With the words, from the sword behind Watanabe Ching Ming, a monster with five snake heads rises slowly.

The endless pressure is frightening to everyone.

Respectfully, he knelt down on the other side

Baqi looks at xue'an. Among the five cold and evil snake eyes, there is greed.

"What a beautiful body. If it is sent by me, there will be no one in the world who can be my opponent!"

This scene, also let pine flying flowers heartbroken.

Baqi snake.

The legendary god of R.

Is it real?

And it looks like it's not good for Xue an!

Chunei Qingzi and others are also dignified at the moment.

Only Xue an, pale, "after looking for a long time, you finally show up!"

Eight Qi tiny a Leng, "mortal, what do you want me to do?"

Xue an showed a few white teeth and laughed, "of course It's your life

After that, Xue an's man turned into a streamer and appeared directly in front of Baqi. Then he grabbed a snake's head with one hand and made a sudden effort.


There was a dull noise.

Xue an actually pulled off a snake's head.

The blood was splashed everywhere.

Baqi cried out in pain.

"Mortal, I will grind you up a little bit!" Baqi roared, the snake suddenly split apart, and then appeared a very strong sword.

"Sky cluster cloud sword!" The pine trees and flowers screamed.

It is said that there is a sword in Baqi's body, which is the day Congyun sword.

At the moment, Baqi gradually transformed into a human figure, holding Tiancong cloud sword. Jie Jie said with a strange smile: "today, I will let you know that the devil is invincible!"

With that, he swung his sword.

The sharpness of Tiancong cloud sword even leaves a sword mark in the air, just like cutting through the space.

The most powerful sword also blew Xue an away.

Then fall into the night sky, do not know how life and death.

Meijia of this bridge was shocked and couldn't help exclaiming.

And out of the side hall of an Yan also can not help but be shocked.


Her shouts, let that complacent eight Qi demon God hear, bow a look, then then be stunned.

"You You You are... " Baqi's whole body was shaking, as if to see something terrible.

At the moment, Xue and I waved my fist and thought, "I dare to beat the octopus!"

In the eyes of the two girls, Baqi is like a big octopus.

Without waiting for an Yan to speak, Baqi turns around and runs.

This let pine flying flowers and others for shock.

What's going on?

How did this eight Qi demon God run away when he saw an Yan?

Even Watanabe was stunned.

"Lord devil, why run?"

Baqi roared: "if you don't run, you can't even save your life. Let's go!"

But at this time, an earthshaking momentum came, and then a indifferent voice said.

"Want to run? It's too late

Said, Xue an's body shape suddenly appeared in front of Baqi, a few snakeheads seized it.


Shengsheng pulled off two snake heads.

Baqi was so angry that he raised his sword and cut it.

But now, Xue an didn't even dodge and directly grasped the so-called invincible Tiancong cloud sword.

"He He A breakthrough? " Pine flying flowers exclaimed.

That's right.

Xue an finally broke through the frontier and entered the Sanxian.

However, his immortals are more than 100 times stronger than others.

"It's blowing very hard. It's not as good as Xuanyuan sword and other artifacts." Xue an light said, and then a force.


Tiancong cloud sword is broken.

This sword is also the essence of Baqi. If it is broken, it will immediately damage Baqi's strength.

Then Xue an kicked it to the ground.

Watanabe is in a daze at the moment, and Xue an also throws it to the ground.

As soon as he landed, Baqi saw an Yan and retreated in horror.

Xue an stood with a negative hand and said faintly, "now, can you tell me why I want to seal my wife?"

At this time, Baqi's figure knelt on the ground and said in a trembling voice, "my Lord, I How dare I seal your wife


Another snake's head was cut off.

Baqi cried out in pain.

Xue an said: "no seal? What's the evil spirit in your body? ""My Lord, I did not seal her. That day, I attached myself to the magic sword and went to China with Watanabe Qingming. As a result, I ran into her. At that time, she was confused, so I asked Watanabe to catch her in r country! But... "

Baqi's eyes flashed a look of panic.

"But there was a terrible flame rising from her. Although I was only slightly contaminated, it made me very weak. Finally, I had to seal her with all my accomplishments. My Lord, I didn't say a word of falsehood!" Eight Qi frightened said.

It is very clear that in front of people like Xue an, if one word is wrongly said, it will be the end of all gods and spirits.

And now it's wondering, who the hell is this man?

Why can be so fierce, even to the point of hegemony.

An Yan's face gradually became pale, and shook his head at Xue an.

"Husband I don't remember anything about that day! "

Xue an heartache smile, "nothing, one day will remember!"

At this time, Baqi took the opportunity to escape.

Because he knows that if Xue an wants to break the seal, he must kill himself.

but now that Xue an has already connected several heads, how can he be Xue an's opponent when his strength is greatly damaged.

Xue an stepped out, went directly behind it, and punched out.

"Ah, ah, ah, I don't want to die..."

The cry stopped abruptly.

Baqi's magic body disappeared in this blow.

And at the same time.

An obscure breath disappears from an Yan.

Anyan felt that the whole body's Qi machine was smooth a lot.

But then, a fire enough to destroy the world rose from an Yan.

The power is so great that even the scream of the nearest Watanabe Qingming has not time to send out, it turns into nothingness.

Xue an's face, which had been in a state of turmoil, also showed a look of horror.

"The flame of annihilation, how can it be?"

Anyan was not aware of this, and the flame lasted for only a few seconds, and a runzhuan that made heaven and earth tremble was lit on Anyan's forehead.

Then the flame gradually disappeared.

Xue an's face was ugly, and he gritted his teeth.

"Seal of fairy king!"

An Yan at the moment still have no sense, slowly walked over, some fear said: "husband, what's the matter?"

Xue an takes a deep breath and smiles, "it's OK!"

Said Xue an put on an Yan's arm, with the mind to explore the breath in her body.


A tremendous mental force suddenly appeared.

In Xue an's spiritual world, a pair of huge eyes slowly opened.

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