Watanabe Qingming stands on the top of a high-rise building. Not far from his feet is the bustling crowd in front of the gate of Asakusa temple.

"What an intoxicating taste! And I can smell the strong blood of many warriors. Lord demon, this time, you can recover as before

Said Watanabe Qingming slowly pulled out the long knife from behind.

In the eyes suddenly emerged two groups of ghost fire, and then drink a sound, a knife out.

A flame, darker than the night, floated in the air.

The moon in the sky was gradually covered by clouds, and it seemed that she could not bear to see the scene below.

"Ghosts At night After Watanabe finished reading these four words, the whole person's expression is extremely decadent, tottering, almost fell downstairs.

But with his voice landing, from the black flame, a shadow floating out.

No skull woman, big dog, quiet valley sound, do not know fire.

Many ghosts and monsters in the legend of country R have emerged.

Then they all went straight to the crowd below.

The evil spirit soars to the sky.

The atmosphere in the temple is also dignified to the extreme.

Many Heidao aristocratic families and the people of the major chaebols all stand behind mingshifeng.

Xue an sits at the other end.

"My highness Xue an, I'm very curious. What are the things you're talking about coming to r to look for?" Mingshi Maple light said.

Different from each other's strong momentum, Xue an only a few people behind.

But even so, Xue an's face is still calm as usual.

"Want to know?" Xue an said lightly.

"Of course

"But you need your life to pay the price. Do you want to hear it?"

Mr. Xue, you are a Chinese warrior. I respect you, but you can't disturb the rules of the underground world in Tokyo

"Rules?" Xue an faint smile, "to me, what I say is the rule!"

This is the most arrogant words, let all people change color.

A lot of people even snorted.

In particular, I wish I could eat Xue an at the moment.

After all, his son died under xue'an.

Mingshifeng, with a gloomy face, suddenly looked at Anyan and others behind him, and said faintly, "Mr. Xue, you come with your family. Are you not afraid to implicate them? As long as you quit Tokyo, we'll treat it as nothing happened! It's not hard for you

Xue an smile, gently shook his head, "you still don't understand, that thing, I'm bound to get, you who dare to stop me, I'll kill who!"

Mingshifeng finally couldn't help it, and said angrily, "do it!"

At an order, the ceiling suddenly broke, and then a man came straight to Xue an with a sword.

At the same time, a man burst out of the floor under his feet and stabbed Xue an.

It's the same outside the window.

Three people and three swords, and the momentum is amazing, so that people in the room feel that their faces are cut by the overflowing sword Qi.

That's not all.

Sakata Guiren also suddenly roared, "big day Tathagata seal!"

A noble and pure momentum emanated from him, and then came straight to xue'an.

Da Yuan's chongze chicken thief raised his hand and several extremely sinister sleeve arrows flew towards Xue an.

It's almost a dead end.

Mingshi Maple mouth emerged a trace of complacent smile.

Gods can't avoid such a killing!

This Xue an is still too big.

And in the field, only pine flying flowers pale, slowly back away.

Because only she understood.

It's not that simple at all!

Sure enough.

Xue an, who has been sitting there motionless like a mountain, slowly raises her eyes, and the light in his eyes is as bright as stars.

"Well, you're on your own!"

Mingshifeng is stunned and doesn't know what Xue an is talking about.

Xue an waves his hand and directly smashes the sword of Qiushan Falcon fighting, which shows a proud smile on his face, and then flicks his finger.

The head of the swordsman with a knife flow from Beichen was smashed.

Then Xue an suddenly slapped the table in front of him.

The table broke, and the spatter of sawdust turned into the most terrible weapon, and all the people who rushed to it were shot into a sieve.

And that's not over.

Xue an suddenly stamped his foot and raised his eyebrows.

"I said, in the face of absolute power, all intrigues are futile! So, you all die

After that, Xue an punched out.

Move the world!

The first form of the six forms of killing God is coming into the world again.


The whole side hall was blown over directly, and Mingshi Maple's face was extremely frightened and yelled, "no..."And then it was blasted into powder.

Even the power of this fist was so powerful that half of the Qiancao temple was blown to the ground.

These painstaking calculations, ready to let Xue an's death, all the people on the scene directly into nothingness.

There was only a pine flying flower, who was hiding fast, who narrowly picked up a life and was crouching in the corner shivering.

Because the moon is gone.

Originally should be prosperous city, at this moment the silence is strange, can hear only from the hell devil howl.

"A hundred Night trip of all ghosts As a native of R, of course, I am deeply impressed by this legend.

But who would have thought that one day they would witness it.

As for those watching the crowd outside the temple, the death and injury are even more serious.

Countless people have been reduced to the mouth of demons and ghosts.

Benqiao Meijia and Keiko OTA are hiding in a corner in horror.

Not far from them, there was a child who seemed to be four or five years old.

Mountain boy!

The legendary monster of r country.

With blood on his mouth, he was looking for new food.

Benqiao Meijia and Hetian Huizi even dare not to go out of the atmosphere and hide in the corner.

All of a sudden, the boy found something and ran straight for them.

Keiko OTA screamed with fright.

Benqiao Meijia closes her eyes in despair.

He must be dead now!

Just then, a cold voice came from the air.

"If the devil comes out, do you really think that nobody can control you in this world?"

The voice How familiar.

Benqiao Meijia opened her eyes and saw a scene that impressed her for life.

Xue an was standing in the air with a grim look, just like an immortal falling from the sky.

In his distance, Watanabe is already half human and half demon.

At the moment of Watanabe's Tomb Sweeping Day, Jie Jie chuckled strangely, "who is the warrior of China? Ha ha, it's a pity You are all late. Now the devil has taken enough blood to eat. You will be king in the world. You will all die

Xue an said with a faint smile, "I It's your demon lord

After saying that, Xue an stepped out and the blood lotus rose under his feet.

Then it turned into fire of Tianye and covered all the demons and ghosts under his feet.

Ghosts and monsters howled, and even the ability to resist, it turned into nothing.

And at this moment, a majestic voice that only wanted to worship remembered.

"You mortals, Baqi is here!"

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