When the battle just started, people found the difference.

Because this time, it was the young man who took the lead in bullying himself and launched the attack.

I saw that his feet were moving and his body was wavering, which was elusive.

At the same time, his attack is also very strong, several face-to-face will force the woman back again and again.

Seeing this, the audience could not help cheering.

"Ah, kill her! What I hate most is beautiful women. Please torture him a little bit! " Someone yelled wildly.

As for others, they are also excited.

Because of this war, almost everyone bought a young winner.

So when we see such a one-sided situation, all of us are naturally happy.

But there are also very few people's faces become very dignified.

Because only they can see what's going on.

This young man is out of the ordinary and takes the lead in launching the attack obviously for a reason.

It is very likely that he has been unable to support his current state, so he is eager to end the battle.

Otherwise, the longer the delay, the worse it will be for him.

Sure enough.

This woman obviously also saw the youth's eagerness, her coping style is also very simple, that is to drag.

You're in a hurry to finish!

Then I'm not as good as you want, but I'll try my best to use up your energy.

Not only that, her mouth was not idle when she dodged, and she was smiling all the time: "Oh, little brother, why are you so cruel? It's going to frighten me! "

The young man didn't say a word at all, because at the moment, he was all supported by one breath. If he opened his mouth and let it go, it would be over!

But up to now, he has been at the end of the storm, in order to end the battle as soon as possible, he finally broke out the final combat effectiveness.

Boom boom!

After a storm like attack, the woman retreated and was finally forced to a corner of the challenge arena.

One more step back and you will fall into the abyss.

All the people in the stands were excited.

"Come on, you're one last step away from killing her!"

"Come on!"

But at this time, the smile on the woman's face gradually turned cold, and then her eyes flashed.

"Four ghosts, listen to my command, kill!"

At the same time, countless ghosts appeared beside him and began to attack him crazily.

Although the individual strength of these ghosts is not very good, there are too many of them. Therefore, in a flash, the power of the young people was eaten away, and they could only be supported by their own cultivation.

Even so, in front of the boundless ghost army, the young man's figure is still as precarious as a candle in the wind.

Everyone was shocked by this amazing reversal.

"It's a long lost descendant of the ghost family!"

"It is said that these descendants of the ghost family have been accompanied by ghosts since they were young. They have long been half human and half ghost monsters!"

"Now, this young man is a lot of bad luck!"

There was a lot of discussion, and everyone was sweating for the boy.

Yue Qinghuan was no exception. She suddenly turned pale and said, "no, we're going to lose! Xue an, what can we do? "

"What to do? It's cold Xue an light smile, "and now it's too early to say win or lose, this is just the beginning!"

"You mean There's still a possibility of a turnaround? "

Yue Qinghuan's voice has just come to an end, but the situation has changed.

The boy trapped by the boundless ghost suddenly gave a cold drink.

"Five Star Town color, the light shines xuanming!"

The voice just fell, but there was a bright light above the youth's head.

Where they passed, these ghosts all gave out a very miserable howl, and then turned into flying ash.

In this case, even the most inexperienced people can see the identity of teenagers.

"God, it's a Taoist!"

"Zuisheng building, is that crazy? Even Taoists dare to provoke? "

In the cry of surprise, the woman was also severely injured by this move. She even retreated, opened her mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, and then the color of horror appeared in her eyes.

"Taoist truth, how can it be!"

She was born in a ghost family, so naturally she was the enemy of Taoism.

If you know that this battle is a Taoist, even if you borrow her courage, she dare not do it.

When she was shocked, the pale, almost transparent young man suddenly touched the ground and flew up to the woman.

The woman was so frightened that she tried to move away from the young man.But at this time, she was desperate to find that no matter how she hid, she couldn't get away from the young man's momentum.

Are you going to die like this?

Women's hearts are not willing to cry.

And in the box, long Zhan also saw this scene, can't help but sneer: "Guda manager, it seems that your arrangement will be invalid again!"

Gu Yushan snorted coldly, and suddenly a radiance appeared between his eyebrows.

As soon as this brilliance appeared, a flash of brilliance flashed across the young man's eyebrows, and then a shackle shaped Rune appeared.

As soon as the rune came out, the momentum of the young man suddenly fell down. With a dull hum, he fell down from the air.

This unexpected scene made the whole audience scream.

Because no one knows what happened.

Only Xue an's eyes narrowed slightly and gave a sneer.

At this time, the young man fell on the challenge arena with a thud, and then fell to his knees with a plop. It was obvious that he could not support himself.

Seeing this, the woman who thought she would die was overjoyed. Then she turned around and wanted to run away.

That's right.

Even though she knew that the youth was at the end of her life, because of the Taoism's suppression of all demons, she didn't even dare to resist. She just wanted to escape as soon as possible.

But at this time, in her ear came the faint voice of Gu Yushan.

"If you don't want to die, go ahead and knock down this young man. Otherwise, if you dare to take another step, I promise you will die miserably."

When the woman smell speech, even if stunned, and then looked at the distance of the youth, face now hesitant color.

"Don't be afraid, even if you dare to step forward and do it, he has been sealed by me now. He is a useless man!" The voice of Gu Yushan rings again.

Only then did the woman summon up her courage to go forward.

All the audience held their breath and watched quietly.

The boy half knelt on the ground, drooping his head and low eyes, unable to see his face clearly.

But the more so, the more frightened the woman was.

Finally, she came to the young man.

"Do it!" Gu Yushan's voice sounded in her ears.

The woman bit her lip, then slowly raised her hand.

But at this time, it seems to feel the woman's intention to kill, young Huoran raised his eyes.

Although his face was pale to almost transparent, his eyes were still cold and deep.

The woman trembled and almost screamed.

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