It's not just the oracle.

At the moment, the two Baqi snake heads are also shaking.

They are also millennial demons at least. They were torn apart by this guy.

What kind of cultivation is it?

When did such a powerful person appear in this world?

"You Who are you? " Asked one of them.

Xue an didn't say anything, just a pinch.


The snake's head was crushed by the raw and disappeared!

Then Xue an looked at another snake head and said, "now, can you tell me where your other demons are?"

If the snake head has a body, it is estimated that it has been scared to urinate.

"The demons are scattered all over the country R, and we can't get in touch with each other. Please spare your life!" The snake's head trembled.

Xue ancha found out that the seal was not done by them.

And Xue an also has some doubts.

The Baqi demon is a low-level demon, although it is already a top-level existence in this world, even more powerful than the golden immortal.

But in ancient times, the eight Qi has been fragmented, and the cultivation of the remnant body is at most a scattered immortal.

Such cultivation, how to seal so overbearing?

However, in spite of doubt, Xue an still felt that as long as all the eight Qi's demons were found out, the doubt would be solved naturally.

"It's the same as not saying it!" Let's just crush the snake's head.

So far, Baqi snake head has gone to its third!

Then Xue an looked at the God kneeling on the ground, stupefied.

"If you want to live forever, you will be destroyed today."

Xue Angang just saw a lot of ugly pictures through Baqi shennian.

It turns out that the reason why Tianyi Temple worships these two Baqi snake heads is to rely on the power of these two snake heads to seek long life.

For this reason, they have harmed many innocent people, just thinking that they can be offered to the devil to eat.

Xue an was not a compassionate man, but such actions were enough to make him despise.

The deity was so frightened that he saw that the head of Baqi snake had been destroyed, and he fainted directly.

Xue an walked four steps in mid air.

Each step will give birth to a blood lotus.

Then the blood lotus suddenly turned into a flame and completely covered the Tianyi temple.

When Xue an comes to the door.

The flame has risen.

Xue an removed the seal. When Anyan saw her husband safe and sound, she took a breath. When she saw the burning Tianyi temple, she could not help but wonder.

"Honey, this

Xue an said faintly: "all kinds of sins turn to ashes! Let's go

Xue an left with his wife and children.

Benqiao Meijia and Yin Huahui understood at this time and quickly followed them down the mountain.

All the way up the bridge, Meijia wanted to talk to Xue an.

But Xue an and others went very fast, and soon disappeared.

At this time, Yin Huahui came up and said, "miss benqiao, this man committed arson and murder. We'd better call the police immediately!"

Meijia looked at him coldly, "you go to the police! And please don't bother me in the future

With that, benqiao Meijia left first.

Left this Yin Huahui standing in the same place with a dull face.

It took him a lot of effort to invite Meijia to visit here.

I didn't expect it to happen.

But when he thought of xue'an's almost ghostly means, Yin Huahui shivered all over his body, and even he didn't dare to have abdominal Feifei, and ran away in gray.

The collapse of Tianyi Temple shocked the whole R kingdom.

After all, it is a millennial school, which was burned to the ground overnight, which is naturally shocking.

The great sun palace.

Several top experts from the martial arts, Taoism and Shinto of R gathered here.

"Who killed the whole Tianyi temple in just one hour?" An old man said slowly, his voice was not angry.

Sakata Guiren, the top expert who has been in charge of dari temple for decades, is said to have stepped into the realm of half step longevity with one foot.

"There is news that a Chinese warrior came to Tokyo recently, and his strength is strong. Then this incident happened. Is there any connection between it?" A charming woman, dressed in exposed clothes, towering in the mountains of two worlds, said in a delicate voice.

The leader of Liuhua sect, songmu Feihua, is also known as the poisonous scorpion in the martial arts and Taoism circles of state R.

Her beauty is incomparable, but her attack is extremely cruel. There are not a thousand or eight hundred men who died in her hands!

"Ha ha, Chinese warrior? Can you think that only one country can defeat China A gloomy man sneered.The Great Yuan worship of Juhe shrine.

These people who speak are the most top-level existence.

Hearing this, the pine tree flying flowers said: "Da Yuan Chong, don't look down on the Chinese martial arts man. I heard that this man killed a thousand mountains and a leaf of the wise flow of mirror heart in one move."

"A leaf of a thousand mountains? Hehe, it's just a defeated general. Why bother! " Da Yuan Chong looks disdainful, at the same time, some greedy look at the pine flying flowers.

This woman is a real beauty!

At this time, Sakata Guiren waved his hand and said in a deep voice, "what's the name of this person?"

"Xue an!" The song of pine flying flowers sank.

Xue an?

The name of Huaxia seems familiar to me!

People are in a state of doubt.

A man trembled and said, "is it that One sword kills the sword immortal, and Xue an, who kills the immortal family with one hand

Everyone was shocked.

Sakata Guiren's eyes burst out two Jingguang, "is it really him? How did he come to R? What does he want to do

There was an imperceptible fear in his voice.

Yes, the existence of the top r country is also in a panic.

At this time, the pine flying flower looked at the embarrassed big Yuan Chong.

"Mr. Takahara, now Do you think this person is still in your eyes? " The voice was full of sarcasm.

"Pine flying flowers, you..." Ohara is a little angry.

He didn't really know it was xue'an.

You know, Xue an's reputation has spread all over the world.

Especially the other things that are almost miraculous have shocked the world's martial arts circles.

Although Da Yuan Chong is proud of himself, he still feels a little weak when it comes to Xue an.

Sakata Guiren looked at the pine trees flying flowers. "Mr. matsumu, you are nearest to Tokyo. Can you inquire about the news first?"

Pine flying flowers smile a few times, two straight long legs, wantonly raise their legs, "good, just as I am very curious about this Chinese youth! It's up to us to see what kind of people they are, and how can they have such elegant demeanor! "

However, in a remote mountain village in r country, there is a shabby room.

A young man with a sinister look opened his eyes slowly. In front of him, there was a long sword with a thick and ominous smell.

The young man stroked the knife and whispered, "are you thirsting for blood?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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