With this voice, a great breath came to the public.

When Guanghua dispersed, a dignified middle-aged man appeared inside.

Zhang Jinju immediately stepped back respectfully and bowed.


That's right!

The man whose face is similar to Zhang Jinju is Zhang pengtian, the leader of Baozhu city!

At this moment, he nodded like water, and then turned his eyes to Yue Qinghuan and Xue an.

"Miss Yue, I have a good friendship with you in Baozhu City, so I hope you'd better not interfere in this matter! What do you think? " Zhang pengtian said faintly.

Yue Qinghuan didn't move his voice when he heard the words. He just glanced at the sideburns of his ears and said, "I just want to see if there are beautiful pearls. I don't know anything else!"

The smile on Zhang pengtian's face brightened up. "It's easy to say. After this, you can choose the jewels in my treasure house!"

Yue Qinghuan nodded with a smile, "this kind of thing should wait until the time!"

After saying this profound sentence, she glanced at Xue an lightly, and then stepped aside.

Zhang pengtian and Zhang Jinju, the father and son, all breathed a sigh.

What they are worried about is that the strategists will intervene in this matter. Now that Yue Qinghuan has made his stand, a big stone in his heart can't help falling to the ground.

As for Xue an.

Neither Zhang Jinju nor Zhang pengtian paid attention to it.

Because in their eyes, this young man in white is just a half step of the cultivation of xianzun. As long as Yue Qinghuan doesn't interfere, he has nothing to worry about.

But both of them didn't realize that the smile of schadenfreude appeared on Yue Qinghuan's face at the moment.

"Young man, I don't care where you come from, let alone why you come here. How about we make a deal?" Zhang pengtian said faintly.

"Oh? What deal? " Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly.

"You give me the blood bead in your hand, and then I will erase the memory of this paragraph from your mind, and I can let you go, and promise not to embarrass you. What do you think?" Zhang pengtian said.

Hearing this proposal, Zhang Jinju was slightly stunned and could not help shouting in a low voice: "father, this..."

Zhang pengtian waved his hand and motioned to his son not to speak. Then he gazed at Xue an and waited for his answer.

The corner of Xue an's mouth gradually raised, and gradually showed a cold smile.

"This proposal sounds as if I should be grateful to you as well!"

Zhang Jinju finally couldn't contain his anger and sneered, "isn't it? Don't you appreciate my father's great kindness and his willingness to let you live? "

Xue an did not pay attention to him, but looked down at the blood bead in his hand.

"I was very strange before. What made you betray the backstage on which you live? Now I suddenly have some understanding!"

Said, Xue an Huoran looked up, eyes slightly narrowed, staring at Zhang pengtian, said: "all the alms are not as good as their overall control, you say right?"

Zhang pengtian's face was gradually gloomy, and his eyes were even colder.

"That's right, so is that the answer you gave me?"

"What if I say yes?"

"Then go to hell!" Zhang pengtian's understatement.

At the command, the whole treasure house instantly turned into a Senluo killing ground, and the gentle pearl turned into a violent power, and went straight to Xue an.

But in the face of such a strong and powerful one, Xue an didn't even move, and even the smile on the corner of his mouth didn't change, just a light way.

"I've seen it clearly. Do I need to say what to do next?"

What do you mean?

Who is he talking to?

Zhang pengtian was just stunned when he heard an extremely angry roar coming from a distance.


With this roar, all the jewels stopped in the air, then quickly faded all the brilliance, and rushed to a certain direction.

Zhang pengtian's face changed greatly, and he trembled and said: "this It's impossible

"Why not?" With a cold question, a figure began to emerge at the gathering place of the jewels.

When he saw this mediocre middle-aged man, Zhang pengtian's face turned pale and his eyes were full of shame and fear.

It was the shadow turtle emperor who came.

At the moment, he is still the ordinary Terran man's dress.

But there was infinite anger and killing in his eyes.

"Zhang pengtian, do you know the crime?"

A question, Zhang pengtian such as lightning, back several steps.

"I I... "

I spent a long time, but I couldn't say a complete word.One side of Zhang Jinju finally couldn't help it. He took a step forward, faced the shadow turtle emperor, and said in a deep voice, "what are you, and dare to question my father?"

The shadow turtle emperor laughed angrily, "what am I? At that time, your father was extremely poor. If it wasn't for me, he would have died in the hands of his enemies. Now you ask me what I am? "

Zhang Jinju was shocked and suddenly thought of a possibility. His face changed.

But he is different from his father. Zhang Jinju has been pampered since he was a child. He has a dandy habit and is not afraid of anything.

Even now that he knew the identity of the shadow turtle emperor, he was still full of disdain.

"Don't say that. You and we just get what we need. Without us, you shadow tortoise could not have developed so fast!"

"Good! Well said Shadow turtle emperor a burst of sneer, and then stare at Zhang Jin moment.

"Then why do you father and son want to kill me secretly, since they each take what they need?"

Zhang Jinju was speechless when asked.


Anyway, it can't be done.

But soon, there was a fierce look in his eyes, and then he said with a grim smile.

"I only blame you shadow turtle people for being too stubborn, and you are just a fairy level monster. You dare to occupy the black area of death for such a long time. It's your fault!"

With that, Zhang Jinju secretly glanced at his father.

Zhang pengtian's mood at this time has been calmed down, and then secretly clenched his teeth.

My son is right.

At this point, the only way out is to kill the shadow turtle emperor, and then take control of the whole dark area where the shadow turtle clan has died.

And look at the momentum of the shadow turtle emperor, he really has great hope here!

Thinking of this, his eyes gradually became fierce.

"Yes, shadow turtle emperor, I've done enough over the years. Now we don't owe anyone. As for the death of your people, it only means that you can't keep up and will be eliminated soon!"

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