Long Zhan's face was also very ugly, because he saw with his own eyes that the woman who was regarded as a forbidden woman actually walked in side by side with other men, which made his heart full of jealousy.

However, he is not a pure dandy, so after taking a deep breath, he nodded calmly.

"Yes, it's me! Qinghuan, I didn't expect to see you here! What have you been doing these days? I've been looking for you for a long time, but I haven't found you! "

After hearing the words "Qinghuan", Yue Qinghuan looked disgusted, and then said: "what am I going to do? Does it have anything to do with you? And what do you want from me? "

This kind of cold in front of the public still does not leave the slightest feeling, so that long Zhan finally can not suppress the anger in his heart.

"Qinghuan, of course, it has something to do with me what you are going to do, because you should know what my parents and I mean to you, so I hope you can give me at least respect."

"It's a joke. It seems that I have to be grateful to you, the dragon family. Unfortunately, my aunt is not rare at all, and she won't give you any so-called respect!" Yue Qinghuan said with a cold smile.

Gu Yushan and he Yunxi were all watching them.

Long Zhan felt that he couldn't hang on his face any more, and his eyelids were beating wildly. Then he pointed to Xue an, "Yue Qinghuan, tell me the truth, are you doing this to me because of this wild man who didn't know where to jump out?"

This time words just finish saying, Yue Qinghuan that pair of lavender eyes instantly turn into ice, "long Zhan, you have the ability to just say again!"

"Ha ha!" Long Zhan suddenly laughed, and then his face was ferocious.

"Yue Qinghuan, don't think I don't know. You've disappeared all of a sudden. Have you gone to this man's rendezvous secretly? He also deliberately shows himself in front of the public. In my opinion, you are just a shameless bitch... "


Before he finished, a loud slap blocked the words behind long Zhan.

But see Yue Qinghuan don't know when has appeared in front of him, hand still stopped in the air, and eyes cold looking at him.

Long Zhan's half face began to swell at the speed visible to the naked eye, but he didn't feel it. He just looked at Yue Qinghuan, and even couldn't pay attention to the blood flowing from the corners of his mouth.

"You How dare you hit me? "

Yue Qinghuan raised her eyebrows slightly, "why, can't you fight? To tell you the truth, I don't like you for a long time. But because I belong to the same military family, I don't want to see you in the same way. But you dare to talk nonsense to me and my friends this time. Naturally, I will teach you a good lesson! "

With that, Yue Qinghuan stepped forward and stared at long Zhan in front of his cheek.

"I tell you, if I hear some messy words in your mouth again, I'll take off your head and kick it as a ball. Don't think I'm bluffing you. You should understand my character, do you understand?"

Long Zhan trembled all over, and a look of confusion appeared in his eyes.

As Yue Qinghuan said, her temperament is well-known among the younger generation of military strategists.

But in front of so many people, long Zhan can't be too weak.

So he said in a cold voice, "good! Yue Qinghuan, I wrote down this slap! "

"I don't believe that your father-in-law's Presbyterian Council will let you do whatever you want, or even bring back a rubbish that is not even immortal. Let's wait and see!"

After saying these words, long Zhan glared at Xue an with endless resentment, and then walked away.

In an instant, long Zhan and his subordinates left clean.

In the room, only Gu Yushan, he Yunxi, Xue an and Yue Qinghuan were left.

Until then, he Yunxi, who had been watching the crowd, just began to clap his hands.

"Good! Sure enough, he is worthy of being a descendant of a military strategist. He is really quick and clean in his work. Even long Shao dares to fight. He can be called a heroine among women! "

Yue Qinghuan is silent. On the contrary, Xue an suddenly laughs.

"You're good, too, but can we talk about chips first?"

Said, Xue an leisurely walked to the chair, sat down without saying, and even said to Yue Qinghuan who was standing in the same place.

"What are you doing standing there? Come here!"

Yue Qinghuan hesitated and finally came to Xue an and sat down.

Seeing this scene, he Yunxi couldn't help flashing a strange light in his eyes.

Because Xue an is too cold and quiet now.

And it was as if he was the master of the room.

This naturally surprised he Yunxi, who always thought that Yue Qinghuan was the real messenger.

In fact, after receiving the news, he Yunxi's first reaction at that time was that the Yue family was going to take action against zuisheng building.

But now it seems that the situation is different!But the more so, the more interested she was in Xue an.

So she chuckled, swung her waist, walked to the opposite of Xue an, and sat down.

"It's really interesting for this little brother to talk. Since you want to talk about chips, well, let's talk about it!"

Then she looked at Xue an and said, "first of all, how do you think this account should be calculated?"

"It's easy! I'd like to admit defeat Xue an's understatement.

Gu Yushan, who had not spoken all the time, could not help but immediately stood up and said, "yunniang, don't listen to this boy's nonsense. He is clearly making a thousand. How can he say that he is willing to gamble and admit defeat?"

As soon as the voice fell, he Yunxi hooked his hand to him and said, "come here!"

Gu Yushan didn't know why, but he came up, "yunniang..."

"Bend down!"

Gu Yushan had to bend over.

Then he heard a crackle.

Sitting on the chair, he Yunxi slapped Gu Yushan's geisheng fan and flew out. After three turns in the air, he fell to the ground heavily.

He Yunxi didn't even look at him. He picked up the towel on the table and gently wiped his hands.

"In zuisheng building, you need evidence when you speak. If you say that other people give a thousand, what about evidence?"

Gu Yushan, whose mouth and nose were bleeding, couldn't help but lose his face. But he still said in a low voice: "but..."

"Shut up, you useless thing. If it wasn't for your wanton change of rules, how could we lose so much?"

Gu Yushan immediately shut his mouth and did not dare to say anything.

Because it's really his fault.

After reprimanding Gu Yushan, he Yunxi reappeared a smile and nodded to Xue an.

"You're laughing at my incompetence!"

Xue an is noncommittal, because he knows that this extremely skillful woman obviously has some back moves.

Sure enough.

He Yunxi said faintly: "the four words of" willing to gamble and admit defeat "are the foundation of zuisheng building. Naturally, I will not deny it. But before that, I have something to prove!"

"Where did you and this lady Yue's first gambler come from?"

Yue Qinghuan was stunned.

Xue an seemed to have expected that she would have this question for a long time. She said with a faint smile, "to tell you the truth, we didn't bring any money when we came here. All the gambling books were given by one of your casinos!"

"Oh? It's a gift from one person. Are you talking about him? "

With that, he Yunxi clapped his hand with a smile.

The box door opened, and a grey robed old man came in. It was the big cashier who had given Yue Qinghuan chips before!

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