After walking a long way along the edge of the death underworld, Yue Qinghuan suddenly stopped and said faintly: "the front is the passage when I came in!"

Xue an frowned slightly, because he didn't find any difference between the black area of death and before.

Yue Qinghuan doesn't speak either. He just looks at Xue an with a smile, as if he wants to see if Xue an can find something without a hint.

Just at this time, Xue an suddenly gave a slight light Yi.

Because he was exploring carefully with his mind, and suddenly found that there was an abnormal fluctuation in the black area of death.

It's as if a giant animal in the shadow is watching you. It's chilling.

But Xue an didn't retreat, instead, he went to the junction of light and darkness. Then he raised his eyes and quietly gazed at the darkness in front of him.

Seeing this scene, Yue Qinghuan's mouth can't help but show a bad smile after his "treacherous scheme" seems to be waiting for something.

In a flash, the originally calm darkness suddenly surged into the sky, and then came a roar.

Then, a huge and ferocious head suddenly rushed out of the darkness and went straight to Xue an.

All this happened so fast, almost in the blink of an eye, he had rushed to Xue an.

Until then, it was clear that it was a huge monster covered with black scales.

At first glance, this monster looks like a giant turtle, but it's much bigger. The turtle like thing in it is just like a small city.

The length of the limbs is amazing, as if five strange snakes were bound in the tortoise shell.

It was such a huge monster, but its speed was astonishing. It almost came to Xue an in a flash, and then it opened its mouth and swallowed it.

Xue an's eyes slightly coagulated, because only by the power of this monster, we can conclude that it is at least a monster with the cultivation of Immortal King.

Even Xue an was moved by the power of swallowing.

"Hey, Xue an, how about this surprise?" Yue Qinghuan said with a smile, ready to see how Xue an is embarrassed to deal with this monster.

As for whether Xue an will be hurt or eaten by this monster.

That's not in Yue Qinghuan's mind at all.

Because if he can't even deal with this monster, there's no need for him to go beyond the heavens.

But when Yue Qinghuan was gloating, Xue an suddenly put out his hand and pressed it directly on the monster's forehead.


With a dull loud noise, the monster, who had been swallowing Xue an with the force of thunder, was forced to stop.

In the whole process, Xue an only used one hand.

You know, compared with this monster, Xue an's body is very small, let alone a hand.

So when they confront each other, the contrast is astonishing.

At least Yue Qinghuan's eyes were stunned.

She thought of countless ways to deal with it, but she didn't expect that Xue an would be so fierce that she could shake the monster with one hand.

Just at this time, the monster seemed to be enraged, and the black scales all over his body immediately opened, and he tried to break through the block of Xue an's hand.

But all efforts are futile, no matter how unwilling it is to roar, it can not shake Xue an.

On the contrary, Xue an's eyes were slightly coagulated and his arms were suddenly pushed forward.


After a loud noise, the monster screamed and flew out, and turned several somersaults in the air, which stopped.

Then look at the blood dripping on its forehead, and you can see the bone below. It is obvious that it has been hurt a lot.

The monster let out a roar of rage, which shook the whole void.

But Xue an didn't even blink his eyelids. Instead, he slowly took back his hand and carried it behind him. Then he looked at the monster indifferently.

Looking over, the monster, who was roaring wildly, was one of the stagnant. Then he shrank back a few steps, and he was afraid.

This time, even Yue Qinghuan could not help but slightly open his mouth, a face of incredible color.

She never thought that this monster would feel scared.

At this moment, there was another angry roar in the void.

When hearing this roar, the monster, who had been unable to move forward, immediately got excited, and then responded with the roar.

But Yue Qinghuan's face changed greatly. He immediately called out, "Xue an, step back quickly!"

But it was too late. The darkness suddenly began to surge, and then countless crisscross squares emerged.

But soon, the squares came out to be what they were.

Yue Qinghuan shivered all over, and even her face turned pale.Because where is the square? It's a huge tortoise shell!

The size of this tortoise shell is beyond the imagination of ordinary people, so it can fill up the void where the extreme eye can see. People mistakenly think that it is a square.

"My God, it's the shadow turtle king!" Yue Qinghuan whispered.

At the same time, but see a dark suddenly lit up two giant lights, followed by a huge incomparable head will slowly come.

The two giant lights were the eyes of the shadow turtle emperor.

Even so, most of its body is still hidden in the dark, only a small part can be seen.

From this, we can see that the size of this monster has been so huge that it is so terrible.

It can be said that it is not too much to be the absolute master of the whole death underworld.

Xue an's face also can't help sinking, and then gently spit out two words.

"Immortal beast!"

That's right!

This huge and incomparable shadow turtle emperor is actually an immortal monster.

You know, this strength can be called the absolute king among the monsters.

Compared with it, the monster just now is not worth mentioning at all.

Even because of the addition of the surrounding environment and the original characteristics of the monster, it is likely to be more terrifying than the half step Saint Xue an faced before.

The giant turtle looked at Xue an coldly, and there was no emotion fluctuation in his eyes, which were as big as a small mountain.

Among other things, the cold gaze alone is enough to kill the strong one at the level of Da Luo.

But Xue an did not show any weakness. He looked at the giant tortoise. At the same time, his whole body was boiling, and there was a sign that he was over the giant tortoise.

Just as the atmosphere became more and more dignified, Yue Qinghuan's figure suddenly appeared in the middle of a strange person.

Then she faced the shadow turtle emperor and said a lot of obscure words in an urgent tone, just like a monster roaring. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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