Call the door?

Yin Huahui couldn't help laughing.

Who doesn't know that Tianyi temple has strict rules.

Unless it is an important VIP, otherwise the general situation is rarely open.

Don't you see this bridge, Meijia has to be honest and wait outside?

It is estimated that he does not know anything! Yin Huahui sneered and watched.

He wanted to see what would happen to Sheehan for a while.

At this time, benqiao Meijia also noticed that Xue an, who came to the door, said with a smile.

"Sir, Tianyi Temple seldom opens. You'd better not call the door!"

Xue an chuckled at her and said, "people will not open the door, but if I do, it will open!"

"Oh? Why? " Benqiao Meijia asked curiously.

"Because..." Xue an pressed his hand on the heavy wooden door.

"That's what I call it!"

With the voice, the thick wooden door broke into pieces.

The gate opened.

Xue an turns to take a look at the gaping Meijia and Yin Huahui of benqiao.

"Look, isn't it easy?"

Benqiao Meijia was stunned and speechless.

She did not expect that the gentle looking man would be so violent.

Yin Huahui sneered at the moment and said, "well, you're finished. You dare to break the door of Tianyi palace! Hey, hey

Yin Huahui gloated and watched.

At this time, the deities in Tianyi Temple heard the sound and rushed to come one after another.

"Who did it?" A deity walking in front asked with a gloomy face.

Yin Huahui pointed to Xue an, "Lord God, this guy did it! You can't let him go

The deity looked at xue'an and frowned, "what do you want to do to destroy my mountain gate for no reason?"

Xue an has been looking at this deity, heard his question, just smile, "very good, it seems that I did not find the wrong place."

Xue an saw a trace of evil spirit from the deity.

What do you want, sir The divinity thought that Xue an's eyes were terrible, so he could not help but ask in a deep voice.

Xue anchong's daughter waved his hand and shielded the three of them. Then he stepped forward and came to the deity in an instant.

The speed of this ghost, so that the audience were scared.

The deity was startled and wanted to start.

Xue an, however, reached out and caught the tall deity, and then slowly lifted it into the air.

"You What do you want to do? " The deity was greatly shocked because he found that in front of this man, all his skills were useless.

Xue an light way: "serve the devil, what do you say I want to do?"

As soon as the words came out, the scarlet look flashed on the dark purple face of the deity.


Xue an smiles, "how do I know that? Go to hell and ask

There was a deep resentment on the deity. It can be seen that he didn't do much evil at ordinary times. Xue an cut off the God's neck.

The corpse fell, and then a shadow floated out and went straight to the shrine.

Xue an light way: "still want to go?"

With a wave, the soul will be crushed!

Then he turned to take a look at benqiao Meijia and Yin Huahui.

"Now, do you know why I called?"

Yin Huahui felt that when his hips were hot, a warm current flowed down his legs, and then a strong smell of urine came out.

Benqiao Meijia regained consciousness, frowned in disgust, kept silent and kept away from Yin Huahui. Then she looked at the back of Xue an, who walked into the shrine with her head raised. Her eyes were full of shock.

This man!

It's terrible!

The other gods in Tianyi temple were also shocked.

"Who are you?" With the roar.

Countless men in black surrounded Xue an.

Then the three deities in red slowly came out, their momentum was as calm as a mountain, and they were obviously excellent practitioners.

And Xue an also saw a deeper evil spirit and resentment from them.

"Who is your excellency? Why did you come to Tianyi temple A leading deity said coldly.

Xue an slowly said: "do you know the sin of serving the devil?"

As soon as the words came out, everyone turned pale.

The priest's face changed, and then he said in a deep voice, "kill him"

he was obviously not prepared to let Xue an go out alive.

All the men in black rushed up.

Xue an was calm and stamped his feet.

Boom!With him as the center, within 100 meters, all the people in black were crushed to death by this foot.

The three moves of the terror officer.

"San The immortals

Xue an didn't want to talk nonsense with these people. He rushed forward with two punches.


Before the two magistrates could run, they were directly blasted into nothingness.

Then Xue an looks at the oldest God.

"Now, take me to the place where you worship demons!"

The deity trembled all over, then quickly nodded his head and said, "yes!"

On that day, a temple was very large, and there were many deities. But after Xue an's killing, few people were left.

When they came to a very hidden room in the back.

"This is the room, my Lord," said the priest

Xue an looked up and saw that the house was full of strange patterns.

It's actually Fu Zhuan.

No wonder the mind can't be detected.

Xue an thought in his heart, he stepped forward and came to the door.

At this time, a look of cruelty and happiness flashed on the face of the deity.

As long as the door opens, the devil of Baqi lord appears, then this man will surely die!

Xue an's hand pressed on the door and window, bang!

The strong doors and windows cracked in response.

Then a black air burst into the sky.

In the black air, there are two snakeheads intertwined with each other, one of them said coldly.

"Who is it? How dare you disturb my thousand year sleep

The deity was overjoyed and knelt on the ground and called out, "Lord Baqi, help me. This man has killed my disciple. Please kill me quickly!"

The snake head opened his eyes and looked at Xue an, who was standing on the ground.

"You mortals dare to disturb my demon's deep sleep. I will put your soul in the fire of hell for ten thousand years!"

In the roar, Xue an calmly took out his ears, and then shook his head, "it's noisy!"

Then he rose to the sky and rushed to the two snake heads at a very fast speed.

These are the two heads of Baqi snake. I don't know when they will be worshipped by a temple on this day.

However, over the years, it is obvious that a lot of killing has been done.

When the two snake heads saw Xue an coming, they opened their mouths and a jet of black flame blew across their faces.

But Xue an didn't dodge. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he squeezed the seemingly ferocious flame into nothingness.

When the two snake heads were startled, Xue an had already come to the front of them. He grabbed the two heads with both hands and drank softly.


Two snake heads howled and were torn apart by Xue Ansheng.

The two snake heads, which have been growing together since ancient times, were torn apart by Xue an!

Magic blood spilled down on the ground, rising black flames.

And this scene, also let this God who thought Xue an must die was stunned.

Life tear devil!

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