The day of Zhongyuan Festival finally arrived.

Since the morning, people have come to Qiancao temple to offer incense.

On a wooden building behind the Asakusa temple, three handsome men are standing in front of the window chatting.

"Jiyongtaro, do you believe that the incense burned by these people will be received by the dead?" Asked the youngest man, smiling.

Jiyongtaro, the world's sword master, shook his head and said, "this is just a way to repose my sorrow."

The other man covered his nose and laughed, "it seems that Ono is afraid."

Ono glared, "Qiushan, you don't talk nonsense here. Who says I'm afraid?"

"Oh? If you are not afraid, why ask these strange questions? You're also a descendant of Juhe's Sabre drawing technique! "

Ono Yukie's face is gloomy, staring at this sissy man.

Qiushan Falcon fight, Beichen yidaoliu sect leader.

These three people represent the highest level of Kendo in country R.

"Well, Qiushan, don't say a word. Xue an is really powerful. When we kill him, we have to work together!" Ji yongtaro whispered.

Qiushan Falcon fight from the nostrils cold hum a, "I don't believe how powerful he can be."

"If it's not serious, how did a leaf of Qianshan Mountain, which flows with wisdom in the mirror heart, die?" Yoshino Ono has a cold voice.

"Ha ha, as a warrior of great r country, the most important thing is to have the belief of winning. That guy in Qianshan Yiye is too pedantic and deserves to die!" Autumn mountain Falcon fight cold voice.

Three people are talking, mingshifeng walked upstairs, followed by Sakata Guiren and others.

In particular, the appearance of pine flying flowers makes the atmosphere in the room more relaxed.

Seeing this scene, Qiushan Falcon fight could not help but sneer: "how? With these people present, even if Xue an was born in this world, he would have to break his halberd here. What would he do? "

Ono Yousuke can't help but shut his mouth.

By the end of the night.

Xue an takes an Yan and others to the outside of the temple.


The open space outside the Qiancao temple is full of people and lively.


A fireworks exploded in mid air.

Bright fireworks let everyone low exclaimed.

"Dad, Dad, look! Fireworks, so beautiful Xue Xiang and Xue Nian are very excited.

Xue an looks up with a smile.

See a fireworks one after another, reflecting half of the sky are bright.

At this time, benqiao Meijia and heta Huizi are also looking up at the fireworks.

"How beautiful He Tian Hui son exclaimed, and then closed his eyes as if matter of fact, and began to make a wish.

"What are you doing?" Benqiao asked with a smile.

"Wish, haven't you heard of it? A wish to a meteor will come true! "

"But now there are fireworks in the sky!"

"It's bright anyway. It should be the same!"

Meijia shook her head helplessly, then hesitated and closed her eyes.

Maybe, I'll see him again!

But when she had made her wish, she could not help laughing at her stupidity.

How could that be possible?

But when she slowly opened her eyes, she saw a familiar figure.

Benqiao Meijia can't help but freeze.

"Meijia, let's go in," he said

There was no response.

Hetian Huizi a Leng, and then along the bridge Meijia line of sight to see, but did not find anything strange.

"Meijia, what's the matter with you?"

This bridge Meijia takes a deep breath, "it's OK, you wait for me to be able to!"

Then he stepped forward and summoned up his courage.

Xue an was listening to the bickering between her two daughters.

"This fireworks is beautiful!"

"Nonsense, this one looks good!"

"Well, I don't care about you!"

"Don't pay attention to it, big greedy ghost snack goods!" Xue wants to make a face at Xue Nian.

Xue Nian was so angry that baozi's face was red, but he couldn't think of any way to fight back. Finally, his aggrieved eyes burst into an Yan's arms with tears in his eyes.

"Mom, my sister bullied me again!"

Anyan couldn't laugh or cry, so she pretended to be angry and said to Xue, "think about it, how can you do this?"

When Xue Nian heard his mother support him, he couldn't help but feel proud and wanted to squeeze his eyes.

Can an Yan then said: "even if they are, you can't say it out!"

Xue Nian could not stop her tears.

Xue an was smiling, and a timid voice came from behind.

"Hello, may I ask..."

Xue an turned her head and saw the female star she saw in yunzhuoshan. She couldn't help but feel a little stunned. Then she laughed and said, "so clever!"Meijia felt her heart pounding and stammered, "well I came here to see the fireworks too, and I just saw you

Xue an nodded slightly.

What else does benqiao Meijia want to say, but suddenly some words are poor.

After a few seconds, an Yan whispered: "husband, let's go inside! Qingzi has gone in! "


Xue an is gone.

Meijia of the bridge stood in situ, unable to say what it was like.

At this time, Hetian Huizi came over and said with exaggeration: "Meijia, no wonder you are absent-minded. It turns out that you are in love with a handsome man."

This bridge Meijia wryly smile, "Huizi, you don't talk nonsense, people have families!"

OTA Huizi a tongue out, "I also saw, that lady good temperament! Ah, what's the name of this man? Is it the son of some big tycoon? "

Benqiao Meijia was pale and shook her head, "I I don't know his name! "

"What?" Keiko OTA thought she had heard the wrong thing.

"Don't even know the name?"

"I just ran into him that day!" Meijia said softly.

At the moment, Xue an led his family into the temple.

There are a lot of people in this thousand year old temple.

Outside the side hall, there were men in black, and all the passers-by quickened their pace involuntarily, thinking of leaving here as soon as possible.

Xue an ascended the steps.

"Stop, it's not open today. Please go elsewhere!" A man stopped Xue an's way and said coldly.

"Get out of the way!" Xue an said lightly.

The man in the way frowned slightly, "once again, it's not open to the public today!"

Xue an looks at him.

An invisible pressure made all the people around look pale.

A look of horror flashed in the man's eyes.

At this moment, a chubby man stood at the door and said, "get out of here!"

Then the man sneered at xue'an.

"You must be Mr. Xue from China?"

Xue an nodded slightly.

"I am the owner of the well house, the true meaning of the well! Please The man said coldly, his eyes full of uncontrollable anger.

Xue an laughed, and then led an Yan into the hall. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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