Yingluo looks at Xue an's far away figure and slowly wipes away her tears. Then she stands up from the ground and looks at Guan Zizi and others.

"Elder martial brothers, let's go!"

Guan Zi was a little surprised because he didn't expect Yingluo to recover so soon.

"Don't you have to wait any longer?"

Yingluo shook her head, "no! Because what he said is right. I'll finish the road for him when he doesn't finish it! "

"Nanwu is my master! In that case, we will leave the cave and join hands with the master to create Honglian immortal sect! " He said in a deep voice.

"Good, good!" All Buddhists are praised for their good deeds.

The three-day period will come in a flash.

On the day when Honglian Xianzong officially established the school, there were a lot of people in the hall.

Friars from all over the world and young people who yearn for it crowded the place.

At the moment, it is still early, including Xue an, many strong people have not arrived.

People began to talk to each other.

"I don't know if I can join the sect of Xue shenzun." The young friar of China said with a worried face.

"Don't worry, Lord Xue is a Chinese. He will take more care of our Chinese people." Someone said confidently.

"No matter how much you take care of yourself, you have to have strength. Don't think about waste materials like me. It's good to see this grand event!" Someone said with a look of envy.

These are basically what the monks of the earth are talking about.

And the monks from all over the world were also very nervous.

Because they didn't know that Xue an would arrange them like this.

In particular, many monks have their own sects, but they are basically small sects.

If you are excluded after joining honglianxianzong, it will be over.

Therefore, their hearts can be described as mixed, very uneasy.

Time in this anxious atmosphere a little bit across.

Finally, the moment when the head of the day just rose to the sky.

But see countless brilliant, in an instant appeared on the top of everyone's head.

After waiting to stand, it is the top strong men headed by Zhuge Zang Ye Han Shang Hu Ye.

Their presence caused a stir in the room.

Many people are shocked.

"Oh, my God, all the fairies in the whole heaven are basically here! This kind of momentum can be called "the past and the present!" There was an almost groaning murmur.

After Zhuge Zang and others appeared, they did not disperse, but stood in the field, as if waiting for someone to come.

At the same time, there was a loud bang from the sky, and then a figure came striding forward.

With each step, the void under his feet will be filled with countless brilliance like veins.

And the earth is also followed by a loud bang, and then up a tall hill.

This scene dazzled everyone.

Because Xue an came all the way, and countless mountains grew out of thin air everywhere he passed.

And these mountains are not bare earth mountains, when they take shape, countless auras fall like rain, moistening the whole mountain.

In a flash, countless Ganoderma lucidum grass grew on these peaks, and the massive aura condensed into a river and meandered across the mountains.

But in the twinkling of an eye, the mountains turned green and the aura soared to the sky, forming a huge Fengshui situation.

Song Yi's whole body trembled with excitement. "To build fengshui, master, this is to build a peerless cave!"

Sure enough.

When Xue an stepped on the battlefield, the open battlefield immediately began to boom.

Huge mountains like pillars of heaven have sprung up, among which five are the tallest.

These five peaks are like lotus flowers, and like the palm of the hand, they protect the platform in the middle.

All this was done in a flash, and then Xue an lightly pointed his hand.


With a command, countless auras poured into the boundless void above the sky.

These auras quickly gathered together and finally condensed into a dragon hundreds of miles long!

The aura dragon circled around Xue an, made a roar, and then dived down into the platform.

Click, click!

Accompanied by bursts of subtle sound.

The peaks began to shake slightly.

And with their shaking, located in the center of the platform, one after another colorful lotus began to bloom.

This is the scene that will appear only when the earth atmosphere is strong enough.

Just in the blink of an eye, a peerless cave appeared in front of everyone.

But it's not over.When Xue an turned his wrist, the sword appeared in his hand.

At this moment, after killing innumerable evil things, the whole body of the sword is as red as blood, and the sword body is full of indescribable power.

Xue an's eyes moved and suddenly stabbed the sword down.

In the middle of the journey, the sword began to grow crazily. When it reached the ground, it had become like a giant pillar.

However, instead of penetrating into the ground, the sword tip suspended on the ground and turned slowly.

Xue an walked to Tianzhu sword and wrote four big words in the air.


When the four characters were ten percent, they directly hit the sword body.

Boom boom!

With four loud sounds, the four ancient seal characters appear on the body of Tianzhu sword!

After finishing all this, Xue an clapped his hands, then carefully examined it, and nodded with satisfaction.

Just at this time, two more lights flashed by, and then Li Jingxing and Hu Huan appeared beside Xue an.

Hu Huan looked at these four words with his arms in his arms and nodded.

"I have to admit that your handwriting is really good!"

Li Jingxing stares at the Tianzhu sword, which is suspended in the air and slowly turns. His eyes are colorful.

Xue an a tiny smile, then light way: "start?"

Hu Huan nodded, "let's go!"

Then Xue an went into the air again.

This time, with each step he took, red lotus blossoms would grow under his feet and gradually grow.

When he came to the peak, the lotus under Xue an's feet was like a lotus stand, lifting him up.

Xue an turns around slowly and looks at the people at his feet, then says faintly.

"Honglian Xianzong, from today on, has set up a sect. Those who have objections can raise them now!"

The whole room was very quiet. No one spoke.

Xue an looked around the room and nodded.

"Very good, it seems that everyone has no opinion, then..."

"Li Jingxing, Hu Huan comes forward to listen to the seal!"

Li Jingxing and Hu Huan stepped forward, clasped their fists and arched their hands

"From today on, you two will be worshipped by the emperor of Honglian immortal sect. When I'm away, you can take charge of life and death. Do you have any objection?"


"Very good!"

Then he saw Xue an wave his hand suddenly, and two complicated and gorgeous seal seals flew into the hands of Li Jingxing and Hu Huan.

They trembled and felt that the earth under their feet was connected with their flesh and blood.

Then Xue an again drank softly: "ZHUGE Zang, ye hanshang, fox night, tianzha, Chu Wuxiang come forward to hear the seal!"

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