"Isn't this the Yue girl of the strategist! I didn't expect her to come today! Eh, who is the teenager sitting beside her? It looks very intimate! "

This is a statement.

Long Zhan is almost crazy. He turns around and looks at the man with infinite killing eyes.

"Gu Yushan, what do you mean? Do you mean to stimulate me? "

Gu Yushan smiles, then reaches out his hand and taps him on the shoulder. He says faintly, "long Shao, I think you misunderstood. How can I deliberately stimulate you! I'm just talking about an obvious fact! "

Long Zhan's eyes were red, and even his breath was heavy. It seemed that he would burst out at any time.

"You have the ability to say it again!" Long Zhan said word by word.

At the same time, the fierce murderous spirit went straight to guyushan.

Gu Yushan just shrugged his shoulders and then said with a smile.

"Long Shao, I don't have any malice in my temper! On the contrary, I came here to provide you with information! Don't you want to know where this teenager came from? "

Long Zhan was stunned, then said coldly: "of course I want to know!"

"That's right!" Gu Yushan's smile became more and more brilliant, and then he told the story of Xue an and Yue Qinghuan coming to zuisheng building.

After hearing this, longzhan's eyes narrowed slightly, "Baozhu city?"

"Yes! We used almost all the contacts in zuisheng building, but we still can't find out the origin of this young man. We just know that he first appeared in Baozhu city! "

Speaking of this, Gu Yushan's smile became more and more profound, "and as far as I know, this Yue girl, who has always been regarded as forbidden by you, seems to have disappeared for some time, and then when she appears, she is also in Baozhu city. What does that mean?"

Long Zhan was about to be burned out by his anger, and the last trace of remaining reason was gone. "I'm going to kill him, no! I'm going to tear him to pieces so that he can't live forever! "

Gu Yushan seemed to be very satisfied with the effect, and said faintly: "now not only you, but also our whole zuisheng building are very interested in this young man, but no matter how much you want to kill him, please don't do it in zuisheng building!"

Hearing this, long Zhan raised his eyes and stared at Gu Yushan, "what does this mean? Tell me so much, and now tell me I can't kill him? "

"Not that you will not kill him, but that you cannot kill him here! Otherwise, what about the reputation of zuisheng building? And the reason why we let him come to the killing casino is to see how he can win all the way in this place where he only depends on his strength! "

Speaking of the end, Gu Yushan's face showed a cold color.

Long Zhan was a little stunned, and then he said, "what do I do? Is it here to watch? "

"Of course not!" Gu Yushan laughs like a chicken thief.

"Don't you have any interest in gambling with them for the next time?"

Long Zhan had gradually recovered his composure.

Although he has always been arrogant and arrogant, he also knows that this zuisheng building is not a place where he can act recklessly.

It's nothing to hurt a valet just now. If you really don't listen to Gu Yushan in front of you, you'll have to eat and walk.

Because he quickly nodded, "I see. Do you want to set a trap for this boy?"

"How can you say that? I just want to have a try. What's his ability? " Gu Yushan had a brilliant smile.

"At most, it's just a small interest on the chips he just won."

Just as the two of them were talking in the box.

On the grandstand, Yue Qinghuan frowned slightly and looked back from time to time.

"What's the matter?"

"Very strange, I always feel that there is an inexplicable prying around, but I can't find where it is!"

Xue an laughed at the words, "isn't that normal? With your appearance, it's inevitable that someone will spy on you. "

Yue Qinghuan sniffed Yan and said with a smile, "are you praising me for my beauty?"

"Is that a compliment? You're beautiful already Xue an said with displeasure.

"Hum, I finally showed my feet. I thought you were an iron man who couldn't get oil and salt into it."

Although he said so, the look on Yue Qinghuan's face was obviously very happy.

"Beauty is beauty, and I don't lie about it! For example, the bald brother in front of me has a round head and I think it's beautiful. Is that a problem? " Xue an said lightly.

When he heard that Xue an actually compared himself with a bald head, Yue Qinghuan's joy was gone, and then he said in a low voice: "you're such an asshole!"

Xue an was noncommittal, only smiling.

At this time, Yue Qinghuan's face was clear, and then he said, "Hey, seriously, that kind of snooping is really different. I always feel familiar with it, and there is a kind of hidden malice in it."Xue an laughed, "malicious that is not surprising, do you think we won so much money zuisheng building, they will be very happy?"

"You mean zuisheng building is aimed at us?"

"That's for sure!"

Yue Qinghuan became nervous for a moment, "what are you waiting for? Let's go now! "

Xue an looked ahead and said faintly, "do you believe that as soon as we get out of the zuisheng building, we will be surrounded by countless killers!"

With that, he looked back at those boxes in the grandstand thoughtfully and said with a smile.

"So now the safest place in Linglong city is zuisheng building under our feet. At least they dare not let us have an accident here!"

"But are we going to stay in this building all the time?" Yue Qinghuan said anxiously.

Xue an laughed, and suddenly came to Yue Qinghuan's ear and said, "have you forgotten the purpose of our coming here?"

Yue Qinghuan was so stiff that he didn't listen to what Xue an said.

Because this is the first time Xue an has been so close to her.

She was full of strange ideas about what he wanted to do and whether I wanted to resist or not.

At the same time, Xue an returned to his seat and said faintly, "when we find out the whereabouts of the shadow turtles and find out the truth behind the scenes, we can naturally leave!"

Yue Qinghuan nodded somewhat incomprehensibly.

At the same time, behind the box suddenly came a loud noise, and there was a faint roar.

A lot of people in the stands are inexplicable, so I don't know what happened.

At this time, a gong rang from the challenge arena, and the second gambling game finally began.

All of a sudden, everyone put their doubts behind them and focused on the challenge arena.

Only the corner of Xue an's mouth raised slightly, showing a cold smile.

Because he knows, next, the good play is the real beginning!

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