Five people came forward together, "I'll wait!"

"I'll make you a great sacrifice. Each of you will be in charge of one peak of Honglian immortal sect. We'll strictly control and guard against the invasion of evil things. Do you have any objection?"

"Comply with the order of the Lord!"

"Very good, take the seal!"

With a wave of Xue an, five different colors of light flew into the hands of Zhuge Zang and other five people.

"White browed arhat, watching freely, Vajra hand, Yingluo, listening to orders!"

"The disciple is here!" Several Buddhists came forward with a thousand rays of light from the Golden Wheel behind their heads.

"I give you the title of great Dharma protector of Honglian Xianzong, who is in charge of the world's Buddhist practice, who is willing to promote the Dharma and benefit the world?"

A few people put their palms together and exclaimed with joy, "good, we wish!"

"If so, take the Zen staff!"

Different from others, Bai Mei Guan Zi Zi and others got a Zen stick which symbolizes the majesty of Buddhism.

In a flash, but see the golden light all over the sky, to Yong Jinlian, all face now respect.

Because before, Buddhism had gained the respect of all people with its own practical actions.

After all, in terms of the heavy casualties, apart from sword cultivation, there must be Buddhist cultivation.

So at the moment they are granted the position of protector of the Dharma, people have no objection.

"Listen to the dragon!"

The eldest princess Aoqing stepped forward and bowed her head.

"My subordinates are here!"

"Do you have any objection to the designation of the dragon clan as the mountain beast of Honglian Xianzong and the demon clan of Qingqiu fox kingdom?"

As soon as the words came out, Aoqing's face was excited and he immediately fell to the ground.

"Thank you xianzun. The dragon people should do their best and dare not slack off."

"It's so good, take the reward!"

Xue an raised his hand and flew out a radiance, which was directly printed into Ao Qing's eyebrows.

Click, click!

With the pouring of a large amount of laws of heaven, Ao Qing's body began to expand rapidly, and his momentum kept climbing.

In the blink of an eye, she successfully broke through a small realm and entered the realm of the Immortal Emperor.

This scene makes many people's eyes hot.

We should know that since ancient times, we do not know how many people have been trapped in the realm of immortals all their lives.

Now Aoqing has taken this key step in a light way, which is equivalent to Xue an opening a door to a stronger road for her.

How can this not be envied.

Ao Qing was even more excited. He kowtowed deeply again and then bowed down.

Next, instead of shouting, Xue an pauses, and then looks at fan Mengxue and Tang Xuaner standing in front of the crowd with a smile.

"Mengxue, Xuaner comes forward to listen to the seal!"

The second daughter trembled slightly, then stepped forward and gave a salute.

The appearance of the two of them made many people shine in front of their eyes.

Because their temperament can be described as two extremes, although they are both superb.

But fan Mengxue's breath tends to be dark, just like the red rose growing in the dark, which gives people an extremely dangerous and cold beauty.

On the contrary, Tang xuan'er's temperament is quiet and soft. With her gentle eyes, she looks like a secluded orchid in an empty valley.

"My God, I always thought that the goddess of Mengxue was beautiful. I didn't expect that miss xuan'er was also so beautiful!"

"It's the same with me, but I always thought xuan'er was better."

"Hehe, fortunately I like both of them."

In the murmur of the crowd, Xue an said in a deep voice: "you two are the black and white deacons of Honglian immortal sect. Are you in charge of rewarding good and punishing evil?"

In the face of the two of them, Xue an even spoke in a gentle tone, even almost the same.

But without any hesitation, they nodded together, "good!"

Xue an nodded, then waved and threw out two lights, which were printed in the eyebrows of fan Mengxue and Tang Xuaner.


The momentum of the two suddenly soared.

In particular, Tang xuan'er, who was a little weaker than fan Mengxue, stepped into the realm of fairy king in an instant.

This is because Tang Xuaner's realm has already been reached, but because of her incompatibility with the world, she has not accumulated enough, so she has not been able to testify.

Now with the help of Xue an, it's natural and easy to enter the realm of fairy king.

And when the momentum stabilized, then look at the temperament of the two people, it is clear.

Fan Mengxue's black light was faint, as if he was in charge of punishment, which made people shudder.

And Tang xuan'er is noble and pure, just like a fairy who relieves suffering.

After the second daughter stepped down, the smile on Xue an's face gradually converged, and then he cheered in a deep voice.

"Fire Phoenix comes forward to hear the seal!"

In a flash, all the members of huofenghuang headed by Cheng Hao came to Xue an."Instructor!" The crowd cried out in unison.

There was even more commotion.

Because now in the sky who does not know the name of Fire Phoenix, they seem to have become a legend in the sky.

In particular, after the world shaking War I, all members of fire phoenix did not suffer any damage. Although they were assisted by military talismans and armor, it was almost a miracle.

Looking at these soldiers trained by himself, Xue an's face could not help but be satisfied.

"I order you to be the elites of Honglian immortal sect. If anyone dares to offend Honglian Tianwei, do you know how to deal with them?"

Cheng Hao stepped forward, arched his hand and said: "back to the instructor, if anyone dares to offend Honglian Tianwei, kill him!"

"Kill All the members of the fire phoenix called in unison.

"Good!" Xue an nodded, a flash of light flashed between his brows, and then saw countless evil soldiers appear in the air, led by dozens of powerful zombie masters.

It was the previous tomb owners and evil soldiers recovered in the underground palace of xuanming mausoleum.

Xue an had planned to use it as a spare force during the war, but he didn't expect to use it in the future.

After seeing these evil soldiers and zombies, the whole audience was in a low uproar, and many people were shocked.

But Xue an then light way: "Cheng Hao!"

"What do you want from the instructor?"

"Now these evil soldiers have been given priority to by the immortal sect, and as for these zombies, they are all devoted to refuge, so I will reward them to you as the second-line troops of Fire Phoenix!"

Cheng Hao smell speech face now excited color, then bow to answer a way: "obey!"

You know, Cheng Hao has always been worried that although the members of Fire Phoenix are strong, they are limited in number after all. If everything is done by fire phoenix, it would be too wasteful.

At the moment, these evil soldiers and zombie mausoleum owners can be said to solve Cheng Hao's urgent need.

"A leaf in autumn, the night sky comes to listen to the seal!"

Two people a Leng, spin even if walk forward, but did not bow hand.

Because at the moment, they are still covered with scars, especially at night, their arms are broken, and there is a strong dead air lingering on the wound, which makes them unable to heal.

Seeing this scene, many people's faces show a strong color of admiration. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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