The long knife shuddered.

The young man wiped the blade with his hand, and the blood gushed out, and the knife gradually quieted down.

But the youth is rapidly weakening, as if life were sucked.

If there are people who are familiar with the history of Shinto in R, they will cry out.

Because this pale young man is actually the talented Yin and Yang teacher of a hundred years ago, Watanabe Qingming.

At that time, Watanabe Qingming was said to be a top Yin and Yang master who could pass on ghosts and gods, but he disappeared mysteriously behind.

I didn't expect to be in this remote mountain village, and I didn't grow old.

"With the mid yuan approaching, it seems that it's time to look for blood food again." Watanabe said softly, his eyes twinkling with a strange light.



After returning from yunzhuoshan, xue'an and his two daughters spent a whole day playing crazily here.

Until the evening, an Yan just pull reluctantly think and miss out of Disney.

"You see, it's crazy!" Anyan scolds Xue an, while tying her hair for two girls.

Xue an frowned at the two little girls, then opened his mouth and said silently, "we Go and eat delicious food

The two little girls were tickled.

An Yan white Xue an one eye, "you ah, sooner or later will spoil them both!"

Xue an said with a smile, "my daughter, who am I not used to?"? Let's go to dinner


An Yan shook his head, "do not like to eat!"

"Then go to the steak?"

Xue Xiang and Xue Nian shook their heads, "don't like to eat!"

"What shall we eat?"

"Whatever you want The three women answered in unison.

Xue an wry smile, women like to say, as if is a random two words.

Anyway, it's OK. Xue an leads the family to walk slowly along the road.

Just walked a section of the road, in front of a monopoly of Kanto cooking and fried buns of roadside stalls, also known as housing platform in r country.

An Yan's eyes brightened.

"Just eat this!"

Xue an is a little sad, ran to r country to eat fried string.

But the wife likes to eat, Xue an naturally has no opinion.

A family was sitting around the table. The owner of the stall was a middle-aged man. As soon as he saw the guests, he began to be busy.

This kind of roadside food has a strong taste, in order to conquer your taste buds in the first bite.

At least an Yan and the two little girls are happy to eat.

Xue an was watching with a smile.

The stall owner secretly thumbs up to Xue an, and then whispers, "Sir, you have an enviable family!"

Xue an smiles.

A lot of curious people are attracted to this family.

After all, Anyan's momentum is elegant, and the two girls are delicate and lovely. They are not ordinary families, but they eat cheap food on the roadside, which naturally attracts people's attention.

Just at this time, a Mercedes Benz slowly stopped at the side of the road, and then a door opened, a woman swayed and walked down.

As soon as the woman appeared, she attracted the attention of the whole street.

She was dressed in a well cut evening dress, split to the thigh, walking up a pair of long legs looming, particularly attractive.

But the most eye-catching thing is the woman's two towering mountains, each step, seems to be shaking.

The men couldn't help but look straight into their eyes.

The woman went to the front of the house with a smile and said in fluent Chinese, "let's have Kanto. Don't cook it!"

This makes the stall owner all silly.

Then the woman smiles at xue'an and reaches out her hand, "Hello, Mr. Xue! Nice to meet you. My name is pine flying flower

Xue an looked at this enchanting woman calmly, "do you know me?"

Pine flying flowers a smile, "now the world, who does not know a sword to break the sword immortal, one hand to kill the immortal door of Mr. Xue?"

Said, pine flying flowers very naturally sit to Xue an side, such as silk eyes at him.

"But what I didn't expect is that Mr. Xue is so young and handsome. It's really hard for people to scratch their hearts."

This sound is beautiful, and it will drip out of the water.

At least that stall owner blushed and looked silly.

Xue an but gently shook his head, "before I lose patience, leave quickly, or..."

Pine flying flowers chuckled: "what else?"

Xue an looked at her coldly, "otherwise, I will send you on the road."

Pine flying flowers did not understand, a wisp of sword from her ear, directly cut off the bun of her hair, green hair pouring down.

The pine flying flowers were as pale as paper.

"You..."Xue an lowered his eyes and said faintly, "don't come to try me out. I came to r just to find something. After I find it, I will leave. But if anyone dares to stop me..."

"Then I will stop the killing of the Buddha

This is full of murderous spirit, let the pine tree flying flower all over the body slightly tremble, dejected to get up, "yes, my Lord!"

Then he ran away in a hurry.

Anyan stopped his chopsticks, patted his stomach and said, "eat well! Husband, let's go back! "

It seems that just everything, she did not see the same.

Xue an smiles and says, "good! Go back

Pine flying flowers sitting in the car, the whole body is still slightly shaking, and look at Xue Anyuan's back with frightened eyes.

This man looks elegant and handsome, but he has a tyrannosaurus like heart.

And the most unforgettable thing about pine flying flowers is Xue Ana's indifferent and aloof eyes.

In front of his eyes, he seems to have been stripped of his clothes, all the secrets are hidden.

"Where are we going, master?" Asked the driver.

"Return to the capital club!" Pine flying flowers bite their teeth.

When he returned to the villa that Takeuchi had prepared for him alone, the two girls who had been playing for a day had already fallen asleep in Xue an's arms.

Xue an put them on the bed and walked out of the bedroom.

An Yan hands in Xue an's shoulder, jiaochen way: "husband, you did not eat, now hungry?"

Xue an a smile, "do you say?"

"Then I'll give you a bowl of noodles!"

Said an Yan went to the kitchen.

Looking at an Yan busy back, Xue an slightly sighed.

At the beginning, when he returned home after finishing work on the construction site, Anyan ignored the pregnant body and insisted on cooking for himself.

Because at that time, life was in short supply, and all we could do was a bowl of noodles.

But an Yan always hides a poached egg in it.

That's the best they could eat at that time.

Thinking of this, Xue an felt infinite guilt.

This woman has paid too much for herself.

The noodles were soon cooked, and Anyan carefully cut a few scallions.

Xue an took a big bite, and a familiar smell spread in his mouth.

"Honey, is it delicious?"

Xue an nods.

This is the best bowl of noodles he has ever had.

Only experienced people will understand, the world to taste is Qinghuan! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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