, which temporarily suppresses the sound of singing and makes many people wake up.

But even if he was the Immortal Emperor, he just interrupted the singing of the beautiful centipede for a moment.

Then he saw the beautiful centipede sneer, "beyond measure!"

Then the voice of singing suddenly increased, accompanied by the majestic divine power, straight to Hu Huan.

Hu Huan, who was not good at divinity, snorted, and then made no more sound.

As soon as he got in touch, his mind was dragged into the battle fantasy by this beautiful centipede.

Even the Immortal Emperor can barely protect himself.

And in the crisp solution after Hu Huan, the voice of the beautiful centipede singing no longer any barrier, instantly shrouded the audience, and the power is several times stronger than before.

All of a sudden, the eyes of countless people began to become dull, which is a symbol that their spirits are gradually being controlled.

Seeing this beautiful centipede, she was about to control all the strong. At this moment, she heard a weak but firm voice of praise coming from the crowd.

"When we observe the Bodhisattva in itself and practice Prajna paramita, we can see that all the five implications are empty, and we can get rid of all the sufferings."

The voice is a little trembling, but it contains supreme courage.

The centipede can't help looking at the crowd, but a thin little Lori is walking out of the crowd.

This is a 10-year-old girl, born with a pair of black and white eyes, clear and calm eyes.

The most eye-catching is the mole between her eyebrows, which is as red as the cinnabar, and her face has a few sacred colors.

It is xiaoyingluo who has been following yuecha.

In fact, her strength is not qualified to come to this battlefield, but because of her almost stubborn request, but Yue Cha had to secretly bring her into the battlefield.

Did not expect that at this moment, almost all the strong have been occupied, but she seems not to be affected by the singing, step by step forward.

Although she was shaking all over because of the huge pressure, her steps were particularly firm, and the voice of recitation never stopped.

"Sariki is the same in color, the same in emptiness, the same in emptiness, and the same in perception, action, and knowledge. Sariki is all kinds of Dharma. Emptiness does not exist, does not perish, does not stain, does not purify, does not increase, does not decrease..."

Mahaprajna paramita Sutra!

One of the most important Sutras in Buddhism is short and pithy, which contains supreme power and is good at destroying all evil ways and external dharmas.

At the moment, when she read it from Yingluo's mouth, she had unimaginable power.

Only a touch of light golden light emerged from her body, and miraculously suppressed the singing voice of the beautiful centipede.

Not only that, when the golden light passed, the Buddhists such as yuecha Maitreya, who were also in the middle of chanting and could not extricate themselves, woke up immediately.

When they saw the wreaths standing in front of the crowd and shining with their small bodies, they were stunned and began to chant together.


When yuecha Maitreya chanted in unison, the golden light suddenly emerged from their heads and gathered together, and then protected all the people present.

All of a sudden, everyone moved.

And the singing of the beautiful centipede can't continue any longer and is interrupted abruptly.

Little Yingluo didn't feel this, but continued to bow her head and recite the Scriptures.

"The Buddhas of the third generation, according to Prajna paramita, have obtained the three Bodhi of the third generation

The golden light continued to gather, which made her little body sacred.

The moon died, Maitreya and other Buddhists saw this scene, and all of them could not help looking surprised. Then they joined hands with infinite joy.

"Nanwu Buddha, little benefactor's Huigen is so deep that he is detached at this moment!" Maitreya exclaimed.

Only Yue Cha's face is worried and looks at it silently.

As for this beautiful centipede, instead of being annoyed, it giggles and looks at the little Yingluo standing in front of it.

"It's interesting that I'm immune to my singing! But do you think that's enough? "

With the voice, the huge trunk of the centipede suddenly began to vibrate, and then the dense steps dispersed, turning into colorful poisonous insects and rushing towards the Yingluo.

But when these poisonous insects just rushed to the front, they saw a figure standing in front of Yingluo and waved it.


A golden hand print directly blows away countless poisonous insects, and then you see the Vajra hand of the Tibetan world of Tantric school standing proudly."Demon, how dare you be rampant in front of me?"

"Tut tut!" The centipede was not frightened at all. Instead, she said, "what I hate most when I'm out of the sky is you bald donkeys. I didn't expect to meet you here, so you should die first!"

The words fall, but see the beauty centipede take a deep breath, suddenly open a mouth, originally charming mouth instantly to the back of the head, revealed the following ferocious face, and then issued a very sharp howl.

This howl was more violent than the previous chanting. At least in an instant, it made dozens of people who were less powerful blow their heads on the spot.

As for other people, they are in great pain. Some people's eyes are bursting with fire. It's obvious that their souls are suffering from great pain.

But the main target of this howling is Yingluo and Yueji.

In an instant, the golden light, which had just been gathered by chanting scriptures, vibrated under the pressure of great divine power.

The pain also appeared on Yingluo's face, and the sound of chanting the Scriptures trembled with it.

As for other Buddhists, they also feel the vibration of Zen Mind, and they are in danger of overturning at any time.

See this scene, Yue Cha suddenly cheered: "everyone immediately kneel to settle!"

After that, he took the lead to sit down, and then began to follow Yingluo to chant the Scriptures.

"The Bodhisattva of freedom..."

At the beginning, he was the only one, but soon, Yueji and Maitreya also sat cross legged, ignoring all life and death, and began to chant the Scriptures.

The sound gathered together to form a mighty torrent, which had a direct confrontation with the howling sound of this beautiful centipede.


All the Buddhists trembled, and Yue Cha opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. But even so, his chanting did not stop, but became louder and louder.

Not only that, after seeing these Buddhist practices, other people began to chant together.

For a moment, the whole battlefield was occupied by the great sound of chanting scriptures.

"The color is the same, the emptiness is the same!"

"No bitterness, no wisdom, no gain. Therefore, Bodhisattva Yi is not good."

All kinds of mysterious scriptures make this beautiful Centipede's face appear a color of fear, and then he roars angrily.

"Die for me!"

With that, it will add weight again, trying to completely smash the people's defense.

But just then, a faint voice came from behind it.

"I really want to know what you are waiting for!"

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