The beautiful centipede was startled, but it reacted very quickly. In an instant, it gave up its heavy body, which was as long as 100 feet, and collapsed into a blood mist, trying to escape.

But it was too late. Her body had just turned into a blood mist, and a long white hand went through the layers of barriers and directly into the blood mist.


The blood fog trembled wildly, and turned into countless strange poisonous insect illusions, trying to stop Xue an.

But Xue an's hand was as stable as a mountain without any shaking.


With a light sound, the blood fog suddenly converges, and then the body of this beautiful centipede appears again.

But at this time, it has no previous arrogance.

Because Xue an's hand was pinching on his neck.

All of a sudden, the whole room was quiet.

Because of the howl and spirit of the injured people breathlessly looking at this scene in the sky.

At the same time, the idea was also dragged into the battlefield fantasy, Hu Huan also wake up, and then take a long breath, looking at the distant beauty centipede, gnashing his teeth.

"Old Xue, you can be careful. This smelly girl is so tight that I almost hit the road!"

Xue an did not respond to Hu Huan's words, just coldly watching this beautiful centipede.

"What did you mean when you said I couldn't wake up in time?"

This beautiful centipede hasn't recovered from the great shock at the moment.

Because it really can't understand how Xue an, who has been successfully dragged into the dreamland by himself, and even the sea of knowledge has been closed by himself, got out of trouble in such a short time.

It seemed that Xue an felt its amazement and gave a cold smile.

"Your mind is very powerful. It can even be divided into two parts and block me in the sea of knowledge. But do you really think that my mind is only what you see?"

With the voice, Xue an's eyes suddenly emerged a very bright light.

The huge divine power suddenly came, the pupil of the beautiful centipede instantly contracted to the size of the needle tip, and curled up with fear.

Because it has no doubt that as long as he dares to have any change, Xue an will definitely kill himself.

"So now answer me, what are you waiting for?" Xue an said coldly.

Beauty centipede no longer before the arrogance, only to see it shivering words: "I don't know, sent me to the adults just told me, let me try to delay time, especially to drag you here!"

This remark shocked the whole audience.

Because everyone felt a chill.

If it's true as the centipede said, what do these evil things want to do?

At the same time, Xue an raised his eyebrows and said, "who ordered you to come? What are their plans? "

"I really don't know! As for the person who sent me I only know that he is a new subordinate of the Lord. His name is Luo merciless


Fall mercilessly!

These three words make many people turn pale.

Because this name is exactly the original Lord of the emperor's palace!

But he suddenly disappeared behind, never heard from, but now suddenly appeared in the mouth of this beautiful centipede.

After hearing the name, Xue an's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

Because he suddenly thought of a possibility!

Only this possibility, will let these evil things send this beautiful centipede to delay time.

Because from the time of sending this beautiful centipede, it is equivalent to announcing that it has given up.

Funny, this beautiful centipede is stupid enough to think that she is very powerful. In fact, she has already become a discarded chess piece.

Think of this, Xue an no longer hesitated, completely ignored this beautiful Centipede's request for mercy, directly closed his hands.


This beautiful Centipede's neck was pinched off.

But this is not a fatal injury for it. Instead, it takes this opportunity to quickly turn into a blood fog and try to escape.

But Xue an didn't give it this chance at all, only Xue an stabbed it out with a sword.

Tianzhu sword stabbed into the blood fog with a strange angle.

"Ah, ah, ah!" There was a howl of pain in the blood fog, and blood gushed out at the same time.

Xue an's face was expressionless, his wrist turned, and Tianzhu's sword cut across, directly cutting the blood mist into two pieces.

Then innumerable evil Qi escaped from it and was absorbed by Tianzhu sword.

In a moment, the blood fog dissipated, and the beautiful centipede disappeared.

And Tianzhu sword became more and more red and powerful.

At this time fox night and ye hanshang also rushed over.

"Old Xue, what's the matter? What conspiracy are these evil things engaged in? " Fox night asks urgently.Xue an's face was livid, and two words came out of his teeth: "earth!"

Fox night and ye hanshang and others changed color.

"Do you mean that these evil things deliberately procrastinate here, but the actual goal is the earth?"

Xue an nodded, while his eyes were shining, and the aura of heaven and earth kept pouring in, frantically repairing the damaged ideas caused by the war.

Although Xue an killed this beautiful centipede lightly after waking up, in fact, the danger he experienced was unknown to outsiders.

At that time, trapped in the sea of knowledge, the beauty Centipede's mind began to devour, gradually became strong, and gradually became anti Hakka.

If other people, they will not be able to return to heaven.

But Xue an was reborn, and his heart of Tao was stronger than ever. He broke through many illusions, and finally succeeded in killing this beautiful centipede.

However, because of this, his spirit suffered some concussion. If we put it in peacetime, this small injury is of no importance at all, and Xue an would not care about it.

But now Xue an is very clear about what he is going to face. In order to increase the chance of winning as much as possible, Xue an should return to the most perfect posture as soon as possible.

At this time, fox night suddenly said: "no, Lao Xue, you said before that these evil things can only enter the heavens through this copper door? How did they get to the earth? "

Xue an raised her eyes and looked at the distant passage of time and space. Her eyes were gradually cold, and then she said in a cold voice: "who said they were evil?"

Fox night was shocked. "You mean..."

"That's right, they were the people's palace and xuanming mausoleum who defected before!"

After saying that, Xue an's Qi and blood were running smoothly, and his momentum was rising. But the more so, his eyes became more and more calm, and in the end, he was even as deep as a dark pool, which was breathtaking.

Then he said in a deep voice, "Master Li Jian, Hu Huan and all the people of the pure land Tantric sect are guarding here, and the rest of them will follow me!"

Then Xue an got up and went straight to the passage of time and space.

And behind him is the torrent of boundless brilliance! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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