With the voice, the breath of the whole treasure house becomes more and more solemn.

At the same time, there are innumerable strong and extremely strong breath began to emerge one by one in the dark.

And the momentum of Zhang pengtian's body is rising, and in a twinkling of an eye, it comes to a very terrible situation.

Yue Qinghuan, who had been watching coldly, could not help sighing, "the peak of xianzun is just a half step saint! Now, I guess there will be a lot of excitement! "

Sure enough.

When Zhang pengtian's momentum reached the peak, it made the power of the shadow turtle emperor retreat.

Then Zhang pengtian sneered, "shadow turtle emperor, I'm not your opponent in the dark area of death, but in this Pearl City, you're just a turtle in a jar!"

With the voice, I saw Zhang pengtian stretched out his hand, a palm to the shadow turtle emperor.

With the roar of the shadow turtle emperor, the Terran form suddenly collapses and begins to show its original form, trying to break free from the shackles of Zhang pengtian.

But when they reach this level, there is often a tiny gap in their cultivation, which is as insurmountable as a natural moat.

At least all the struggles of the shadow turtle emperor have been futile.

Then the palm was pressed on him.

Bang bang!

With the shell of the tortoise shell broken, the shadow turtle emperor snorted, and a trace of blood dripped down the corner of his mouth.

Just to the ground, the blood will turn into crystal clear blood beads.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Jinju's eyes showed the color of greed, "father, don't kill him so easily, if you can condense all his blood into pearls, and absorb them, our father and son will be able to completely master the way to enter the dark area of death!"

Zhang pengtian hears speech to smile lightly, "the moment son is at ease, for father own discretion!"

Then he pointed out again.

This finger went straight to the brow of the shadow turtle emperor.

The shadow turtle Emperor gave out a roar full of unwilling.

He didn't expect that he would die in the hands of the curfew.

But at the moment when his fingers were about to touch the shadow turtle emperor, a smile suddenly came from everyone's ears.

"It's a wonderful scene. It seems that we can't underestimate the greed of human nature at any time!"

With this exclamation, Zhang pengtian suddenly felt a chill between his eyebrows, and his head hurt.

In horror, he could not help retreating.

It wasn't until he stepped back a few steps that the feeling dissipated slightly. Then he looked forward with a lingering fear.

But see in the shadow turtle emperor's side, appeared a white dress snow youth.

Who can it be if it's not Xue an?

When they saw him, Zhang pengtian and Zhang Jinju were all shocked.

Even the trapped shadow turtle emperor has some silly eyes.

He didn't expect that it would be this Chinese teenager who would save himself.

But he is just a half step immortal!

It's very different from Zhang pengtian!

How could Zhang pengtian be so frightened of him?

These questions made the immortal beast a little at a loss.

At the same time, Xue an turned his head and gave him a smile.

"Do you know what's wrong with what you've done?"


"From the beginning, you shouldn't put all your chips in one place!"

"If you had supported the two pearl cities at that time, and let them contain each other by means of means, this would not have happened in any case!"

In a word, wake up the dreamer.

Although the shadow turtle emperor lived for countless years, he had little contact with people and his mind was very simple.

Now in Xue an's words, he suddenly realized how wrong he was!

"But what's the use of saying that now! I've raised a tiger. It's irreparable! " The shadow turtle emperor said bitterly.

Xue an smiles, "who says it's hard to recover?"

"Well?" Shadow turtle emperor is a Leng.

At this time, Xue an raised his head and looked at Zhang pengtian and his son in the distance. He said, "if I kill these two people for you, how can you repay me?"

This speech, Zhang pengtian and ambush in the darkness of countless good hands all for one Leng.

Even if someone gave a sneer of disdain.

Because Xue an's momentum is a little flat now!

Not to mention with Zhang pengtian, is compared with the shadow turtle emperor has a huge gap.

With such strength, we still want to fight back. It's just like a fool's dream.

But the shadow turtle emperor felt a little shocked, and then said: "if you can really do it, I'm willing to make an alliance with you, never against it!"

"Good!" Xue an answered the question cleanly, and then stepped forward to face Zhang pengtian in the distance with a faint smile."You heard that, too, so you committed suicide? Or do I have to do something? "

Looking at the smile on Xue an's face, Zhang pengtian felt a bone chilling for no reason.

He didn't dare to forget the coolness just now!

But no matter how you look at it, the cultivation of this young man in white is no better!

Is it all my own illusion?

Or what kind of weapon does he have?

These thoughts are stirring in Zhang pengtian's mind.

But no matter what I think in my heart, there is still a sneer on Zhang pengtian's face.

"Young man, your accomplishments are quite good at your age, but it's better not to be too arrogant, otherwise it's easy to fall down!"

Xue an chuckled, "I've heard this before, so I just want to tell you one word now!"

"What's that?"

As soon as Zhang pengtian's voice fell, Xue an's whole person disappeared in the same place. When he appeared again, he had already appeared behind him, and then he punched out.

Caught off guard, Zhang pengtian grabbed the punch with his back.


After a loud noise, Zhang pengtian was directly shocked to fly out, and flew to the distance like a parabola.

And Xue an gently blew blow fist, light way: "not angry that still call young people?"

This fist was like a stone breaking the sky, shaking everyone.

Even knowing that Xue an is sure to win Yue Qinghuan, they are a little surprised at Xue an's crispness.

That's the top master of xianzun!

How to get to Xue an's hand, but it seems that there is no power to fight back?

Zhang Jinju couldn't believe his eyes. He just breathed out two words, "father..."

Xue an had come to him, and then slapped him lightly!

Although he saw it vividly, Zhang Jinju was extremely frightened to find that he couldn't even move a finger. He could only watch the slap on his face.


With a clear slap in the face, Zhang Jinju also flew out, and even the parabolic trajectory in the air is almost the same!

Then Xue an clapped his hand and said faintly, "it's no use calling my father. I'm not as disheartened as your son!"

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