"Just touching the waist?" Xue an's light way.

Seven points female heart some flustered, but still pretended to cry up.

Women's crying is very sympathetic.

In particular, the seven point girl is not bad, so many of the boys around the crowd glared at Xue an.

A few even rub their hands, eager to try to think of a "hero to save the United States.".

Xue an's mouth appeared a trace of disdain smile, "do you think that you cry very moving? Or You think you're beautiful? "

This interrogative words, let seven cent female cry more sad, but the heart is settled down.

Waiting for so many people to say that!

Sure enough.

Several students dressed up in indignation: "how to speak? You touch other people's little girls obscenely, and now you still scold them? "

"Yes! What a man Some of the women watching also pointed out.

Xue an looked at the group of people and said faintly, "if I really want to touch it, you think Can I take a fancy to such goods? "

The remark provoked public anger.

"You touch people, but you don't like them? Is there such a man in the world? " Exclaimed many of the women watching.

Seven minutes female squats on the ground, the face appears a smug smile.

Now, you're finished!

But it was just then.

A cool and beautiful female voice came, "Xue an, what's the matter?"

Just listen to this sound, it is enough to make many boys heart Chi Shen shake.

Then, Tang xuan'er and fan Mengxue come together.

The appearance of the two of them made the whole scene quiet.

Tang Xuaner is not wearing a long skirt today. Instead, she is wearing a pair of jeans and a white down jacket.

Such a dress up, let her appear particularly young moving.

And fan Mengxue is wearing a white long skirt with exquisite workmanship, showing a graceful and moving curve at a glance.

Although wearing a mask, you can't see the facial features clearly, but only by looking at the picturesque eyebrows and eyes, you can imagine that she is definitely a beautiful woman.

These two at least nine points of beauty, let a lot of boys straight eyes.

In particular, Tang xuan'er and fan Mengxue don't like heavy make-up, all of them are light powder, which makes them more elegant.

Compared with them, the seven point girl squatting on the ground is not much better than flowers.

"What's the matter?" Fan Mengxue asked with concern.

When she heard a dispute, she came.

Xue an smiles, "it's OK, but someone says I'm harassing her!"


Xue an pointed to the ground has fallen into the state of petrification of the seven female.

"That's her!"

At this time, Xue wants to say with one voice: "this aunt How ugly

This evaluation is also the voice of most people present at the moment.

People can't be compared with people.

Just seven point women still make a lot of men who have never seen the world feel very beautiful.

But now compared with Tang xuan'er and fan Mengxue, the stone in the pit is not as good as it is.

At this time, fan Mengxue couldn't help laughing, and his eyes were smiling into a beautiful crescent.

"Husband, she said you harassed her?"

While saying, fan Mengxue naturally took Xue an's arm.

This time, everyone understood.

It turns out that this beautiful girl is the man's girlfriend!

So just seven minutes of women's words completely no one believe.


You have cream cake to eat, still eat excrement?

Just a few of the most ferocious people not only shamefully lowered their heads, but also several glared at the seven point girl.

It's disgusting to think that this woman framed people for no reason!

At the moment, the seven cent girl only felt that her heart was full of panic.

She never expected that this man would have such a beautiful girlfriend.

Compared with other people, his face, which is made with a lot of money, is simply ugly!

At the moment, many boys look disappointed.

However, there are still many people secretly watching Tang xuan'er.

Compared with fan Mengxue with a mask, Tang xuan'er is more gentle and quiet.

However, fan Mengxue's next sentence mercilessly shattered these people's fantasies.

"Sister, this woman has slandered our husband!"

Let's husband?

After this strange address.

Everyone's eyes changed when they looked at Xue an.

Some are shocked, some are envious, but more are envious.

Tang xuan'er blushed and lowered her head.

Xue an has some helplessness. Fan Mengxue, sometimes, is really an ancient spirit.Then Xue an turns to look at the seven point girl.

"Now, do you say I touched you?"

Qi Fen Nu was shocked and thought of sophistry, but Xue an's eyes made her fall into an ice pit, and then she could not help saying, "no No! "

Xue an light said: "know wrong?"

"I know it's wrong!"

"Slap yourself twenty times!"

Xue an finished and left with Xue Xiang and others.

Seeing Xue an's gone, Qi Fen's daughter can't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then she secretly congratulates herself that she wants me to fan me? How can I listen to you like that?

But just want to get up, she felt that her hand involuntarily extended out, and then heavily slapped himself in the face.

The strength of this fan is so strong that seven girls are dizzy.

But before the reaction, the other hand is another slap in the face.

Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!

After 20 slaps in the face, the seven point girl's face was swollen like a ball, and her carefully made nose was also skewed.

But at this time no one sympathized with her, all looked at her with disgust.

The seven cent girl got up and took a look at Xue an's back and ran away.

After this episode, Xue an LED fan Mengxue and others to start skating.

Fan Mengxue's skating skills are good, but Tang Xuaner has no experience, so she has to wrestle when she puts on her shoes.

Xue an didn't have it either.

But with his ability, this little thing can't defeat him, so he took Tang xuan'er's hand to teach her.

As for Xue Xiang and Xue Nian, they were sitting on the sled and playing with some sled dogs.

The light in winter is very short, and soon it is getting dark.

This afternoon, fan Mengxue had a good time. At the moment, she was panting and sitting beside Xue an, her face still flushed.

"Tired?" Xue an Dao.

Fan Mengxue shook his head, "not tired!"

Xue an looked at Tang xuan'er, who was not far away, and said with a smile, "is that happy?"

"Of course! This is my happiest day in four years

Now, the landscape lights on the ice are on.

The mazes and castles made of ice are shining in the light, like the kingdom of ice and snow.

"How beautiful Fan Mengxue said with blurred eyes.

Xue an nods.

Although I have seen a landscape ten thousand times larger than this, Xue an, at the moment, feels that the fireworks in this world are actually very beautiful!

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