
The heartless palm of his hand was directly broken, and his eyes also showed an infinite color of horror.

Then his whole body began to shake wildly, and there was a big sweat on his forehead.

Because he felt the same breath as his master from Yue Qinghuan.

The smell made him almost kneel.

But Yue Qinghuan didn't even look at him. He turned around to think and read with a smile.

"Don't worry, no one dares to do anything to you with my sister. But don't try to be brave again, or you will be in danger. Do you understand?"

Looking at Yue Qinghuan's back, he took a deep breath and immediately turned to leave.

And this scene also shocked the whole audience and even the whole world.

"Who is this mysterious girl? Why do I feel that she is afraid of her? "

"Love, love, sister just cried down, the appearance of ruthless roll is so handsome!"

The Internet is boiling, many people look at Yue Qinghuan and think Niannian standing together, feel a kind of unspeakable ease.

After all, from the beginning to the present, the pressure on the whole earth brought by powerful people such as luomerciless is too great.

Now this existence which makes countless strong people feel desperate is directly drunk back by a mysterious girl of unknown origin.

How can this not be cheering.

Many people even began to wonder whether the Yueqing party would completely drive away Luo merciless and others.

But at this time, has been silent to think, suddenly raised his head, face is full of solemn words.

"The seal on them is gone!"

Sure enough.

When her words had just finished, the last seal on Luo merciless and others disappeared completely.

Then the boundless power returned to him.

Banbu xianzun's authority made the earth begin to show huge cracks.

But this time, she didn't dare to shout directly. Instead, she took a very careful look at Yue Qinghuan. Seeing that she didn't seem to care about herself, she was relieved.

Then he said to Zhuge Zang with a grim smile, "old Zhuge, what else do you have now?"

Zhuge Zang shook his head and grinned bitterly. "Without him, there is only a fight to death!"

"Ha ha, fight to the death? Do you think I will give you this opportunity? "

Fall merciless suddenly sneer, and then behind the emperor law phase again soared, blink of an eye will occupy most of the sky.

And then he looked down on the whole world and cheered in a very dignified voice.

"When I am in the world, you should all submit to me, but don't kneel down!"

Under a sound, the majestic power instantly broke through the earth's law of heaven.

Where they passed, countless plants and birds fell to their knees immediately.

And ordinary people can not hold on for long, then also kneel down in the dust.

In the blink of an eye, the world is still standing only the presence of the strong.

But they are just struggling to support it.

At least a lot of weak people are kneeling one by one.

Looking at the humiliating color on the kneeling face, Luo merciless and Dou Yinan can't help laughing.

Laughter is full of endless arrogance and rampancy.

But at this time, think of the small face suddenly burst out a smile.


"What's back?" Niannian asked.

"It's dad! Dad's back! "

As soon as the words fell, a slight sound of breaking came from the sky.

Then he saw a small crack on the black iron sky.

These cracks are just like the patterns after lightning strike, shining with bright brilliance.

At this time, everyone noticed the difference and couldn't help looking up.

Even Yue Qinghuan's eyes were full of amazement.

"How can you even break the rules?"

But believe it or not, the scene in front of her really happened.

Fall merciless also reaction come over at this time, then then startle angry to add of roar a.

"Start at once and kill everyone!"

If so, Dou Yinan and others will start immediately.

But it's too late.

With a click, the black iron sky, which had covered the whole sky, broke in an instant, and the long lost glow of the sun and moon shone in.

And faster than the glow, it is a faint figure.

I saw him appear in front of Luo merciless and others in a moment, and then blow out a punch.

It's just a simple punch.

But it contains the supreme anger, and carries the power of destroying the world to fall merciless and others.

Fall heartless suddenly color change, because even half step immortal Zun of he, at the moment all felt a piercing chill.

He had no doubt that if he was hit by this blow, he would be seriously injured!This doesn't forbid him to shake all over, and then he dodges without hesitation.

It was Dou Yinan who hid faster than him.

In fact, when he saw the figure, Dou Yinan had already quietly hidden behind the crowd.

The two of them dodged, but the elite of the Imperial Palace, xuanming mausoleum and Jingyue division were out of luck.

There was only a boom.

The powerful zongmen who had just occupied a large area of the sky were directly shocked by this blow.

Until then, the earth people just react, and then burst out a huge cheer.

"Mr. Xue!"

"Xue shenzun is invincible!"

"Xue shenzun ox!"

People yell at the top of their lungs to vent their joy.

An Yan is to grow a breath, then feel oneself whole body muscle all ache matchless.

It's a stress response to sudden stress relief.

We can imagine what suffering she suffered during this period.

Zhuge Zang even more stroked his beard and laughed, "fortunately, I finally caught up, otherwise I would have to account for this old bone!"

All the noise and shouting did not disturb Xue an.

At the moment, he is looking at the opposite person with extremely cold eyes.

Eyes over the place, even if it is down heartless, can't help shaking all over.

But soon, he said in a cold voice, "Xue an, I didn't expect that your ability is so great that even the blockade given by the adults can be broken, but do you think it's over?"

But before he finished, Xue an shook his head. "Of course it's not over."

Then Xue an gave a smile.

"Because you're not dead, how can this be done?"

Words fall, Xue an rushed up again.

"Arrogant, do you really think I'm afraid of you?" He let out a roar and then winked at Dou Yinan.

Dou Yin was relieved to lead the meeting, and then withdrew to contain Xue an.

The remaining strong men also scattered and planned to besiege Xue an.

In their view, this is a sure thing.

Because no matter how powerful Xue an is, he is only the Immortal Emperor.

Now there is a half step immortal, an Immortal Emperor, and several immortal kings.

It's enough to hang him.

But their wishful thinking was mercilessly smashed before it started.

Because they haven't been waiting for each other to disperse, they just hear a dull sound.

A fairy king elder in the palace of the emperor was directly shocked to pieces of his head! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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