"Baba, Baba, do you think we are good?" Xue wants to and Xue Nian wear a pair of the smallest skates and skate in front of Xue an.

Xue an smiles, "how fierce! I learned it so quickly

"Yes, but aunt xuan'er is so stupid that she hasn't learned it yet!" Xue wanted to say.

Tang xuan'er, who is learning to skate hard not far away, blushes.

"Don't say that to your aunt xuan'er." Xue an Dao.

The blush on Tang xuan'er's face went down a little.

Don't want Xue an to say immediately: "even if really stupid, also can't say out!"

Xue Xiang and Xue Nian were amused and giggled.

Tang xuan'er glared at xue'an with some dissatisfaction, and then waddled to the distance.


In a corner in the distance, several pairs of eyes are looking at Xue an and others.

"Is that him?" The leader was a middle-aged man with some baldness.

Seven women nestled in his side and nodded with hate, "that's the man!"

"Tut Tut, these two little girls are really good-looking!" Said the bald man, squinting.

"Brother Jun, you have to decide for me! My face is puffed up and my nose is crooked! " Seven points female very aggrieved said.

This big military brother is the villain in this area. He has a good command of the ice skating business.

Seven points female and he know, today by Xue an to clean up a meal, she came to look for the army, hope to give out this tone.

The army nodded, "well to say, those who dare to offend me are really tired of living."

As soon as the army winked, a dozen people who followed him did not move to xue'an.

People who often come here to skate know this group of people and know that they are local snakes, so they all evade.

So soon, this group of people will vaguely surround xue'an and others.

Xue an has been joking with her two daughters, and seems to have not noticed the abnormality.

The army came forward and said to Tang xuan'er, "Yo, little sister, can't you skate? My brother teaches you

Then he moved forward.

Tang xuan'er frowned and hid.

"Who are you? I don't know you. Please stay away from me

Hu Dajun grinned and showed his big yellow teeth.

"My little sister is so watery. Isn't it boring to skate alone? It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is that in such a dark night, can't I have a man with me? "

Hu Dajun said, while gazing greedily at Tang xuan'er.

The girl was beautiful enough from a distance. When she got closer, she found that it was more beautiful than ever.

Tang xuan'er was disgusted by his obscene eyes and said in a cold voice: "again, please stay away from me! And I have friends with me

Hu Dajun grinned, "friend? Is it just him? "

Hu Dajun pointed to Xue an not far away, and said with disdain: "your friend is so scared that he can't even take a look here. Do you think he dares to show up?"

"And I told your little sister, you friend, that you hit my man! I'm going to settle with him Hu Dajun said arrogantly.

Tang xuan'er's face turned white and her teeth clenched. She was also worried.

These people were obviously prepared to come, especially when she saw the seven point girl with a bitter face, and knew that it was to revenge.

Xue an with himself and fan Mengxue, there are two little girls, will be so many people's opponents?

"Haha, so if you are obedient, my brother will hurt you and won't embarrass you!" Hu Dajun said, while salivating out his hands.

A white light.

Hu Dajun felt a chill in his wrist and seemed to have lost something.

Then he looked down and found that his two fingers were broken at the same time.

The blood gushed out, and the pain made Hu Dajun howl.

"I just heard that you want to settle with me?" Xue an came slowly with a funny smile on her face.

Fan Mengxue has taken Xue Xiang and Xue Nian to one side.

Because she knew that the next picture must not be suitable for children.

"You You... " Hu Dajun's whole body was shaking with pain, but a look of fear appeared on his face.

He didn't know what had just happened. Why did his hand break suddenly?

Did this man do it?

Xue an's eyes shifted to the seven point girl, "I was in a good mood, so I let you go, but if you want to die yourself, you can't blame others!"

A seven cent girl shakes like chaff.

Hu Dajun bit his teeth secretly, "give it all to me, scrap this boy!"

His group of men rushed up and surrounded xue'an.

With both hands on his back, Xue an looked up at the sky, and a faint smile appeared in the corner of his mouth."Xuan'er!"


"You are a doctor. Do you know what kind of bone is a good bone?"

Tang xuan'er was a little confused, so she shook her head and said, "I don't know!"

"I'll tell you now!"

Xue an said, a palm push, is in the front of the scum on the body.

With the sound of a dozen broken teeth, I was hit by the sound of mixed teeth.

It took Xue an less than ten seconds for a dozen thugs.

And without exception, they were interrupted by Xue an.

The sound of dental acid fracture is endless.

After the last gangster was trampled on by Xue an, Xue an said faintly: "did you hear the sound of these fractures? Good words are good bones

Then Xue an looked at Hu Dajun who was shivering and laughed, "now it's your turn!"

Hu Dajun was about to cry.

Who could have thought that this man, who was not a big man, would be so powerful?

But in a few seconds, they all beat down their own people.

"You You don't come here. I'm from kungo. You know what? That's the red man under the hand of boss Du. If you dare to beat me, be careful that Kunge will clean you up! " The more Hu Dajun said, the more confident he was.


Isn't kungo here right now?

Who dares not to pull out his flag?

But Hu Dajun didn't see a trace of panic from Xue an's face, and some of them were just a slight mockery.

"Kunge? Lu Kun

"Yes! You know kungo, too? Don't get down on your knees and beg for mercy! I tell you, kungo is here now Hu Dajun could not help but straighten his back.

Xue an faint smile, "well, I give you five minutes, you call Lu Kun, I apologize to him face to face!"

"Hum! You're a good judge Hu Dajun took out his mobile phone and dialed the phone.

"Kunge, I'm the army! I'm in the skating rink now. A boy is very arrogant and has beaten more than a dozen of our subordinates. Come here quickly! "

Lu Kun's voice came over the phone, "who is so bold? The man who dares to beat me, let him wait, I'll be there in a minute

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