Li Jingxing was shocked by these words.

Because it sounds like a fairy tale.

How can man be the embodiment of the will of the heavens?

But his insight and cultivation were not under Hu Huan at all, so he soon understood.

This is absolutely true!

Because only for this reason can we explain what happened to the aura that had been gathering wildly in Xue Anshen's week!

Although he believed it, the three elders of Qingqiu on one side, such as Hu Wan, were at a loss.

"Ancestor, do you mean that what Mr. Xue is carrying now is the way of heaven?"

Hu Huan nodded.

"But this Is it really possible? " Fox aster is still incredible.

"Of course it can!" Fox Ying suddenly said firmly, and then looked up at the sky in the war, whispered.

"Because he is the omnipotent brother Ann!"

All the people were silent.

Only Hu Huan murmured to himself, "the so-called way of heaven is just another manifestation of the will of the heavens. As the master of the rules of the heavens, it may not have human feelings, but it will definitely weigh the pros and cons!"

"Yes Li Jingxing also said in a low voice: "the invasion of the army of evil things, intending to overthrow the heavens, is absolutely not allowed by the will of the heavens! And the appearance of this unreasonable man is a serious threat to the whole heaven

Hu Huan said: "in this case, in order to protect itself, it can only cooperate with Xue an! That's why it helps Xue an rebuild his body. "

Li Jingxing suddenly laughed, "speaking of this, I feel sorry for this guy, because now he But I'm fighting against the whole heavens

As soon as the voice fell, the loud noise in the air suddenly stopped, and then two lights fell on the ground at a very fast speed.


The land of thousands of miles was collapsed in an instant, but then the aura of heaven and earth supported the falling ground.

And then look at the pit, but see Xue an body half squat, one hand will this man dead pressed on the ground, the other hand is a punch punch down.

Bang bang!

With a dull loud noise, the man's head was deeply smashed into the ground.

Even so, Xue an still did not have any plan to stop, but continued to punch.

Every time, the man's body would shake violently.

Soon, there was blood light on the ground, and some even splashed on Xue an's face.

But Xue an didn't even blink his eyelids. He was as cold as a killing machine.

There was a dead silence.

Because this war is too ups and downs.

Just now, everyone thought that the war was doomed. As a result, in the blink of an eye, the situation changed dramatically.

Even Yue Qinghuan looked at the scene in dismay. He didn't wake up until a long time later, and then gave a faint smile.

"After the examination, it seems that you..."

She just wanted to say pass.

But at this time, a dull roar came from the ground, and then a beam of light soared into the sky, and Xue an was directly shaken out.

Looking at the air, the man stood on the sky, his face was covered with blood, and his previous bearing had disappeared, leaving only infinite anger boiling around him.

"Xue an, you want to die!"

Man almost hysterical roar, at the same time behind the shadow began to appear in countless evil things.

Hydra, silent banshee, fossil monster.

And so on evil things, instantly filled the whole sky, also make everyone's heart cool down.

I just killed the evil things. How can I run out so many in the blink of an eye?

But before the man was satisfied, the spirit of fury was overwhelming, and there were countless bright swords in it.

Bang bang!

After only a few breaths, these evil things were completely engulfed by the furious aura, and then disappeared.

The man was dumbfounded.

At this time, his eyebrows suddenly split, and then Xue an's fist went through it.

Blood and brain were falling, and everyone was looking at it in amazement.

It was not until a long time later that someone cried with joy.


"We have won!"


Huge cheers came one after another, and everyone gave vent to their joy.

Only a few people looked at the scene seriously.

Because no one knows if there will be any turning point in the development of things.

After all!

The strength of this man is extremely strong.If Xue an didn't cooperate with Zhutian will, he couldn't have been defeated.

Now his head was smashed, but no one could tell whether he was dead or not!

Sure enough!

Just as many people were in doubt, the man's body suddenly began to disintegrate and turned into nothingness in an instant.

Then he heard a roar from the deep void.

"Xue an, do you think this is the end? You are so naive! Since even this little will of heaven is helping you, then you have no need to exist. Go and destroy all of you

The words rang out in everyone's ears, and everyone was just stunned.

Then I heard the sound of explosion one after another.

It was the sound of the aura that was filling the whole world.

This extremely strange scene also moved Hu Huan and Li Jingxing.

Xue an raised his head, and there was a trace of dignity in his cold eyes.

Just then, the sky suddenly darkened.

Different from the scene when the earth was blocked before, the dimness came so fast this time, as if something had blocked all the light directly.

Then, in the depths of the sky in that very dark place, a light appeared.

From the void came the man's triumphant laughter.

"My Lord did it in person, Xue an. I'll see how you die this time!"

After that, the light expanded rapidly, and then appeared in front of the crowd.

Everyone was so shocked that they couldn't believe their eyes.

Because what appeared in front of them was a huge finger.

That's right!

It's just a finger that covers the sun and the moon and even blocks everything.

"This How can it be Hu Huan eyes dull said.

Li Jingxing's eyes were dim.

Because they are as strong as Xiandi, when they see this finger, they only have endless despair.

Yue Qinghuan's face changed greatly, and he immediately gave a bitter smile.

"Is it really going to kill all?"

With that, she shook her head. Without waiting for the two little girls to react, she completely closed their words and actions. Then she held them in her arms and turned around to leave.

Because in her opinion, it's all over.

No one can survive in the presence of the present, not even her.

And at this time, the finger slowly down.


There was a loud noise in the void, and then the whole sky trembled violently, as if some strong will was being destroyed.

And no matter what changes, can't stop the finger's slow fall.

In the blink of an eye, it came before the earth.

Compared with it, the earth is as weak as a pebble.

For the first time, Xue an's face was extremely dignified, and then he would fly away with all his strength.

But I didn't see any movement of this finger. An invisible pressure shattered all Xue an's defenses in an instant, and then pressed it on the ground.

Nevertheless, Xue an still raised his head and tried to get up.


A slight cold hum came. Xue an's bones were directly broken. He was paralyzed to the ground and couldn't move any more.

Then, the finger continued to press down, and the huge pressure was like a grinding plate, which was about to crush Xue an thoroughly.

At this time, an Yan, who had been waiting for Xue an not far away, suddenly fainted.

It didn't get anyone's attention.

But at the moment when Anyan fell, a breath suddenly rose from her body.

What a breath that is!

As if the whole world would come to an end in the next moment, full of the smell of destruction!

That is to say, at the moment when the breath appeared, the finger, which was originally in the posture of destroying the world, became extremely weak.

At the same time, there was a roar of fear in the void.

"The smell No way

But this breath is not transferred by any will, just a touch, this finger will be like fragile glass.

It's completely broken. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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