With the huge cheers, the two sides of the game in turn boarded the challenge arena.

One of them was the boxer who had smashed his opponent's head.

I saw his face arrogant color, naked upper body, toward the stage kept waving.

And every time he waved, he would win more cheers.

"Ah, I am invincible

"The murderer must screw his opponent's head off this time!"

That's right!

The boxer's nickname is killing God.

Since he became the boxer of the killing casino, he has gone through hundreds of battles, big and small, and never lost. His opponents were all smashed in the head, so he got the nickname.

Seems to be very satisfied with the audience's reaction, the "murderer" with a proud face to see his opponent in this gambling fight.

Compared with his arrogance and domineering, this opponent is much more low-key.

Not only thin and weak, but also even the white face did not have any ferocious experience of blood.

On the contrary, he was more like an ordinary teenager. When he stood there, his aura was completely controlled by the boxer, nicknamed murderer.

This kind of strong contrast makes all people not have any optimistic about him.

As for the "murderer", he looked at the boy with a grim smile, then stretched out his hand and made a vicious gesture at his throat.

The implications of the threat are clear.

The boy's reaction to this was just a smile, then he lowered his eyes, stepped back half a step, leaned against the railing and closed his eyes.

The reaction was booed.

Because no matter how unbearable an opponent is, even if he knows that he will definitely lose, he will still confront his opponent before the game starts.

This is also the most popular part of many audiences.

But unexpectedly, the teenager didn't even have the least reaction. That kind of state was like being scared.

How can this not be disappointing.

Even the woman, at the moment, is contemptuous to this young man's face.

Because in this arena, it's not terrible to lose or die, but the most terrible thing is cowardice and timidity.

Now the teenager's performance is obviously like this.

Even the dragon in the box frowned slightly when he saw this behind the scenes.

"What's the matter? Why do you want to match the killing God with such a unbearable opponent? Is this the place to die? "

"What? Do you think this young man is unbearable? " The ancient jade mountain on one side hears the words light way.

"Isn't it? Even ordinary people can see the huge gap between this young man and the God of killing? Let's not say anything else. I've lost a lot just in momentum, so I really don't understand the significance of such a gamble. Isn't it obvious that I want to give you money? "

Gu Yushan said with a smile, "if you even think so about long Shao, then this gamble is a success!"

"What do you mean?" Long Zhan was stunned.

Gu Yushan went to the window and looked at the young man who was closing his eyes at the edge of the challenge arena.

"This young man is much more terrible than what you see. This is one of the killer maces I have always kept. If it's not for the sake of venting my anger on you, I'm reluctant to use it!"

When long Zhan finally understood, he could not help but brighten up, "do you mean This is the situation you set for Yue Qinghuan and that boy? "

Gu Yushan smiles, "that's right!"

"But will it really work?" Long Zhan was not sure.

"Don't worry, as long as you've been in touch with people who have won, it's hard to resist the temptation of the next one!"

"So from the time I decided to send this teenager, their ending was doomed!"

Long Zhan's eyes became more flexible, and his face was even more excited. "According to what you say, can't I make a fortune in this gamble?"

"Ha ha, that's long Shao's own business!"

Long Zhanli made an impromptu bet.

But he didn't realize that when he turned away, Gu Yushan's mouth slightly raised, and his eyes showed a touch of sarcasm and disdain.

"It's just a little bit of concentration. No wonder it can't be used by the family all the time. It can only find some poor value in this casino!"

With that, Gu Yushan turned his head again and looked at Xue an with great interest.

"But you I can't see through it all the time! "

When Gu Yushan showed great interest in Xue an, Yue Qinghuan was also looking at Xue an with a blank face in the stands.

"Are you sure you want to bet on the teenager?"

"Of course!"

"Can I know why?"

"Do you need it?"

"Of course, because even the blind can see the huge gap between them!"Xue an laughed, "so that's why!"

Yue Qinghuan was confused again, "still don't understand!"

"You have just said that the gap between them can be seen by a blind man. How do you think people will bet?"

"Of course, it's the boxer nicknamed Shashen who won

"So, if the result is as expected, doesn't it mean that zuisheng building has to pay out of its own pocket? And you think, this kind of loss business, zuisheng building will do

Yue Qinghuan finally realized, "it's really..."

Xue an smiles and ignores Yue Qinghuan's astonishment. Instead, he looks at the young man on the challenge arena and whispers.

"It's strange and familiar. Let me think about it Is it the true martial arts of Wudang? "

When Xue an read the four words, it seemed that he felt the palpitation in his heart. The young man suddenly raised his eyes and looked in the direction of Xue an.

But at the moment, Xue an is in the same world. He can't see the slightest difference from his appearance, so the teenager can only come back in vain.

Nevertheless, there was still a doubt in his mind.

What's going on?

Why do you just feel a strong sense of prying?

At this time, another gong sounded, and the competition finally officially began.

Before the sound of the Gong came down, the "murderer" came over with a grim smile.

"Die for me!"

It has to be said that the strength of this "killing God" is really strong enough.

Just a shock makes the whole stand feel great pressure.

It was as if a mountain was falling down on you. It was creepy.

Almost everyone had a big smile on their face.

Because they have already bought the chip of the God killer.

Although the odds are very low, as long as you win, there will still be a lot of returns.

Now it seems that the game is in sight.

But the next second, the smile on these faces will all freeze.

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