At the same time, the man appeared behind Xue an like a ghost, and then raised his hand to blow a blow.

Many people screamed at this.

"Be careful, Mr. Xue!"

But at this time, Xue an Huoran turned around, and then also raised his fist to blow out, just with the man rushing to blow together.


With an earth shaking sound, Xue an's whole arm broke in an instant, and the huge force made him step back.

As for the man, his shoulder was also shaken, and he was stiffly blocked by Xue an's fist.

This, the man can not help but feel a trace of consternation.

Because he thought Xue an would be seriously injured even if he didn't die.

But unexpectedly, it just shattered one of his arms.

At this time, a more magical scene appeared.

See countless aura suddenly gathered, and then automatically poured into Xue an's body.

With the influx of aura, Xue an's broken arm was restored in an instant.

Seeing this, many people can't help opening their eyes.

Yue Qinghuan made a slight light sound, and his eyes were full of curiosity.

Because from the beginning to now, Xue an has given her too many surprises.

Even in her heart can not help but rise an idea.

Could it be that.

Can he really cross a big realm with the strength of banbu xianzun and defeat the man of banbu sage?

At the same time, but see Xue an raised his hand to the man slightly hook.

"You had a good fight before, but then It's my turn

After that, Xue an stepped down heavily, and the void collapsed in an instant. Then he went straight to the man like a shell.

The man's eyes narrowed slightly, but soon returned to normal, then sneered.

"To die!"

With that, he raised his hand and hit again.


The two were together again.

This time, the momentum is much stronger than the previous one, and everyone's mind is shocked.

When he looked at it again, he saw that Xue an's body was staggering out and had been flying hundreds of feet before he barely stood still.

At this time, half of his body's bones had been broken, and his broken ribs were directly pierced through his skin and protruded.

The injury is not sad, but people suddenly feel hope.

Because just now, under the gaze of everyone, the man finally couldn't stand and stepped back a little.

Although it is only a small step, it makes countless people happy.

Because it's the only time he's ever stepped back in a head-on attack since he came out!

At this time, the aura of heaven and earth surged into Xue an's body faster than just now.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Xue an's injury recovered again.

This terrible speed of recovery made the man aware of something, and his face gradually became ugly.

But instead of speaking, he took a step forward.


The power of fury burst out, directly shaking countless cracks in the void thousands of miles around.

And then he slowly raised his fist again and said, "take another one from me!"


This time, the man took the supreme power to bombard Xue an.

The momentum has reached an astonishing level.

But Xue an didn't dodge. He just took a deep breath and slowly raised his hand.

In an instant, everyone felt a strong wind blowing in their ears.

It was the illusion that countless auras were rushing to Xue an's side.

In a moment, almost massive aura was convenient for Xue an to gather behind him, and the power of his voice was stronger than that of the man.

Then Xue an also took a step forward and shot out with his fist.

This time, there was no sound.

Or it's because the sound is so loud that it's beyond the range of the human ear.

There was a white light in the place where the two people roared, and then they saw the white light spread rapidly. Where they passed, the space was easily torn up like paper.

The power of the leak made the earth shake.

Countless people were forced to step back.

Hu Huan and Li Jingxing, who have already broken free, immediately take Hu Ying, Hu ye and Tang xuan'er to a safe place, and then look at the scene with a dignified face.

At the same time, the punch is divided.

Xue an and the man stepped back three steps.

Xue an opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. His arm fell down powerlessly and was obviously injured.

And the man's arm finally heard a crisp sound, and then a drop of fresh blood would flow down.He was injured!

Although it is only a minor injury, it makes countless people tears.

Because as long as he is injured, it proves that he is not really invincible.

The man obviously didn't believe that he would be hurt. After looking down at his arm for a few seconds, he slowly raised his head and gazed at Xue an.

"You hurt me?"

At this time, Xue an's aura was strong to the point of essence, which made his wounds heal in an instant.

Then he said faintly, "what? Is that strange? "

The look on the man's face was a little bit gloomy, and the light in his eyes became extremely dangerous, "OK! Good! If you blaspheme the gods with mortal body, then I will let you die without a place to die! "

With that, his power suddenly rose to a critical point of terror, and went straight to Xue an.

Xue an showed no weakness, and with the help of God, countless auras gathered around him, making him fight with the man.

Dong Dong!

But see the sky above the emergence of two fast to the extreme of Huaguang, each contact will be sent earth shaking sound.

The power of such a war made all people thrilled.

Hu Huan is stupidly looking at this scene, suddenly, he seems to understand what, eyes splendor repeatedly said: "I understand!"

"Understand what?" Li Jingxing asked.

Hu Huan looked at Xue an's figure in the distance with admiration and said in a deep voice: "I understand Xue an's strategy!"

With that, he took a deep breath and said slowly, "after killing the silent Banshee and preaching to the immortal, Xue an is ready! But at that time, his realm was still very unstable, so he was oppressed by this man's power. "

"But also because of this, he stabilized himself in a very short time! But if that's all, at most, he can barely protect himself. He will never be the man's opponent! "

Li Jingxing nodded, which he naturally saw.

"What we can all see, Xue an certainly doesn't know, so the next thing is the key!"

Hu Huan said with admiration: "in the face of a strong enemy, he simply abandoned himself, and then remolded himself by borrowing the will of heaven!"

"So now he is actually the embodiment of the will of the heavens!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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