Hu Dajun hangs up the phone and looks at Xue an triumphantly.

At the moment, there are many onlookers who are also quietly talking about it.

"Who is this man? How dare you fight the army

"I don't know! But it's amazing

"My God, this man is so handsome!"

"Hush, keep your voice down. This Hu Dajun is not good at stubble. There are still people behind him. It is said that it is Kunge, a famous Beijiang city!"

Many people were worried about xue'an, and some of them were brave enough to cry out: "Hey, man, run quickly. The hero will not suffer from the immediate loss."

"Yes, man, you still have your girlfriend with you! Let's go, that kungo is not easy to get into! "

Xue an is not moved by it, just smile at these people, and then light said: "nothing, I would like to see how powerful Kunge is!"

Some of them shook their heads and said, "young people, it's just too competitive."

Just as he was saying this, Lu Kun arrived with people.

Rukun's coming fast.

As Hu Dajun said, he lives near here now.

Lu Kun at the moment, full of resentment and anger.

Because of the Dragon Palace, he was driven out of the city by his eldest brother, Du fan, and then came to this wild place in the suburbs, which was called the ice rink.

To put it bluntly, it's exile!

This is the second, the most distressing thing for Lu Kun is his hair.

Every time he looked in the mirror, Lu Kun's heart was bleeding.

This Xue an is really cruel!

There's no hair left.

Now rukun's head is like a meat egg, naked and can see human figures.

Can this motherfucker grow?

Every time he read this, Lu Kun wanted to cut Xue an to pieces.

But I can only think about it in my heart.

Because Dufan warned him severely.

When you see Xue an in the future, you must hide as far as you can.

If something happened, Dufan couldn't keep him.

So Lu Kun can only vent his anger in his heart.

This time, he received a call from Hu Dajun. Lu Kun was so angry that he immediately arrived with people.

Hu Dajun quickly nodded and bowed to meet him, "Kunge! Why aren't you wearing a hat? How cold it is

Lu Kun now most taboo to hear the hair, and even can't hear the hat, so he glared at Hu Dajun.

"I will!"

"Yes, yes! Kunge, you see my fingers have been cut off. This boy is so arrogant that he has beaten all our people to the ground. "

Lu Kun's face was full of murderous anger. "Damn it, I've been guilty of being too old these two days. There are people looking for trouble everywhere. It seems that I have to kill a few!"

As he spoke, he followed the direction of Hu Dajun.


He was stunned.

Because he saw Xue an standing in the light with a smile on his face.

"Kunge, it is this boy, and the little girl is also his person. First, clean up the boy, and then give the girl to Kun ge you..."

But before Hu Dajun finished, Lu Kun slapped him in the face.


This slap in the face was very cruel. Hu Dajun turned directly on the ground for three times, then covered his face with his hand, and looked at Lu Kun with a confused face.

"Kunge, you..."

Then LuKun did something that stunned everyone in the room.

Seeing him go forward a few steps, flop down in front of Xue an, and then extremely respectfully said: "met Mr. Xue!"

There was silence.

Hu Dajun and Qifen female are more open mouth, can be stuffed into a duck egg.

Xue an looked at Lu Kun kneeling on the ground and said faintly, "you are quite aware of current affairs."

Lu Kun trembled, and then said respectfully, "Mr. Xue, I really don't know it's you. If I did, I would have come to meet you."

Xue an shook his head. "That doesn't need to be. It's your staff. It doesn't seem to welcome me very much."

Lu Kun immediately jumped up and kicked Hu Dajun to the ground with his red eyes. "Do you know who this is? This is Mr. Xue! Are you tired of living? How dare you behave before Mr. Xue? "

Hu Dajun has been scared silly at the moment, and an idea suddenly flashed into his mind.

In the past two days, there is a legend in Beijiang.

It is said that someone beat Lu Kun violently in the Dragon Palace, and asked Du fan to bow his head to admit his advice. There are even rumors that this man let the backstage of the Dragon Palace, the eldest lady of the Qin family, personally come to receive him.

Is it possible that This man?

After the idea flashed, Hu Dajun quickly got up, and then knelt on the ground, Bangbang Bang kowtow head.

"Spare your life, Mr. Xue! I'm a jerk, I'm blindThis amazing reversal made many onlookers dumbfounded.

Looking at Hu Dajun, who is always proud of himself, he is kneeling on the ground like a grandson.

Even Lu Kun, who is well-known in Beijiang, has to ask for mercy.

Many people look at Xue an's eyes become complicated.

Xue an looks at the seven point girl who has fallen into a petrified state.

"You see, I said I was in a good mood at that time, so I let you go, but you did not refuse to die! Don't blame me

Seven minutes of the daughter's face pale, Hu Dajun at this time angry.

Some of it's because of this bitch!

If she hadn't pushed her, how could she have fallen into this situation and even broken two fingers.

So he jumped up and slapped.

The nose of the seven cent girl who had just come over was once again skewed.

Lu Kun stood beside him in a cold sweat. He didn't even have the courage to look up at Xue an.

This man, has left him the deepest memory.

Xue an faint smile, "in fact, your bald appearance is quite pleasing to the eye!"

Lu Kun's smile was worse than his tears

Xue an took Tang xuan'er up and left.

These social scum, Xue an killed all the effort.

When Xue an is far away.

Hu Dajun came over and asked, "Kunge..."

"Kun you, brother, do you know that you nearly killed me?" Lu Kun was furious.

Now in Lu Kun's heart, even a little bit of resentment has not dared to have.

Because just a few minutes at Xue an's side, Lu Kun deeply realized what is murderous.

Lu Kun has no doubt that if he didn't see the opportunity quickly, he might have been in a different place.

By comparison, it's nothing to have your hair cut off!

Hu Dajun was submissive and did not dare to speak.

Lu Kun took a deep breath, and then ordered, "when I see this man, how far can I hide? If I can't, I will kneel down and pretend to be my grandson. Do you understand?"

"Yes Hu Dajun bowed his head and said.

"Don't think I'm scaring you. This warning was given to me by Van Gogh himself! If you think it's better than Van Gogh, try it! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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