all is quiet at dead of night.

The cold moonlight shines into the living room through the window and is absorbed by a ring suspended in mid air.

This is the ring that was broken by Hong Ming, but at this moment, with the gradual penetration of moonlight, the ring with cracks began to repair gradually.


The cracks disappeared, and the shape of the ring became crystal clear.

Xue an's heart moved, and he carved a miniature body protection array on it.

After a flash of white light, the ring fell.

At the moment, the stall ring, which is only a few dollars, has changed greatly. There is a little red light on the clear and transparent gem.

This is the aura that Xue an added to it.

The bedroom door creaked open.

Fan Mengxue came out.

"Still awake?" Xue an said lightly.

Fan Mengxue shook his head, walked to Xue an, sat down very naturally, and then his head gently rested on Xue an's shoulder.

In the room, you can hear the snoring of two little girls.

Xue an suddenly felt a chill on his shoulder and looked down.

Fan Mengxue's beautiful face was full of tears.

Xue an sighed and took out the ring that had just been refined.

"Happy Birthday!"

Fan Mengxue's heart is full of grievances at the moment.

For Xue an, she has suffered so much and suffered so much pressure. Finally, she found that Xue an even had children, or twin daughters.

That doesn't count.

At today's classmate party, Xue an has not paid much attention to himself.

Did he feel estranged when he saw that he was with Hong Ming?

But the reason why I do this is for you!

Fan Mengxue tossed and turned, and then quietly got up to see what Xue an was doing.

And the appearance of this ring, let fan Mengxue's full of grievances disappeared.

"Do you like it?" Xue an smiles.

Fan Mengxue gave a low hum and couldn't put it down. After playing for a while, she put it on her right ring finger.

Xue an sees this scene, the facial expression slightly moves, then the line of sight turns elsewhere.

"How have you been in these four years?" Xue an Dao.

Fan Mengxue shook his head, "not good!"

After a while of silence, Xue an asked again, "how did you suddenly become a star?"

Fan Mengxue sighed gently, "because there are many, but the most important thing is to become famous as soon as possible. In this way, although you are missing, as long as you turn on the TV, you can still see me!"

Xue an was silent for a moment. "Sorry, these four years..."

Fan Mengxue suddenly kisses Xue an on the lips.

This sudden kiss, let Xue an have some bewilderment.

After 3000 years of practice, he has seen countless scenes.

To put it bluntly, he has been to the place where Fairies in heaven bathe more than once.

I've never been so flustered.

Kiss it.

Fan Mengxue whispered in Xue an's ear: "don't say I'm sorry. You're still alive. That's the best explanation."

With that, fan Mengxue sat back on the sofa, stretched a long stretch, and then put a pair of big long legs on the tea table.

"What are you going to do tomorrow?" Fan Mengxue asked softly.

"No plans!"

"Let's have a day's play with some thoughts and thoughts."

Xue an looked at the girl who seemed to have stars in her eyes and nodded.

Fan Mengxue's head leaned against xue'an's shoulder and gradually fell asleep.

Before going to bed, she asked softly.

"She must be beautiful."

Xue an did not answer.

The next day.

In front of a high school in Beijiang.

Xue an looks up at the school gate.

He is familiar with this place.

Because this is where he went to school for three years.

Fan Mengxue is in a good mood with a hat.

Tang xuan'er led Xue Xiang and Xue Nian.

Three big two small five people like a small tour group.

"Baba, where is this?" Xue wants to look at the school gate, puzzled asked.

Xue an smiles, "here This is where Dad used to go to school

"Is there anything good in there?" Xue Nian can't live without this food.

Xue an is dumbfounded to laugh, Xue wants to pinch his sister's small face without politeness.

"Eat, eat, you will know to eat! Look how fat you are

Xue Nian lowered his head a little aggrieved, and then said in a low voice: "your face seems to be more round!"

"All right! Let's go Fan Mengxue said.Xue an some surprised, "do not go in?"

Fan Mengxue shook his head, "I come here to see if this broken school has been demolished, so I don't want to go in and waste time!"

"Where shall we go now?" Tang xuan'er asked.

"Go skating! I haven't skated for a long time! " Fan Mengxue excitedly said.

This is a natural skating rink.

Because of the cold and frozen lake, is full of people galloping.

Fan Mengxue used to come here to play when he was at school.

"Baba, there are piglets selling piglets!" Xue Xiang and Xue Nian's eyes shine.

"I'll take both of them to buy it." Tang xuan'er said.

"I'll go too! Xue an, you line up here Fan Mengxue said.

The natural rink doesn't need tickets, but skates need to be rented.

Xue an is waiting in line here.

But at this time, a woman is very natural in front of him.

Xue an frowned slightly and patted the woman in front on the shoulder.


The woman turned her head impatiently. She was good-looking, about seven points up and down, but the putty on her face was one centimeter thick, and when she spoke, she would fall down.

"What's the matter?"

"Line up!" Xue an said lightly.

"What's wrong with the team? Can't a big man let us girls Women have a point.

At the moment, a lot of people are looking at this.

Xue an looked indifferent, "I asked you to line up, didn't you hear me?"

The woman is a little angry, and then the eyes turn, immediately into a picture of wronged appearance.

"You've been following me stealthily since just now, and when you're in line, you're still moving. You're abnormal!"

The eyes of the crowd suddenly changed, and many people looked at Xue an with contempt.

"How can you do such a thing?"

"Yes! This man is also a little disgusting

These comments let Qi Fen female heart is very proud, but the expression on her face is more and more delicate and pathetic.

This is a trick that she has tried repeatedly. Sometimes when she takes a bus, although she is not paid attention to at all, she will use this move as long as she is not satisfied with the other party.

They often make the other party speechless.

Xue an raised an eyebrow in these comments with some interest, "Oh? You said I touched you

"Yes! You not only touch me, but also follow me all the time! " The seven point girl is more and more arrogant.

Xue an asked with a smile, "where do you think I'll touch you?"

"Waist!" Seven of the women said categorically.

However, she also saw Xue an's eyes at this time, which was a kind of condescending contempt, which made her a little frightened. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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