
In the loud sound, Yue Qinghuan suddenly turned around, and his lavender eyes were full of infinite terror.

Because of the terrible power contained in this breath, she almost wanted to worship.

"God Oh, my God! Even my brother can't be the opponent of this breath Yue Qinghuan murmured, his voice full of deep awe.

As for the man hiding in the depths of the void, he was shocked all over at the moment.

He had never thought of anyone who could beat back the almost omnipotent adults so easily.

But his reaction was not bad. He immediately hid in the void and wanted to escape.

But it's too late to see the vague breath touch the void.


His figure stopped for a moment, and then he didn't even hum, which turned into nothingness.

After finishing all this, the breath just returned to an Yan's body like the tide.

In an instant, everything fell silent.

All that was left was standing in the same place in a daze. I couldn't believe my eyes.

Who would have thought that this world shaking war would end in such a dramatic way.

Who on earth did that huge finger come from?

What is this breath rising from Anyan?

Countless questions came to my mind.

At this time, Xue an jumped up from the ground, flew to an Yan who fainted, and held her in his arms.

"Yan Er..."

But at this time, Anyan's eyes were closed, and she didn't respond to Xue an's call.

At the same time, the sober crowd rushed to the front immediately.

"Miss Yan!"

"Sister Yan!"

Shouting one after another, but without exception, Anyan did not respond.

Now, everyone's heart is in their throat.

Hu Huan and Li Jingxing immediately came forward and asked solemnly.

"How's it going?"

Xue an took a deep breath and shook his head. "It's strange that I didn't notice anything strange from her, but Yan'er didn't wake up at all!"

At this time, Yue Qinghuan also appeared in front of him. The two little girls broke free from their arms and rushed up immediately.


"Mom, what's the matter with you? Wake up, mom

Two little girls are pulling an Yan's two hands to shake ceaselessly.

But Anyan is still sleeping.

The two little girls collapsed and burst into tears.

"Dad, what's the matter with mom? Why doesn't she open her eyes? " Niannian asked in tears.

Xue an's face also became very dignified, and the huge aura was constantly infused into an Yan's body, but it was like a mud cow into the sea, without even stirring up any waves.

When the atmosphere became extremely depressing, Yue Qinghuan said in a low voice, "is it convenient for me to have a look?"

Xue an looked up at her and finally nodded silently.

Yue Qinghuan squatted down and first looked at Anyan with awe on her face. Then he raised his hand to caress her shoulder and closed his eyes.

No one spoke, including the people on earth also watched this scene in silence.

Many people quietly clenched their fists and prayed silently, hoping that there was a God to protect Anyan.

After all.

She saved the whole heaven by herself!

After a long time, but see Yue Qinghuan slightly a pick eyebrows, and then opened his eyes, eyes flashed a strange color.

"How's it going?"

"It's true that there is nothing abnormal, but I feel vaguely that she is in a bad state now, as if..."

Yue Qinghuan thought for a moment, and then described: "it's as if a person forced to use the ability that should not be used, and eventually led to a coma."

"What about that?" Xiao Sha, standing on one side, asked immediately.

At the moment, she is also full of scars and tired, but she doesn't care about herself at all. Instead, she looks at Anyan with worry.

Yue Qinghuan did not respond to Xiaosha's words, but looked up at Xue an, "what do you think?"

Xue an nodded, "I also have this feeling, but I'm not sure, because I've just instilled almost all my spiritual power into Yan'er, but I didn't even stir up a trace of water flower!"

Yue Qinghuan chuckles and shakes his head. "It shows that even your strength is far from enough!"

When this remark was made, people were thrilled.

You know, Xue an is a half step immortal, and his strength is obvious to all. Is all his strength not enough?

But when people think of the terrible smell, they are relieved again.

Xue an is also slightly a Zheng, immediately nodded, "I understand!"After that, he picked Anyan up from the ground and said in a deep voice, "I'll take Yaner away for a while, and you will deal with the business here! Think about it. Come with me

After that, Guanghua will think about it, and then rush up into the sky, and disappear in an instant.

The crowd looked at the scene in a daze.

Only Yue Qinghuan gave a little smile and whispered in a voice that only he could hear: "is this your test or not? What a headache

Then her figure disappeared like a puff of smoke.

Everyone stood in the same place, looked at each other, and finally all laughed bitterly.

There is no doubt that our side won the war.

But this kind of victory is also a tragic one.

Let's not talk about the others, just the strong men who died in the war would be enough to make the whole heaven lose their vitality.

In addition, in the most critical moment to turn the tide to save the lives of Anyan is also unknown, so no matter who, at the moment, there is no joy after the victory.

At this time, Hu Huan said slowly: "everyone is resting in the same place, and then waiting for Xue an's return"

no one spoke, but people just sat down in silence.

As for the injured, there is a special person responsible for treatment.

The whole world began to heal in silence.

At this time, in the extremely distant void, Xue an's figure suddenly appeared.

It's far away from the major star regions. Even the nearest star is hundreds of light-years away. It's absolutely barren.

But Xue an just stopped here, and then released his hand to make an Yan float in the void.

Two little girls stood by Xue an's side, not daring to say a word. They just looked at an Yan, hoping that her mother would wake up as soon as possible.

Xue an quietly looked at an Yan who closed his eyes as if he was asleep. He was silent for a long time.

This war is the most cruel one he has experienced since his rebirth, or two generations.

During this period, he used almost all his cards, and even did not hesitate to cooperate with Zhutian will before he was able to win.

But at last, the huge finger from nowhere easily broke everything he planned. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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