Time flies by, and soon comes. At this moment, Yue Qinghuan is standing in the void waiting for Xue an.

When he saw that he was leading the whole family to come, Yue Qinghuan could not help but snort coldly, and then said angrily.

"With so many people, do you really think this is a vacation to tianwai?"

"What does that have to do with you?" Xue an slightly raises eyebrow, light way.

"It's up to you. Don't blame me when something happens." Yue Qinghuan is obviously still brooding about yesterday, and his tone is very bad.

Xue an didn't even pay attention to her. She said to an Yan directly, "Yan'er, take people back to Fubao building first!"

"Well!" Anyan obediently nods, and then opens the channel of Fubao small building, and leads the people into it.

Seeing this scene, Yue Qinghuan couldn't help feeling a little anxious. He wanted to stop him, but as soon as he turned his eyes, he had a plan in his heart.

I saw her face changed into a smile, and then said in a greasy voice: "that's really great, brother Xue. Now we will have a lot of time together!"

As she spoke, she looked at Xue an with a demonstrative look.

That means I tease you in front of your wife. I'll see how you deal with it.

But never thought, in the face of her provocation, Xue an didn't even respond. Anyan on one side gave her a shot.

"Miss Yue, in that case, I hope you can take good care of my husband when you are together."

This sentence makes Yue Qinghuan stare at an Yan in disbelief, but he sees that an Yan's face is sincere, which doesn't seem to be fake.

Yue Qinghuan finally asked: "are you not afraid that something will happen when we are together?"

"What's the matter?"

Yue Qinghuan: "it's..."

At this time, Anyan said to Xue an, "husband, I'll think about them first! It's a long way to tianwai. During this time, you should remember to take good care of Miss Yue! "

Think Niannian is waving to Yue Qinghuan.

"Goodbye, aunt Yue!"

Having said that, an Yan leads the people into Fu Bao's small building.

The noumenon of Fubao building is hidden in Xue an's sea of knowledge, which can ensure absolute safety.

In the blink of an eye, there were only Xue an and Yue Qinghuan left.

Yue Qing Huan looked at Xue an in a daze, and only sighed for a long time.

"Xue an, I really envy you for having such a woman who believes in you unconditionally! Is she really not worried at all? "

Xue an said with a smile, "what's to worry about? In fact, in Yan'er's eyes, you are not qualified to attract her attention!"

These words make Yue Qinghuan a Leng, wait to understand what meaning, can't help but burst into a rage, then want to attack.

But Xue an said coldly, "if you don't want to get on the road as soon as possible, you can make a fool of yourself all the time. I'll accompany you."

These words make Yue Qinghuan speechless, finally hate to stare at Xue an one eye, then turn round to light way.

"I won't wait for you when I'm on my way. I hope you can keep up!"

After that, Yue Qinghuan disappeared in the same place.

The next moment, she has left the solar system, to the distant deep space.

"Hum, it depends on how you chase me. If I go all out on my way, it's not..."

Yue Qinghuan said with a proud face, but before her voice fell, Xue an's voice came from her side.

"Why don't you go?"

Yue Qinghuan was shocked, but he saw Xue an standing in the void not far away, looking at her indifferently.

This speed makes Yue Qinghuan's eyes shrink instantly, and then it is a blink.

This time, she came directly to the nearby star a few light years away.

For Yue Qinghuan, such a long-distance crossing is very difficult.

So when she showed her figure, there was sweat on her forehead.

"Well, I can't catch up with you now."

But as if it was a nightmare, Xue an's voice sounded again.

"It's too slow. Can it be faster?"

Yue Qinghuan turns around with difficulty, but sees that Xue an is still standing not far behind her. There is no change except for the change of position.

Yue Qinghuan finally gave up.

She finally understood how terrible Xue an's strength was when she was promoted to banbu xianzun.

No wonder he said that even in the face of the owner of that finger, he still had a 20% chance of winning.

This is not empty talk!

Next, Yue Qinghuan leads the way honestly, while Xue an follows him leisurely.

Even with the vast expanse of heaven and Yue Qinghuan's all-out efforts, the scene of more than one day has been completely crossed.

There are no more stars shining in the current void, only a solemn and dark time like iron.Yue Qinghuan finally stopped, and then said in a deep voice, "this is the boundary of the heavens. As long as you cross this dark area of death, you can reach beyond the heavens! I believe you should know this place when you were immortal! "

Xue an nodded, "of course!"

Then he took a step forward, came near the border, reached out his hand, and fell into the darkness.


With a slight and imperceptible sound, the light at the junction of light and dark turned into an invincible ray of death, and crossed Xue an's wrist.


Xue an's powerful spiritual power was instantly aroused and directly carried the death ray.

Nevertheless, a faint white seal still appeared on Xue an's wrist.

"Taking the boundless darkness as the boundary, any tangible and qualitative things will be completely crushed as soon as they enter it. When I was a Honglian immortal, I tried to cross this black area of death, but I also failed!"

With that, Xue an looked at Yue Qinghuan and said, "how did you get through the dark area of death?"

Yue Qing looked at Xue an with a smile. Although he didn't speak, the expression on his face was obvious.

That's you, please!

Please, I'll tell you!

But Xue an didn't eat it at all. Instead, she raised her eyebrows slightly. "I'll give you three times to count. If you don't say it after counting, I'll turn around and go. Then I'll find a way to go out myself. Do you understand?"

Said, Xue an stretched out a finger, "one!"

Yue Qinghuan didn't expect that Xue an would be so simple and didn't give himself time to hesitate.


When he was about to shout out three, Yue Qinghuan finally gave up.

"Well, well, I'm afraid of you. Come with me!"

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