Xue an couldn't get up just because of his coercion. It can also be seen what kind of terrible situation the opponent's strength has reached.

It can be said that if not for the sudden appearance of the breath from an Yan's body, even Xue an would be defeated.

And just because he witnessed that scene, Xue an at the moment finally wanted to understand a lot of things.

Before, he had some doubts about why the master of the abyss would specially seal Anyan.

When he pressed the Lord of the abyss, he said that someone had ordered him to do so.

At that time, Anyan was just an ordinary mortal.

It's a mystery.

Most importantly, Xue an suddenly thought of the talent of thinking and reciting.

Before, Xue an always thought that it was because of his blood origin that his talent of thinking and reciting was so powerful, but now he doesn't think so.

Because even now, he has become a half step immortal, but he still can't find anything different from Anyan.

No matter in the body or soul, the existence of that breath is not detected.

If he had not witnessed the whole process with his own eyes, Xue an would even have thought that the breath was just his own illusion.

And this just shows that Anyan's origin is far more powerful and complex than what she imagined.

Even Far more than myself.

In this way, a lot of things happened to an Yan just had a reasonable explanation.

For example, her inexplicable seal, her almost joking training speed, and her promotion as easy as eating and drinking water.

Think of this, Xue an's face can't help showing a bitter smile.

"Yan'er, it seems that the sentence of settling down before is really right. I'm climbing up from the beginning to the end!"

Anyan of course will not respond to these, she is still sleeping.

Xue an's eyes were slightly moist, but immediately he took a deep breath and waved.

"Get together!"


Innumerable auras came here from all directions. Fortunately, it was a void here, otherwise it would be enough to shatter the stars with such power.

However, no matter how violent the aura was, it became docile in front of Xue an, and then Xue an raised his hand.

Aura will start to instill into Anyan's mind through Anyan's eyebrows.

How fast is this indoctrination?

Let's put it this way. One finger flicking skill can make a strong man of the great Luo explode directly.

But so much aura didn't stir up any waves after entering Anyan's body.

On the contrary, there is a great suction in Anyan's eyebrows.

In a flash, the already turbulent speed of indoctrination was a bit more violent, and even a huge whirlpool appeared on her head.

Aura sent out a huge roar, madly instilled in, and it reached an astronomical amount in the blink of an eye.

This also makes a certain range of aura be sucked out, becoming a vacuum zone.

Even stars hundreds of light-years away are darkened by the lack of aura.

Xue an took the hands of the two little girls, stepped back and looked at them quietly.

After a long time, Niannian could not help talking.



"When will mom wake up?"

"Soon!" Xue an said softly.

"Will mom become Superman when she wakes up?"

Recite at this time already know what happened, when determined that the mother did not afterwards, can not help but become relaxed.

Xue an lowered his head and said with a smile, "what? Do you want mom to be superman? "

Niannian nodded hard, "MMM!"


"Because then, Dad, you don't have to be as tired as before!" Niannian said.

Xue an was stunned.

He never thought Niannian would say that.

At this time, Niannian lowered his head and his tone became gloomy.

"Dad, you don't know how scared my sister and I were! Especially when we see you become a white bone fighting with those bad guys, we are really scared! "

Think about not speaking, but the tears in her eyes have said everything.

Xue an took a deep breath, then clenched her daughter's little hand.

"Don't worry, Dad won't be like that in the future!"

At this time, the two little girls suddenly called at the same time.



"You are a great hero!" They both said with one voice.

Xue an was slightly stunned, and immediately showed a smile.

"Thank youAt this moment, Xue an felt that everything he had done was worth it.

It's not for heaven, it's not for life.

But for these two lovely daughters.

Just then, the speed of aura infusion suddenly began to slow down.

Xue an rushed forward immediately and said softly, "Yan'er!"

Anyan's eyelashes vibrated a few times, and finally slowly opened his eyes.

When she saw Xue an and her two daughters, she was stunned and immediately said, "we Are we dead? "

Xue an smiles, then reaches out his hand and pinches an Yan's cheek. "Of course not, on the contrary We have won


Anyan suddenly thought of something at this time, immediately jumped up, and then very nervous to seize Xue an's arm, carefully looked.

Xue an also didn't say a word, so quietly waiting.

Until a moment later, an Yan just raised his head, "really victory?"

"Of course!"

"What about you Why didn't you get hurt at all? " An Yan is full of blankly ask a way.

In her memory, the last picture is a huge finger extending from the unknown.

This finger is so terrible that Xue an Du has no power to deal with it.

Then she didn't remember anything.

Seeing the loss on an Yan's face, Xue an said with a smile, "of course I'm not hurt, because it's you who beat back the enemy this time!"

A moment later, an Yan's eyes stare at Xue an.

"What you said is true? I'm that good? "

Xue an nodded seriously, "of course it's true. If you don't believe me, think about it!"

The two little girls were very excited at this time, chirping.

"Yes, mom, you were so powerful at that time that you defeated all the bad guys all at once!"

"But I But why don't I feel it at all? " Anyan is still unbelievable.

In her feeling, she felt as if she had been asleep without any awareness.

"Has your strength not changed at all?" Xue an asked.

Anyan felt it carefully, then shook his head, "it's still the same, there's no change!"

There was a flash of brilliance in Xue an's eyes. "So this is the most unusual place. You should know that the aura you just absorbed is enough to become a strong Immortal King!"

"And you don't feel anything, so where are they?"

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