Ginza club.

Tokyo's big mafia families are all here at the moment.

There are also wells, Matsushita and other major chaebols are also present.

It can be said that any one in this room is a big man outside.

But many people don't even have seats.

Because all the people who can sit here are the top ones in country R.

"If you want me to say, Xue an, the Chinese martial arts man, is really deceiving people. Since he came, the chunei Qingzi has become more and more arrogant." Said a dark faced mafia boss.

"Yes! Our family also suffered a lot of losses! This Xue an has to be removed! " Some echoed.

People in the room began to talk about it, but the theme was how to get rid of xue'an.

At this time, a cold voice came, "sister pine, you look so bad, what's the matter?"

The crowd did not dare to speak.

See a beautiful almost demon man is very interested in looking at the pine flying flowers.

Pine flying flower face red, shook his head, "it's OK, it's just that the body is not comfortable."

The man leaned on the sofa, a faint smile, "I heard that the pine sister went to contact this Xue an, but I don't know what you think of this person?"

People's eyes gathered on the pine flying flowers, and some people secretly swallowed their saliva.

This woman It's just amazing.

"I can't describe this man, but he said personally that he came to r to look for something. As long as he found him, he would go away."

"Oh? Looking for something? What is it? " The man frowned slightly.

"I don't know!" The pine flying flower shook her head and looked pale.

Because she recalled what she saw that night, especially Xue an's eyes.

The man sneered, "don't you know? Is that not to say that if he can't find it all his life, he will never leave? "

Pine flying flowers dare not speak.

This beautiful man who seems to be a woman is mingshifeng, who once ruled the underground world of Tokyo for seven or eight years.

Pine flying flower knows that this man is moody and has deep roots. He has contacts with several Kendo successors of r country.

So even she didn't dare to offend her.

Mingshifeng looks at several photos taken secretly on the table, and a cold smile appears in the corner of his mouth.

"There is a saying in China that Qianlong does not oppress the local snake. Since you are here, I will treat you well!"

He said, "you can't help but be a member of the country."

Mingshi Feng nodded, "of course I know this, but I have been prepared."

With that, mingshifeng stood up and went to the window.

"Look, the mid Yuan Festival is coming, and all families are busy making prayer flags to commemorate their ancestors."

This nonsense made everyone in the room not know why.

Mingshifeng then said: "every year, people from Beichen Daoliu, Shinto wunianliu and Juhe Badao society will come to the Asakusa temple in Kyoto to offer sacrifices, and this year is no exception."

Pine flying flowers all over the body a shock, the face flashed a terrible light.

"There are also Sakata Guiren from the Nari shrine, and the Takahara court of Juhe shrine. I have invited all these people this year."

Mingshi Feng's face flashed a morbid excitement.

"And every year on the mid Yuan Festival, the big Heidao families also come to the Qiancao temple to offer sacrifices."

"I don't believe that Xue an really has three heads and six arms. Even if there are, I will cut him off one by one."

All the people in the room could not help smiling and nodding in succession, "Mr. Mingshi's strategy is incomparable indeed!"

Only the eyes of the flying pine trees twinkled, and I was a little suspicious.

Is it really that simple?

And in the time of public discussion, a young man with a black long knife on his back walked into Tokyo in the moonlight.

"Tokyo has changed so much since so many years ago." Watanabe Qingming looks at the high-rise buildings flashing neon and whispers.

But behind the city's brilliance, there is a corner with a dark atmosphere.

It seems to feel this kind of breath. The long knife is shaking slightly. It seems that he can't wait.

Watanabe said with a smile, "don't worry, Lord devil. I will let you drink blood on that day."

"Master Inside the house, he called respectfully.

Xue an nodded. "What's the news?"

"Not yet, but tomorrow will be the mid Yuan Festival. According to the Convention, every family will go to Qiancao temple to offer sacrifices. In the past years, my father went there. This year..."

Chunei Qingzi's face flashed a look of embarrassment.

After all, she had not been in charge of Zhunei's family for a long time, and her prestige was not achieved. Only by virtue of xue'an's prestige, did she convince the public.This time, it was a family gathering. She was worried that if she went alone, she would have a change.

Xue an nodded, "tomorrow, I will go too!"

"Thank you, master Takeuchi said happily.

"Dad, what is the mid Yuan Festival? Is it fun? " Xue wanted to ask.

She has not said anything yet.

"Miss, this mid Yuan Festival is a very important festival in Kyoto. On this day, every family will make prayer flags to commemorate the dead, and major temples will hold Dharma meetings to exorcise the dead, and there will also be a grand fireworks show! It's very lively

Xue wanted to hear it.

"Dad, can we go too?"

"Of course you can." Xue an said with a smile.

An Yan some hesitation, "husband, those people are ferocious, we went will not hinder?"

Xue an faint smile, "in my hand, there is no beast that can not be tamed, rest assured!"

Meijia is always absent-minded these two days.

Her colleague, who is also a good friend, found something different and asked with concern: "Meijia, what's the matter with you? I've been on edge these days? "

Meijia shook her head. "It's OK. It's just that I'm bored."

"Tomorrow is the mid Yuan Festival. I heard that this year's Qiancao Temple fireworks are more grand. Let's go and have a look! By the way, I'll give you a break

As soon as benqiao Meijia hesitated, He Tian Baihui came forward and shook her shoulder, "OK! Go with me

This bridge Meijia wryly smiles, "good! But I have to wear sunglasses and a mask! "

She didn't want to be recognized by fans. It was a horrible scene.

"Mm-hmm! Meijia is the best! "

Meijia of this bridge smiles, but the figure of the man appears in her eyes.

She knew what happened in Tianyi temple, and all the deities died.

Is it the mysterious man who did this?

I don't know if I can see him! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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