Just then, the crowd in the stands suddenly began to clamor.

Especially at the chip exchange, there was a lot of noise.

"Why don't you cash my prize?"

"Yes, I won. Why don't you exchange chips for me? Do you think zuisheng building wants to default? "

Shouting one after another, so that the situation in the casino gradually confused.

The people in the chip exchange office look like dirt, because they know the situation best.

If we really exchange according to the result of the war just now, then the chips here are not enough.

If you apply for allocation from above, it will be a big deal.

So they can't do anything about it. The person in charge of the exchange office urged Gu Yushan constantly through the contact rune, and said in an almost pleading tone.

"Housekeeper, you should think of a way. If you go on like this, there will be a real mess. At that time, you ordered me to continue gambling. Otherwise, I dare not do so with my courage. Now that something goes wrong, you can't leave it alone!"

Gu Yushan's face is as white as paper.

It was under his instruction that he continued to gamble before, but in the face of this almost violent situation, even if he was always clever and good at stirring people's hearts, he couldn't help it.

At present, unless we pay enough chips, otherwise things will never be properly solved. Well, even the reputation of zuisheng building will be destroyed.

By then, I'll be finished.

After feeling the seriousness of the matter, Gu Yushan's lips began to tremble, his eyes were full of infinite regret, and then he clenched his teeth and burst out a few words from his teeth.

"Pass the order and drive out the people who make the most trouble!"

"What? If the housekeeper does this, he will... " His men were also startled.

Gu Yushan has completely let go. Now he just wants to pass the storm in front of him and talk about the future.

So he said crazily, "didn't you hear what I said? Blow out the most noisy people first

The men are still afraid to move.

Long Zhan looked on coldly with a sneer on his face.

"What do you want? No one listened to what I said? " Gu Yushan is almost mad.

Just at this critical moment, a burst of exclamation came from outside, and then the situation that was close to boiling before became much quieter.

This sudden change made Gu Yushan in the box turn around and look at him immediately.

But see in that chip exchange money out of a woman.

A well-dressed, elegant beauty.

When the woman appeared before and after the public, even the most noisy people could not help but shut their mouths and bowed their heads to show respect.

Because he Yunxi, who is one of the backstage of zuisheng building, is known as the boss's wife.

At the moment, the person in charge of the chip exchange office stood beside he Yunxi sweating and nodded to explain what had just happened.

He Yunxi then waved his hand, indicating that he would not say much, and then looked around the audience with a smile.

The audience was completely quiet when the sight passed.

Then he Yunxi just said with a smile: "I already know what happened just now. You don't have to be so excited. I'm always willing to gamble and admit defeat. I won't default on my debt. I'll lose you a chip."

With that, she turned her head to the person in charge and said, "did you hear what I said? Now I'll start to exchange them one by one for you. There should be no mistakes. Do you understand? "

The person in charge quickly wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, nodded his head and said, "I understand!"

After that, he immediately turned to the staff behind him and yelled, "if the boss has something to say, start exchanging chips for everyone immediately!"


I don't know who started it. The whole audience was cheering.

"Good! Sure enough, he is the one who can take charge of zuisheng building. He is really grand! "

"Not to mention anything else, few men can match this kind of spirit alone!"

In the tide of praise, he Yunxi said with a smile, "you are too much praised. This is just what I should do!"

With that, she came to the front desk to exchange chips for everyone, and talked and laughed with some frequent customers.

In this case, the tense situation suddenly eased down, and the atmosphere became very warm.

There are even many people who feel guilty.

Think just shouldn't so don't trust zuisheng building!

Can such a big gambling house lose its chips?

As a result, the only thing left in people's hearts is gone.

Standing outside the crowd, Yue Qinghuan could not help sighing, "this woman, what a clever wrist!"

Xue an light smile, "a woman can stand in such a place, how can it be easy generation?"Then he stepped forward and said, "come on, it's time to exchange our chips!"

When Xue an and Yue Qinghuan appeared at the front desk, he Yunxi, who used to smile so skillfully, was stunned at first, then restrained his smile and said faintly, "this must be the Yue girl from the military strategist!"

Yue Qinghuan nodded, "yes!"

"Good! I was waiting for you. Since you are here, please follow me He Yunxi light way, and then turned out of the front desk, walk to the top of the stand.

Yue Qinghuan was a little surprised. He didn't understand what he Yunxi wanted to do. He couldn't help asking secretly.

"What do you say she wants to do? Do you want to default? "

But Xue an just laughed, "don't you know when you get there?"

Then Xue an followed.

In desperation, Yue Qinghuan had no choice but to follow him.

When the three of them left, the crowd immediately began to talk.

"What's the matter? Who are these two? Why does the landlady receive them in person? "

"That woman seems to be a soldier, but I don't know that young man!"

"Hiss! Look at the chips these two are going to exchange! " Someone suddenly exclaimed.

Everyone looked up one after another, but a line of big characters appeared on the water curtain in front of the chip exchange.

Yue Qinghuan, a strategist, was followed by an astronomical number of chips.

Now, a lot of people have turned pale.

"I see. No wonder the landlady will personally receive them. These chips are even enough to make zuisheng building hurt!" Someone said with a bitter smile.

"Yes! God knows how zuisheng building will deal with so many chips! "

At the same time, there are many people looking at the direction of the three away, secretly looked at each other, and then gently shook their heads.

In their opinion, it is difficult for Yue Qinghuan and the young man to come back.

Because the amount of this wealth is too amazing, amazing enough to make people do anything crazy.

While the outside world was talking, Xue an and Yue Qinghuan followed he Yunxi into the box.

After entering, Yue Qinghuan raised her eyebrows and said in a cold voice, "it's you!"

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