"It's a military talisman's arrow. She's a member of a military family!" Someone with sharp eyes recognized the token at a glance, and could not help crying out.

There was an uproar.

You should know that the military strategists are one of the hundred schools inherited from ancient times, and they are also among the most powerful.

What he is good at most is the skill of forming an array by attacking. His power is so powerful that it can be called unpredictable.

This also led to the rare appearance of his descendants in front of the public.

Now there is not only a soldier, but also a gorgeous girl.

How can this not be astonishing.

This lotus official's eyes also flashed a strange brilliance, and then he turned to say something to the people behind him.

A moment later, an old man in a grey robe came forward quickly. The female lotus officer and the casino people all stepped back and bowed their heads to show respect.

The old man didn't look around. He went straight to the table, picked up the talisman and examined it carefully.

After a long time, the old man nodded, "can be determined to be true!"

Then he raised his head and looked at Yue Qinghuan with bright eyes. He asked directly in the way of transmitting sound into the secret: "this girl, dare to ask who is Yue Shifang?"

Yue Qinghuan lowered her eyes and responded in the same way: "that's my brother!"

The old man was shocked all over and his eyes shone with horror. Then he held the talisman in both hands and handed it back.

Yue Qinghuan did not answer, but slightly raised her eyebrows, "what do you mean?"

The old man said with a smile, "Miss Yue, don't worry. I'll just give you back this talisman arrow."

"What? No need to pledge? " Yue Qinghuan said faintly.

"Of course not. The identity of Miss Yue alone is enough to have the highest overdraft authority in zuisheng building. How can it be pledged?"

Then the old man turned his head and winked at the people behind him.

Immediately, there are several strong and strong men pushing a car to come forward.

The car was full of golden chips.

Seeing this scene, the crowd could not help shouting.

"My God, what a fortune it must be with so much money!"

"Sure enough, it's one of the hundreds in ancient times. It's amazing that you can overdraw so many chips with just one inheritance identity!"

However, some people have doubts about this. "Listening to the old man's address just now, this girl seems to be surnamed Yue, and the Yue family in the military family seems to be..."

It seems that this person didn't say anything, but the expression on his face is still hard to say.

Among these comments, Yue Qinghuan also looked at the old man unexpectedly, and then whispered into the secret again: "do you know my brother?"

"I'm lucky to have met you!"

Then the old man stooped back and said with a smile, "have a good time!"

After that, the old man disappeared.

In a flash, the whole audience focused on Yue Qinghuan.

Yue Qinghuan raised her eyebrows slightly, then said to the female lotus officer, "can we start?"

The female lotus official nodded, came forward and picked up the dice cup from the table.

She first lifted the lid of the dice cup, then pushed it to Yue Qinghuan, "please check!"

Yue Qinghuan frowned slightly. She hadn't touched the dice before. How could she check these!

Just at this time, Xue an, who was standing on one side and didn't speak in the whole process, suddenly reached out and picked up the dice cup on the table.

There are three exquisite dice in the white jade dice cup.

Xue an holds it in the palm of his hand and turns it slowly.

His move made many people frown slightly.

Because it's the rule on the gambling table that the biggest gambler is qualified to check the gambling equipment. It's obvious that the female Dutch official is also talking to Yue Qinghuan.

How come suddenly, a boy in white who didn't know his origin came here to check the gambling equipment?

You know, there are many people who have an admiration for Yue Qinghuan and want to get close to him, so when they see this behind the scenes, they immediately "indignantly" want to say something.

But the next second, all the words they wanted to say were blocked in their throat.

Yue Qinghuan came close to Xue an and asked curiously, "how about it? See what's wrong? "

Xue an shook his head, then threw the dice back into the dice cup and said faintly, "let's go!"

The female lotus official nodded, took the dice cup and began to sort it out.

Taking advantage of this gap, Yue Qinghuan asked in a low voice: "if you can't see anything wrong, doesn't it mean that the zuisheng building is not deceiving?"

"Just because there is nothing wrong with things doesn't mean they won't cheat people!" Xue an light way.

"Yes! Oh, yes Yue Qinghuan suddenly thought of something and said to Xue an mysteriously."Since you can't see anything wrong, can you control these dice through your own mind?"

Xue an laughs, "do you think this exquisite city can be famous for gambling in the world where the strong are rampant? Do you consider that?"

"There's nothing wrong with those dice, but the dice cup is made by some secret technique. I've just tried it. No matter it's the power of mind or the cultivation of supernatural power, it can't penetrate into it!"

"Ah, so it is!" Yue Qinghuan was a little depressed. She thought she had found a good way to get rich!

Xue an gave her a strange glance.

Because he found that at the beginning of this will be mysterious and high cold performance incisively and vividly girl, now more and more naive.

How can I say this feeling? It's like a girl next door tearing off her disguise.

Just at this time, I saw the female lotus official tidy up everything, then shake the dice cup in her hand.

In an instant, the whole room was quiet.

Everyone was listening to the crash of dice.

A moment later, the female lotus officer put the dice cup on the table and said in a deep voice, "please bet!"

For a moment, everyone at the gambling table became excited.

People began to talk about it.

"I can't miss that voice just now. It must be loud this time!"

"Fart, the sound of the dice cup is random, not to mention you. The sage can't hear it when he comes. You must be big, I think it must be small!"

With the sound of quarrel, people have put the chips in their own position.

Soon, the big and small areas on the card table were full of chips.

In the twinkling of an eye, only Yue Qinghuan was left.

People all looked at Yue Qinghuan strangely.

Yue Qinghuan was also a little anxious, and secretly asked Xue an, who was standing there in silence.

"What's the matter? Why not bet? Everyone is waiting for us! "

"So anxious?"

"Nonsense, of course I'm worried! Why don't I try to make my own bet first! "

With that, Yue Qinghuan happily picked up a handful of chips from the car and threw them to a certain position on the table.

"That's it!"

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