At the sight of this bet position, the crowd around first froze and then burst into laughter.

"I'm a man who practices at the age of three. I've become immortal at the age of 100. I've lived for more than 1000 years. It's hard to count the number of cards I've played in this Linglong city. I've never seen anyone bet like that!" An old man laughs.

"Yes! Actually under the 2.3.4 of the encirclement dice, isn't it obvious to lose money? "

"It seems that since the founding of zuisheng building, no one has ever won the next round of dice."

"More than that, there are very few people down there!"

There was a lot of talk, but it was mostly one-sided ridicule.

Yue Qinghuan couldn't help blushing and stood awkwardly, a little at a loss.

She doesn't know how to encircle dice!

I just threw it out of my mind.

This female lotus official seemed to see her doubts and couldn't help smiling.

"Encircling dice means that the three dice points in the dice cup are the same as your points. Once you win, you can have a one to one hundred and five odds!"

Although it sounds like comfort, it is more like irony.

Because the loss of one hundred and five has proved how slim the probability is!

Yue Qinghuan is embarrassed.

But at this time, Xue an on one side suddenly chuckled, and then said faintly: "since the odds are so high, let's bet them all!"

Hearing this, not only Yue Qinghuan's face was muddled, but others were also a little silly.

What is he doing?

At the same time, but see Xue an a wave, the car chips will automatically fly up, and then one by one pile in the 2, 3, 4 around the dice that position.

Each one fits together precisely.

Among other things, this skill alone will be enough to surprise everyone.

Because it is enough to prove how terrible Xue an's mind control is.

But now people have no time to worry about these.

All of them looked at the two stacks of chips on the table, and their eyes were almost staring out.

Yue Qinghuan was also startled and asked in a low voice, "what are you doing?"

"Bet! What can I do? "

"But how can you bet like that? Are you crazy?"

"Isn't that the first thing you did? I'm just exaggerating the bet. After all Do you want to play bigger? " Xue an said with a smile.

Yue Qinghuan: "it's..."

Finally, his face helplessly covered his eyes, "OK, whatever you do!"

At this time, the female lotus official also woke up from the shock and looked at Xue an with a stylized smile, "excuse me, are you ready?"

"All right! Go ahead Xue an said casually.

"If that's the case, I'm sure I'll get out of the way and drive!"

At the moment, the woman's heart is in bloom. You know, her income is closely related to the performance of every table.

But because it is in the hall, so the income has not been too high.

Did not expect today but suddenly came a big head of injustice, bought extremely rare encircle dice.

Isn't it obvious to give yourself money!

Although she can't control the dice in the dice cup, through so many years of experience, she also knows how slim the probability of 2, 3, 4 points and being encircled by others is.

So she confidently lifted the lid of the dice cup and said, "everybody up!"

Strangely enough, the opening of the cup did not raise a burst of cheers and abuse as before.

On the contrary, everyone was surprisingly quiet this time.

Many people are dumbfounded looking at the dice cup.

The female lotus official's heart clapped.

Could it be that.

She immediately looked down, and then she was stunned in the same place.

I saw three dice lying on the white jade dice cup.

That's exactly 2.3.4.

The female lotus official felt a burst of blackness in front of her eyes and nearly fainted on the ground. She even whispered in despair: "how can..."

At the same time, there was a roar like a storm.

"Lying trough, I take back what I just said. It turns out that I have lived in the dog's stomach for more than a thousand years!"

"My God, it's really 2.3.4. What's the probability?"

"My God, with so many chips, it's still a loss of 150. How much does it cost?"

"Why didn't I just follow the next bet?"

For a moment, the crowd, including the gamblers on other tables, stopped their work and gathered around to watch the excitement.

Yue Qinghuan is also full of disbelief, staring at the number of dice cup, after a long time, she suddenly turned to ask."Did you already know?"

"What do you know?" Xue an light way.

"Know the number of points in it!"

"I have said for a long time that this dice cup can be isolated from all prying. How can I know?"

"Then how can you guess so accurately?" Yue Qinghuan asked.

Xue an laughed. "How can I guess correctly? Isn't that your first bet? "

Yue Qinghuan was stunned.


That's right!

It's really my first bet.

But why do you always feel that this guy is hiding something from himself?

Just as she was in a daze.

The old man in the grey robe appeared again.

"Big cashier, i..." The female lotus official is anxious to explain.

The grey robed old man just waved his hand, glanced at the chips on the table, and then looked at Yue Qinghuan with a smile on his face.

"Congratulations to miss Yue. She can win such a big prize for the first time. She really deserves to be a soldier!"

Yue Qinghuan was a little embarrassed, "it's just blind!"

The old man in the grey robe laughs. He takes a deep look at Xue an and waves his hand.

The powerful man strode forward with a brocade box in his hand.

The grey robed old man took it in his hand. After opening the brocade box, there was a pile of chips as transparent as crystal.

"It's a stone chip!"

"God, I saw such a precious chip. It's worth the trip today!"

The crowd screamed.

No wonder they haven't seen the world.

It's because the chips held by this big cashier are too precious.

One is enough to be worth the car's gold chips just now!

"Miss Yue, this is your chip. At the same time, I invite you to the VIP Hall on the second floor. After all, with the chips you have now, it is no longer suitable to stay in the hall on the first floor!" The grey robed old man said with a smile.

Yue Qinghuan took over the brocade box and nodded.

The crowd was in a commotion again, and many people were envious.

Because in their position, they have only heard of the VIP Hall on the second floor, but have never seen it.

Unexpectedly, the girl was invited to the second floor as soon as she arrived.

"You two, please follow me!" A beautiful woman took over the Dutch official who had doubted life and said with a smile.

Yue Qinghuan glanced at Xue an secretly. Seeing that he was indifferent and could not see any expression, he had to harden his head and say.


Then the two of them followed the beauty to the second floor.

When they left, the big cashier's smile did not change at all, but his voice became very cold.

"Go and find out who is the boy next to the daughter-in-law! And save all the water mirror videos just now, and hand them over to the inspection hall for examination! "

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