The earth.

At the moment, in the wartime hospital in Zhongdu, it is a busy scene.

Almost all the world's medical experts and strong people gathered here, making it the focus of people all over the world.

After all, in the words of Zhenguo general, those who can enter the battlefield and come back, no matter whether they have killed the enemy or not, are real heroes.

Since he is a hero, he should be treated with the courtesy he deserves.

Therefore, all the configuration and supply of this hospital are of the highest authority and unlimited.

Not only that, because the time flow of the earth and the Pure Land Buddhism is different, there will be a blank period of live broadcast every three days.

For this reason, the live broadcast team headed by Chen Xiaoyi temporarily withdrew from the front battlefield and was stationed in the hospital instead, recording and broadcasting everything that happened.

For a moment, everything about the hospital has become the most concerned topic of the public, and no news can be compared with it.

Many people who work in hospitals are very popular because of this, but the most popular are the two small employees who have just been employed recently.

That's right!

It's just thinking and reciting these little girls.

Since that day, they both met with Yue Qinghuan and everyone was working hard for the war.

The two of them would never be able to stay at home again.

In their strong request, Anyan had to take them to the hospital to help.

At the beginning, almost everyone thought that it was just a child's improvisation. After a few days, when the freshness came over, they naturally quit.

But never thought, think and read not only adhere to down, but also do a model like, seems to have been two qualified little nurses.

This kind of performance also made everyone look at them with new eyes, and won the love of people all over the world.

Although they had high popularity on the Internet, most of them were due to Xue an.

Only this time, they won the recognition of all by virtue of their tenacity and bravery.

"Uncle Xie, what did you cook for us today?" The guard in front of the door asked with a smile as soon as he saw old Xie.

"Chichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichi Old Xie said with a smile.

"Hehe, we know, but we can't eat it. Can't we even smell it?" The guard said smilingly.

"Bah!" Old Xie spat, "smell it? I'm afraid I can't get it out of my nose! "

Although he scolded so fiercely, Xie finally took out a piece of packaged meat from his pocket and threw it away.

"That's all that's left. No, I'll feed the dog!"

"Yes, of course!" The guard busily received it. After opening it, he had to taste it, and then raised his thumb with a smile.

"Uncle Xie's cooking skill is really bad!"

Lao Xie snorted with pride, "isn't that nonsense?"

Then Lao Xie walked into the hospital with a big bag on his back.

"Uncle Xie!"

"Hello, uncle Xie!"

"What delicious food did Uncle Xie make today?"

People in the past all smile and greet Lao Xie after seeing him.

Lao Xie also nodded in response, and then went straight through the corridor to the sick and wounded area.

Can't wait for him to go in, then see think and read these two little wenches some tired of walked out.

At the sight of these two little girls, Lao Xie's face was immediately covered with a kind smile and waved.

"Think about it!"

Think about Niannian, see old Xie, also immediately excited ran over.

"Grandpa Xie, what delicious food did you bring today?" Niannian can't wait to pick Lao Xie's backpack and ask.

Lao Xie lovingly touched the heads of the two little girls, and then took out a delicate small food box from his backpack.

"Here! Two greedy kittens, let's see if they're satisfied! "

Think about and read over a look, immediately surprised shout up.

"Wow, it's strawberry ice cream!"

"There's so much more to eat!"

Said two people then carry the food box to wolf down to eat.

At this time, Xie Jingjing also came out.


"Well!" Old Xie will be behind the backpack off, and then solemnly to his daughter.

"How are you today?"

"Several situations are not optimistic, but Mr. Zhuge said that life should be OK!"

Old Xie nodded, "go ahead, remember that the green food box is specially prepared for Mr. Zhuge, which can supplement my brain power!""Well!"

Xie Jingjing turns and walks in with her backpack in her arms.

It's just a trivial episode in this hospital.

Because it happens every day.

Countless people generously donated their most precious things, hoping to do something for the front-line soldiers.

These people may not have any strong ability, even an ordinary mortal, but in the face of this catastrophe, they still showed unimaginable unity.

This is what Yue Qinghuan has been lamenting.

Now, for example, she stands on the top of a high building nearest to the battlefield hospital, looks at the scene under her feet, and then sighs a little.

"Well, even the two little girls are busy. There is no one to chat with me!"

Said, she bored to open the water mirror, want to see the scene on the battlefield.

But the water mirror is still a white fog.

Because of the different time and velocity, the disconnection is not only the live broadcast on earth, but also the failure of her water mirror method.

"It's almost a day past. Would you like to go for a walk on the battlefield?" Yue Qinghuan whispered to himself.

But then she frowned again, "but what if those evil things see me?"

But she soon convinced herself, "what if you see it? They don't dare to talk nonsense with a hundred courage! Yes, that's it

Then she barefoot a little bit of the ground, the whole person will escape into the void.

But at this time, the void, which was extremely tame and obedient, shocked Yue Qinghuan back.

"What's the matter? Has someone blocked the earth? " Yue Qinghuan was stunned. He immediately felt something and looked up.

At the same time, Zhuge Zang, who was busy treating the wounded in the field hospital, immediately raised his head and looked out of the window with a look of horror.

"Mr. Zhuge, what's the matter?" An Yan, who is fighting at one side, asks immediately.

"This breath...!" Zhuge Tibetan teeth trembled to say these words.

At this time, including an Yan, the battlefield hospital and all the strong guards nearby felt a strong palpitation, and then raised their heads one after another and looked at the sky in horror.

At this time, the sky is darkening at the speed visible to the naked eye.

In an instant, the sun and the moon disappeared, the sky and the earth had no light, and the whole sky was shrouded in complete darkness. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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