In any case, he did not expect that one day someone could reverse control himself through tentacles.

At this time, the boy raised his head and drank a word with dignity.


Word like a mountain, the scream of the strangler instantly stopped.

Because at this moment, a very powerful force came directly to the strangler.

The strangler even had no time to react, so he was directly shattered into blood mist.

Two bangs.

It was the sound of the last two remaining tentacles falling on the challenge arena.

In addition, the whole person of the strangler has disappeared.

Everyone was staring.

Some people who are close to the challenge arena feel that their faces are moist. When they touch them with their hands, they are shocked to find that they are all blood mist.

This battle, the youth wins again!

There was a dead silence in the audience, followed by a clamor like a tsunami.

"No way! That's the strangler. How could it be so directly broken into blood fog? "

"My God, how strong should this teenager be?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

For a time, the whole audience was boiling. There were those who were happy, those who were shocked, and those who were depressed.

But no matter who it is, they all show deep respect for the young man standing on the challenge arena.

In the box, long Zhan also took a breath of cold air. "It's so strong, and if I'm not wrong, this young man should be using Taoist methods."

"Long Shao has good eyesight. He is the master of Taoist Zhenwu." Gu Yushan said with a smile.

Hearing this, long Zhan turned his head and looked at Gu Yushan with very strange eyes.

"Why does long Shao look at me like this?"

"Gu Yushan, you have always been smart, even known as the backstage pillar of zuisheng building. How can you do such stupid things this time?"

"I still don't know what long Shao wants to say!" Gu Yushan's smiling words.

Long Zhan snorted coldly, "don't pretend to be confused. You are the inheritors of the ancient hundred schools. You must not be unaware of the horror of Taoism. Now you have imprisoned a Taoist master here. If you are known by those Taoist lunatics, even if the backstage of your zuisheng building is hard, you have to think about the consequences."

Gu Yushan said with a smile, "well said, but long Shao, do you think that since I dare to let him out, I don't think of that?"

"You mean..."

"I didn't imprison him from the beginning to the end. He asked for everything! And what I have paid is just a small price! " Gu Yushan was very happy.

Long Zhan is a Leng.

Because he really can't imagine what conditions can make such a powerful Taoist master willingly become a boxer in the challenge arena.

But soon he put all this behind him, and then stared at Gu Yushan, "now that the war is over, that boy has won a lot of chips. What are you going to do next?"

"Don't worry. You have to eat one bite at a time, don't you?" Gu Yushan said with a smile.

"Well! I just hope you don't get caught in a trap! After all Now the chips that the boy has in his hands are astronomical. If he wins again, even you zuisheng building will have to break your bones and muscles! " Long Zhan sneered.

Gu Yushan's eyes also flashed a touch of cold light, "so you don't have to bother long Shao! Since I have done so, I am sure of it. "

Long Zhan sneered and said nothing.

Meanwhile, on the grandstand, Yue Qinghuan was about to jump up with excitement.

"Wow, we won again. Now our chips are astronomical."

Compared with Yue Qinghuan's excitement, Xue an is more calm.

He didn't even look at the chips, but focused all his attention on the young man in the challenge arena.

Despite the distance, Xue an could still see that the teenager was shaking all over at the moment.

Not only that, but also his momentum was at the extreme.

Obviously, the blow just now also caused great pressure on him.

In fact, it's not only Xue an, but many people have seen the difference at the moment.

It is clear that after two successive world wars, the teenager is at the end of his rope.

According to the normal rules and procedures, now he can go off to rest.

But this time it is very strange, until now no one has been on the stage to deal with the follow-up, but let the young man on the court independent, seems to be waiting for something.

Could it be that.

Many people are worried.

Just then, I heard another Gong.

Then, in the eyes of all the people, a figure appeared on the challenge arena.This is a woman.

And a very beautiful woman.

I saw her in pink dress, pretty face is full of shallow smile, walking light, come.

It felt like it was a field trip.

When she appeared on the challenge arena, she was even more out of tune with the surrounding environment.

Everyone's a little silly.

It's not that there are no women in this arena.

But those women are generally strong with unique skills. They are all fierce and vicious. They can't be compared with the doll like woman in front of them.

The long Zhan in the box was stunned, "are you sure this is your trump card?"

When saying this, long Zhan's face is full of whether you are joking.

Gu Yushan didn't respond to his words this time. He just glanced at him and then turned his eyes to the challenge arena.

At the same time, Yue Qinghuan in the stands is also muddled.

"What's the matter? This is not going to fight it? Why did you send a little girl up all of a sudden? "

Only Xue an looked at the woman like water.

Because only he can feel how terrible this woman is.

At this time, the woman's eyes on the challenge arena flow, and finally stay in the opposite youth.

"Little brother, I'll fight with you in the next battle. I hope you can pity me then!"

When she said this, the woman's tone was soft and weak, which made her feel a desire to protect her.

Even in the stands, there are a lot of people who are less determined and obsessed.

But the teenager was completely unmoved, even slightly frowned, and then stepped back.

It was like avoiding snakes and scorpions.

The smile on the woman's face can't hold up, and her eyelids are beating wildly.

At the same time, under the stage, Xue an suddenly chuckled.

"What are you laughing at?" Yue Qinghuan said strangely.

"It's nothing. It's just a little fun!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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