Although the hall on the first floor of zuisheng building is luxurious, it has been adjusted and improved in many places to cater to the taste of the general public and become more approachable.

Then the second floor of zuisheng building can be called the real luxury.

Among other things, the whole floor of the second floor is polished with pure and flawless high-quality spirit stone.

If you step on it, pure Aura will automatically pour into your body.

The effect of such terror is comparable to that of some blessed places.

As for other delicacies, wine, beautiful women and so on.

All in all, any luxury you can think of can be found here.

The name of Xiaojin Grottoes is worthy of its name.

Right now.

Yue Qinghuan followed the beautiful guide, looking around curiously.

It's different from the first floor. There are no gambling tables.

There are even many well-dressed and powerful people holding wine glasses, talking in small voice in groups, just like a grand banquet.

The arrival of Yue Qinghuan and Xue an naturally attracted the attention of these people.

"The atmosphere of military strategists! This woman is actually a member of the military family, but does not the military family always prohibit the family members from gambling? " Some people were shocked.

"Yes! And a woman, that's strange! " Some people wonder.

The crowd began to talk.

But basically all of them ignore Xue an selectively, and focus all their attention on Yue Qinghuan.

Because in their opinion, this young man in white, who was only half a step into the cultivation of xianzun, was nothing more than a follower. He was not qualified for their attention at all.

At the same time, there are many people who show a strong interest in Yue Qinghuan, especially some young men, who straighten their waists and become eager to try.

But all their efforts were futile, because after a big win, Yue Qinghuan is now full of interest in gambling, and his eyes are looking around. He can't wait to find the gambling table and have fun.

Seems to feel her urgency, the beauty guide led them straight through the hall.

Then a huge screen appeared in front of the desk. After turning the screen, I saw a huge table.

I don't know what kind of material the table is made of. It's dark dark gold and very wide.

Even so, the table is still full at the moment.

Besides, all of them are strong men with excellent accomplishments, and even one of them is a top level master of xianzun.

At the moment, these rare experts are paying close attention to the gambling on the table.

Only a few people noticed the arrival of Yue Qinghuan and Xue an, but they just looked up and then quickly looked down.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the gambling game on the second floor! You can take your seat at will, just call me if you have something to do! "

With that, the beautiful guide drifted away.

Yue Qinghuan came to the table three steps at the same time, chose a space to sit down, and then observed the gambling on the table.

Different from the dice game downstairs, there is a huge roulette on this table.

The roulette is made of unknown secret gold. It is extremely delicate and strong, and can be isolated from all external interference.

The roulette is divided into 38 squares, 36 of which are numbered from 1 to 36, and the 36 squares are divided into red and black.

In addition, there are two green areas, 0 and 00 respectively.

A small ball made of pure gold is placed in the track area. When the wheel turns, the ball will roll in the track. The corresponding number is the final result of which area the ball stops in.

This method of gambling is old and exciting.

At least at this time, all participants have been firmly attracted by it.

Some people's chips have been piled up in front of the mountain, while others are sitting there with a pale face, and the chips in front of them are also very few.

Seeing this, Yue Qinghuan began to itch again.

Everyone, as long as the bet once, and won, it is difficult to resist the temptation of gambling.

Yue Qinghuan is like this, but this time she is more rational than before, at least in advance to see the odds and everyone's down.

Because of the uncertainty of roulette, people have any number.

But generally people will choose three to four numbers to bet together, and also red and black, odd and even, and even the size range.

Only in 0 and 00, which represent the green code, few people bet.

Because they are all at the beginning of the roulette, the odds of winning are slim.

This also led to its highest odds, reaching 35-1.After looking at it for a moment, Yue Qinghuan couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed and asked in a low voice, "Hey, which number do you think I should make better?"

Xue an's eyes were staring at the wheel which was rapidly turning, and he said with a faint head: "it depends on you."

Yue Qinghuan shriveled, "what kind of answer are you! Isn't there any reference? "

"Don't ask me, you can go anywhere you like! Because you just won a big bet before, and your luck should be prosperous. "

"So it is Yue Qinghuan couldn't help but get excited when he heard the speech, and his eyes were fixed on the slowing wheel.

"Where is better..."

Just at this time, an artificial voice came from one side.

"This beautiful lady, is this your first time here?"

Yue Qinghuan turned to look.

But I saw a man in a light cyan dress, handsome, bearing extraordinary, looking at himself with a smile.

But somehow, when he came into contact with the man's eyes, Yue Qinghuan's heart trembled slightly, and then frowned imperceptibly.

Yue Qinghuan's natural instincts are always accurate, so she can conclude that under the man's seemingly elegant smile, there is absolutely deep malice.

However, her reaction was quick, so the man didn't notice anything unusual. Instead, after seeing Yue Qinghuan's face clearly, he became more excited.

"I think the girl has just been watching, and at the same time she looks very tight. It must be her first time to come here, but I happen to come here more often. If the girl doesn't understand something, I can give you some answers!"

Said, the man is also very familiar with the front together together.

Yue Qinghuan stepped back slightly and said, "thank you very much, but I don't think there's any need to answer this kind of gambling."

"Oh, girl, you don't have to be nervous. I don't mean anything to you. Besides, I've always been lucky recently. If you don't dislike me, you can follow me in the next round to make sure you win. What do you think?" The man still didn't want to give up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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