"Oh? What do you mean Xue an's words with a smile but not a smile.

"Ha ha, do you really think you can hide what you have done from everyone? You are wrong! Do you know what I just went to do? "

"What for?"

"I just checked the teacups of the whole killing casino and found that except for some broken ones, only your teacups were missing. Do you know what that means?" Lu Yushi sneered.

"What does it mean?" Xue an is still not in the slightest panic.

"Still pretending to be stupid? Well, then I'll let you know. At that time, when LV Yangyan was fighting, the seal was suddenly untied, and I felt a little strange. Later, I found through the residual powder that it was a teacup that shattered his seal, and it was the teacup that killed the casino! "

"And now in the whole casino, only your teacup is missing. How do you explain that?"

Gu Yushan was overjoyed by Lu Yushi's words.

"It turns out that the seal on LV Yangyan's body suddenly disappeared. It turned out that you were behind the scenes! Now what else do you have to say? "

He Yunxi quietly looked at Xue an, although did not speak, but the chill in her eyes is growing a little bit.

Xue an sighed softly, "I didn't think of that. That's right! I really broke the seal on that teenager

"Ha ha ha, you finally admit it!" Gu Yushan's excited facial features are distorted.

"Come on, catch this guy who's cheating behind his back, and then try him hard to see who his accomplices are."

In just a few words, Xue anding is regarded as a person who has accomplices and plots against zuisheng building. It can be seen how skillful this ancient Yushan is.

Words fall, the corridor outside immediately emerged a lot of cold, imposing thugs.

These thugs surrounded the box, and they all coveted Xue an inside.

At the command of he Yunxi, they would rush up and arrest Xue an.

The atmosphere suddenly condensed to freezing point.

Yue Qinghuan's face became pale. "Xue an..."

Xue an chuckles and shakes her head slightly to show her not to panic. Then she looks at he Yunxi.

"What? Are you going to go straight to the end? "

Gu Yushan sneered, "boy, I think you've got a fever and you're confused. You can't see the situation clearly at this time? You give a thousand first, but you still say that we are in default. You... "

He Yunxi suddenly gave a cold drink, "shut up!"

Gu Yushan was stunned.

"I didn't say a word, you don't have to say a word here!"

Gu Yushan had to shut his mouth.

Then he Yunxi looked at Xue an coldly.

"What else do you want to say now?"

Xue an light smile, "nothing, just want to do a deal with you!"

"Oh? Deal? What deal? "

"I don't want any chips to win, but you have to hand over LV Yangyan's younger sister who is under your control!"

He Yunxi's face sank, and he stopped Gu Yushan and Lu Yushi who wanted to attack with wordless power. Then he said in a cold voice, "go on!"

"You must have found out that I came from Baozhu city. Before I came, a shadow turtle emperor in Baozhu city asked me to do something!"

After mentioning the shadow turtle emperor, he Yunxi changed color slightly, "so you are the person of the shadow ghost emperor?"

Xue an smiles and shakes his head, "no, but I'm entrusted by the shadow turtle emperor. Naturally I'll do things for him! I know that the members of the shadow turtle clan are in your zuisheng building, so I hope you can hand them in together! "

He Yunxi's face became more wonderful, "what else?"

"Of course, I don't think you zuisheng building will deal with shadow turtles for no reason, so I want to know who is behind you! If we do all these three things, our previous accounts can be written off. What do you think? " Xue an light way.

He Yunxi laughed angrily, "you are a smart man, so you should be very clear about whether your requirements are possible or not!"

Xue an sighed, "so there's no room for recovery?"

He Yunxi motioned the people around him to get ready with his eyes. At the same time, he said in a cold voice, "what room do you want?"

"It's a pity that I wanted to let you go!" Xue an's quiet way.

"Do it!" He Yunxi didn't want to entangle with Xue an any more, and he said firmly.


Behind Lu Yushi, Gu Yushan, and many thugs outside the box all rushed towards Xue an.

In an instant, xue'an became the center of the siege.

The fury came from all directions.But in this case, Xue an sighed, "it's a pity that this table is a good dish!"

After that, he said in a deep voice: "if you don't start, when will you wait?"

As soon as the sound fell, the whole zuisheng building began to shake.

The shaking was so violent that many people who attacked Xue an fell to the ground.

He Yunxi suddenly turned pale, "what's the matter?"

You should know that this zuisheng building is built by secret method. It is as solid as gold. It has never happened before.

Before she knew what was going on, they heard a loud bang overhead.

At the same time, someone yelled: "give me back my sister!"


With the last roar, the upper part of zuisheng building was torn apart by unimaginable force.

The sky was shining down, and everyone was horrified.

Because under the starry sky, it was a huge virtual turtle.

Under the virtual image stands a young man.

It was LV Yangyan who had disappeared in the challenge arena before.

When they saw him, there was a commotion.

At this time, he Yunxi's almost hysterical scream came from the crowd.

"Kill him, kill everyone!"

What she looks like now is crazy.

The good zuisheng building was demolished by someone.

It can be imagined that if this matter can not be properly handled, the prestige of zuisheng building will be gone.

At the command, the whole zuisheng building was rocked, and many strong men rushed to the sky and rushed to LV Yangyan.

Many others launched indiscriminate attacks on Xue an.

But in this chaotic situation, Xue an suddenly sneered.

"Why are you so excited? Is it because this weapon of repression has been destroyed that you are afraid? "

With this remark, he Yunxi and the big accounting room suddenly changed color.

At this time, however, Xue an and Yue Qinghuan walked out of the siege and came to the sky without smoke.

The whole process is coming to a peak.

Before the public could react, Xue an had already stood in the air and looked down at the half damaged zuisheng building.

"I've been dormant underground for so long. It's time to show up!"

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