Fan Mengxue was shocked thousands of feet away, until Anyan rushed forward to catch her, she was barely standing.

"Mengxue, how are you?" An Yan asks anxiously.

Fan Mengxue waved her hand to indicate that she was ok, but with her action, a trace of blood oozed slowly along the corner of her mouth, which was obviously injured.

Even so, her eyebrows and eyes were still full of chilly color, and then coldly looked at the heartless.

"The word" defeat has been decided "is for your own use

Words fall, fan Mengxue body suddenly a shock, this into black fog, toward the landing merciless then rushed over.

"Fall heartless sneer a," is really dead don't know to regret! "

Then he waved.


After a loud noise, fan Mengxue's black fog almost dissipated, and her figure fell out.

But in this instant, fan Mengxue suddenly gave a big drink.

"Right now!"

With that, the black fog around her turned into a rope and tied her hands and feet.

At the same time, Tang xuan'er shows her figure behind him and stabs him in the back of his head.

This attack condensed Tang xuan'er's whole body strength, and came to the back of his head with the power of lightning.

Fall merciless, a fright, then want to fight back, but at this time fan Mengxue but firmly trapped his hands and feet.

Caught off guard, he could not help roaring.

"Bitches want to die!"

Then, a huge imperial seal appeared on the top of his head, and scattered hundreds of millions of light, which enveloped him.

Bang bang!

After millisecond light, fan Mengxue's black light immediately disappeared and retreated.

After Tang Xuaner's attack touched these millirays, all the attacks dissipated in an instant, and then he was shocked out.

"Goddess fan!"

"Goddess xuan'er!"

This scene instantly spread all over the world through the live camera, and countless people lost their voices and exclaimed.

The people present were more inclined to crack their eyes, especially one of them had a drink.

"Dare to hurt the person I like, I'm fighting with you today!"

With the voice, but see a bright sword light suddenly, straight stab down merciless.

However, the attack was so ruthless that he didn't even look at it. With a wave of his hand, the sword light was shattered, and then the comer flew back faster than when he came.

But soon, several swords came and saved him.

"How about Lao Tao?" Asked the night sky.

Tao Zhuxing wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, "don't worry, you can't die!"

Seeing this, Ding Xiaochen stretched out his thumb and exclaimed, "Lao Tao, you are just so awesome. You dare to attack Xiandi for the sake of women!"

Night sky bright also nodded, "I didn't expect this guy to be so bold!"

That's right!

The man who just made the sword was Tao Zhuhang, the leader of the shaopai sect of Zhuhang sword sect.

He was saved by yebufan, the elder Xijian man, yekongming, and Ding Xiaochen, the descendant of Chenguang mountain.

They are young sword repair because they were injured in the pure land Buddhist battlefield, so they returned to the earth for recuperation.

I didn't expect that it happened soon after I came back.

However, these young swordsmen were not afraid of anything. Instead, they began to fight with xuanming mausoleum and others directly.

And this Tao Zhuxing has always been in love with fan Mengxue, so just after he saw fan Mengxue injured, he would rush to the crown, knowing that he was defeated, he still launched an attack.

Although he lost unexpectedly, his strike also won time for fan Mengxue and Tang Xuaner.

Therefore, fan Mengxue can't help nodding slightly to Tao Zhuxing after standing still, which can be regarded as an expression of thanks.

Tao Zhuxing grinned and felt that his injuries were no longer painful.

In fact, he is very clear that his admiration is impossible to get any response, because when he was in Xingyu of sword palace before, he saw fan Mengxue's eyes looking at Xue an with his own eyes.

That's something he'll never be able to achieve in his life.

But he is willing to do so.

In his own words, I just like her. As for whether she likes me or not, it's her business and has nothing to do with me.

But at this time, the momentum of Dou yin'an and others suddenly soared.

Then he looked up at the sky and laughed, "the seal is going to disappear, I think you can hold on for a long time!"

With the voice, you can see that a huge emperor Dharma appeared behind him.

Although not as powerful as at the beginning, his strength is rapidly recovering.

Seeing this, everyone was shocked, and many people were even more desperate.Because the gap in strength is so big that people don't even have the desire to do it.

But just then, a young cry came from behind the crowd.


Under the word, an indescribable Qi is instantly added to the body of falling ruthlessness.

He felt that his Qi and blood suddenly became stagnant, and even his breathing became very unhappy.

This kind of feeling makes him very uncomfortable, can't help but angry abnormal look at the speaker.

At the same time.

The whole audience also looked at the voice.

But see Niannian face pale standing there, small body constantly trembling, obviously under great pressure, even so, she still did not flinch, but firmly gaze down mercilessly.

"Seal again!"

Another light drink, Dou Yin after the settlement of the emperor Dharma prime minister began to boom collapse, from the beginning of the height of thousands of feet to only a hundred feet in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, his prestige began to shrink.

This time, not only is the fall merciless, even Dou Yinan and others can not help but face the color of horror.

Because they can clearly feel that although Xue an's blood is surging on the little girl, she is a mortal who has no spiritual power.

But why could such a mortal be the strong one of banbu xianzun twice?

Could it be that.

Fall merciless first thought of what, eyes can not help but show a strong color of greed.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that Xue an's blood descendant could have such a powerful talent. If you give it to me, I will be rewarded by you!"

With that, he reached for Niannian with a strange smile.

Anyan and all of them roared and rushed forward to stop.

But Dou Yinan and others stopped them at this time.

Although Dou Yinan is very jealous and ruthless, he also understands that it is not the time to turn his face around. He must unite and cooperate to complete the tasks assigned by the adults, otherwise they will all die!

Seeing that the merciless hand is about to touch Niannian's body, Anyan screams in despair.

But at this time, a beautiful girl with bare feet suddenly appeared before reciting, and then listened to her light way.

"I don't care what you do, but these two little girls are not what you can touch, so..."

Yue Qinghuan raised his eyes and said in a cold voice, "get out of here!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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