Yue Qinghuan felt that his heart beat faster, blood rushed to his head, and his cheeks flushed to the bottom of his ears.

What is he going to do?

Does he want to.

Just as Yue Qinghuan was thinking wildly and ready, Xue an's voice had gone away, as if all that had just happened was an illusion.

"Why are you blushing?"

Yue Qinghuan was slightly stunned, and immediately his eyes showed a strong angry color. He said in a very blunt tone: "I suddenly changed my mind. I will start tomorrow. Do you like to go or not?"

After that, Yue Qinghuan turned around and strode away.

Looking at her back, Xue an suddenly said, "don't worry, I just said a word in your ear. I didn't do anything else, so you don't have to care too much!"

Hearing this, Yue Qinghuan, who had been striding away, suddenly faltered, nearly fell to the ground and left quickly.

Xue an's mouth slightly appeared a faint smile, and then turned around, light way: "see enough?"

In the void, Hu Huan appeared.

"I'll say I happened to pass by. Do you believe it?"

Xue an didn't speak, just looked at him quietly.

A moment later, Hu Huan's face was embarrassed, "it seems that it's a little unreliable, isn't it! But I'm not afraid that you will lose your principle in the face of beauty and fall into the sugar coated shell, so I'll come and stare at you! "

Xue an slightly a pick eyebrow, "that result?"

Hu Huan scratched his head and said with a smile, "it turns out that I'm just too worried!"

Then he stretched out his thumb and said with admiration, "it's really worthy of being the red lotus immortal who has made a great stride in the world. In the face of such gorgeous temptations, he can not be moved and admire it!"

Xue an still did not speak, but quietly looked at Hu Huan.

Hu Huan finally lost the battle. "Well, I admit that I'm curious, so I come here to have a peek. It's all right!"

With that, the expression on Hu Huan's face suddenly became serious.

"Listen to the conversation you just had. Are you going to leave tomorrow?"

Xue an nodded, "that's right!"

Hu Huan took a deep breath, "don't you think about it any more? No one knows what it's like outside the sky. Yue Qinghuan's origin is even more unknown. It's hard to predict the good or bad luck of his trip! "

"What else? Will you stay in the heavens and wait to die? " Xue an light way.

Hu Huan didn't say a word. After a long time, he sighed: "it's a pity that I don't have enough strength, otherwise I will go with you this time!"

"Forget it. Only you and Li Jingxing can keep watch in the sky, I can leave at ease. Otherwise, if the rear is lost, will all the previous achievements be wasted?"

Speaking of this, Xue an said with a smile, "what's more, it's not only for me that fortune and misfortune are unpredictable. Maybe compared with those evil things beyond heaven, my appearance is the real fortune and misfortune that are unpredictable!"

Hu Huan took a deep look at Xue an, "that Have a good trip

"Thank you very much."

Hu Huan is about to leave.

"Wait a minute!" Xue an stopped him.

"What's the matter?" Hu Huan turned and asked.

Xue An Sen ran a smile, "you peep so long, don't so forget?"

Hu Huan: "the..."

In the end, Hu Huan, who had lost half of his wealth, ran away in a hurry.

For a long time after that, as soon as he heard Xue an's name, Hu Huan would feel the flesh pain conditionally.

When Hu Huan also disappeared in the sky, Xue an turned and walked down the steps to the living room of the villa.

At the moment, two little girls are playing with Xiaosha and zhangxiaoyu in Honglian Xianzong.

Only Anyan was left to sit on the sofa in the living room and watch TV.

After seeing Xue an walk down, an Yan's face couldn't help smiling, "have you finished?"

Xue an nodded, and then came forward to sit beside an Yan, reached for her shoulder, and an Yan fell into Xue an's arms.

Xue an gently caresses an Yan, who is as gentle as a cat. They feel the rare quietness in silence.

After a long time, an Yan suddenly chuckled.

Xue an is a little strange, "what are you laughing at?"

"I'm laughing at you when you blackmailed Hu Huan! Poor Nine Tailed Fox, you've been pinched to death

Xue an can't help laughing when he hears the speech, and then he pinches an Yan's cheek.

"What nonsense, husband? How can it be called blackmail? That's a reasonable punishment for him. If you don't believe me, ask him now. He dare not have any objection! "

An Yan smiles so that her eyes are bent into a beautiful crescent shape, and suddenly kisses Xue an on the cheek.


"Well!""Do you know how lovely you look when you open your eyes and tell lies?"

"Good! How dare you say that, husband? How can I punish you? "

Then Xue an stretched out his hand to ah an Yan's waist.

The two laughed together.

It wasn't until a long time later that the "battle" ended under Anyan's gasping for mercy.


"Are we leaving tomorrow?"


"Will you take Xiaosha and zhangxiaoyu? I'm afraid if I don't take them with me, I'll feel lonely again when I think about Niannian! "

"Of course you do!"

"I don't know what a scene is beyond the heavens!" Anyan said curiously.

Xue an said with a smile, "don't worry, you'll know when it's time!"

While Xue an and an Yan are talking, Yue Qinghuan is destroying the rocks in a secret valley somewhere on the earth.

"Asshole! How dare you tease me like this! After I get home, I will let you know how powerful I am! "

With the last rebuke, the whole valley collapsed and flattened.

Just at this time, a team of friars passed by. When they felt the breath of the valley, they were shocked.

"What's the matter? Why did the valley collapse in silence? " Someone said in surprise.

"Is it possible for great power to pass by here?"

At this moment, Yue Qinghuan, who is so beautiful and gorgeous, suddenly shows up. He glances at the monks, then barefoot and touches the void.

The void rippled, and then Yue Qinghuan disappeared without a trace, leaving the monks standing in the same place.

It wasn't until a long time later that someone murmured in shock.

"This woman Isn't that the one who confronted banbu saint in the war before? "

Everyone took a breath of cold air, and many people's legs and stomachs began to tremble.

Because of the confrontation with banbu sage, we can imagine the strength of this woman.

If these people just offend her, maybe she can kill all of them with a casual look!

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