Then he saw a little glow under the black iron sky.

These glow just like stars, but their appearance makes people all over the world feel a strong pressure.

And when the glow completely appeared in front of the public.

Almost everyone was dumbfounded.

Because that where is what glow, is clearly a huge starship ah!

Right now.

These starboats are quietly suspended in the sky, and the shapes of each one are extremely ferocious and weird, and exude extremely terrifying power.

When he saw this behind the scenes, Yue Qinghuan, standing on the high-rise building, flashed in his eyes. Then he sneered and whispered, "it's just a group of traitors who sell their souls. What kind of people do you really think you are?"

"But this scheme is really treacherous, Xue an. Now it depends on whether you can arrive in time!"

With the voice, Yue Qinghuan retreated a little and then disappeared into the darkness.

At the same time, when Zhuge Zang looked at the star boats, he could not help moaning.

"The palace of the emperor, the xuanming mausoleum and the Jingyue Department of Qinghai building All the missing people have come back! "

His voice is not big, but the nearest Anyan heard it clearly.

When she heard that the people who came were the families who suddenly disappeared, Anyan immediately realized the seriousness of the problem.

Needless to say, they didn't come here to talk about the past, and Xue an is not on the earth at the moment. If they were careless, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Just as she was thrilled, a sneer came from the leading star boat.

The laughter was ethereal and powerful, just like the voice of Tiandi Lun, which made people feel an impulse to worship.

Among other things, this simple laugh has made countless strong people turn pale.

Zhuge Zang's face was even more livid, and then he said, "the peak of the Immortal Emperor?"

"Ha ha! Sure enough, Zhuge Zang, who is known as the first divine calculation of the heavens, has a sharp eye

With that, a figure appeared slowly in front of the star boat. It was Dou yin'an, the leader of xuanming mausoleum with a face of evil.

But different from his previous embarrassment on the Tongmen battlefield, he is now well-dressed and his whole body momentum is earth shaking.

Not only that, beside Dou yin'an, a man in emperor's robe also showed his figure.

This man's momentum is not under Dou yin'an, and even has been there.

Zhuge Zang took a deep breath, "fall mercilessly!"

The man who appeared behind was the long lost Lord of the emperor's palace.

He glanced at Zhuge Zang coldly, then swept over with disdain, then looked down at the whole Zhongdu, and a sad smile gradually appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"Is that all? Tut Tut, it seems that the Lord is a little too cautious. Why take three days to deal with these mole ants? Half a day at most! "

"Ha ha, that's not true! Since the Lord has given us three days, there must be some old people's consideration! "

"Let's take these three days to relax. It happens that Xue an's family, relatives and friends are all on the earth. Let's catch them and play with them, and then kill them in front of Xue an. Isn't it beautiful?"

Dou yin'an's words can be described as extremely sinister, which also shows how deep his hatred for xue'an is.

After all, on the battlefield of Tongmen, he was cut off by Xue an. At the same time, he suffered some minor injuries, which led to his failure. His cultivation was always half merciless. How could he not be resentful.

After listening to what he said, Luo heartless couldn't help laughing.

"Well, that's right! Isn't Xue an extremely rude? Let's let him know today what it will be like to offend adults! "

The two of them talked freely as if there were no one else, and there was no shelter in the whole process.

So these words immediately spread to the whole hospital, the whole city, and even the whole world.

All of a sudden.

Almost everyone was angry.

Because in the eyes of many people, Xue an is an unquestionable God, and an Yan, as a family member of the God, is an existence that can not be violated.

At the moment, these two people dare to insult Xue an's family wantonly with such obscene and vicious words, which is equivalent to slapping everyone's face.

At least a lot of young people roared together.

"Where come the maniac, dare to talk like this!"

"Really, what a son of a bitch, Lord of the emperor's palace. I'm so tired of living!"

All of a sudden, there were shouts.

Dou yin'an looked at it with a smile and stepped on it.


At the same time, the whole China and even most of China were shocked.The people who called to kill Zhentian before were shocked to the ground by the power of this foot.

Then Dou yin'an began to laugh strangely.

"Mole ants are mole ants, so we should have the consciousness of mole ants. Now this planet is in our hands. Kneel down, and I can spare you from death!"

Having said that, he was content to wait for the people's surrender.

Because in his opinion, in front of his crushing power, as long as he is a little sober, he should know what to do.

But never thought, his words just fell, it attracted more to drink the sound of scolding.

"I only kneel down all my life. What are you, my parents? You deserve me to kneel down?"

"Yes, I boast about something in my hand. Be careful Mr. Xue comes back and cuts you into meat sauce!"

These remarks made Dou yin'an's eyelids beat wildly. He could no longer restrain his anger and waved his hand.

"Attack all, I want to let all the people on this planet taste all kinds of pain before they die!"


After that, the light of the star boat flickered, and the xuanming mausoleum came out of the sky, and the people killed him.

"Fall ruthless see a sneer," it seems that we should not need to do it

But as soon as his voice fell, he saw a black light across the sky at a very fast speed, and then less than half of the elite of xuanming mausoleum disappeared in the dark.

Dou Yinan was startled, "who?"

Wearing a long black dress, fan Mengxue, like the queen of darkness, walked out of the darkness slowly and said: "no matter who you are, get out now!"

"The power of darkness? The disciples of tianzhena? Ha ha, it's really interesting! But with you, a little fairy king, do you really think you can make a big storm? "

Dou yin'an gave a strange smile, and the power of the peak Immortal Emperor rushed towards fan Mengxue.

But at this time, countless ice crystals quickly condense in front of fan Mengxue, blocking layer upon layer, and finally resisting this violent power.

Then Tang xuan'er appeared beside fan Mengxue and said in a gentle but firm tone.

"And me!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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