Then Xue an stepped on it, and a huge virtual image appeared behind him. He grabbed the half of zuisheng building and pulled it out.


The whole zuisheng building began to shake violently.

He Yunxi screamed, "quick, quick, kill him!"

Lu Yushi and many thugs rushed to Xue an.

But at this time, LV Yangyan was in front of Xue an, blocking the way.

Dong Dong!

The two sides fought hard against each other.

With LV Yangyan's ability of xuangui Zhenwu, in the face of a large number of powerful Lu Yushi and others, he didn't give in, and played for a long time.

At this time, he Yunxi felt the zuisheng building under his feet began to shake. At the same time, there was a loud bang from the bottom of the earth, as if something was breaking.

Then the whole zuisheng building began to rise little by little.

After feeling this, he Yunxi finally turned pale and screamed.

"No way! Just a half step immortal, how can he shake zuisheng building! "

But the fact is not based on anyone's will.

In the blink of an eye, Xue an pulled out zuisheng Lou Sheng with his supreme power.

All the gamblers in it were terrified.

He Yunxi, however, was so surprised and angry that he didn't care much about the propriety of the landlady. She jumped up, bypassed Lu Yushi and others who were fighting fiercely, and went straight to Xue an.

"Boy, you destroyed my zuisheng building, I will tear you to pieces today!"

But just at this time, seeing Xue an's arms shaking, he just threw the zuisheng building out like throwing rubbish.

At the same time, the whole Linglong city was also startled by the overwhelming momentum.

Countless people have poured out, gaping at the scene.

And in the place where there is more than half of the city away from zuisheng building, there is an exquisite and gorgeous manor.

Right now.

The manor owner also felt the excitement outside and flew up to see what had happened.

But as soon as he flew into the air, he came to the zuisheng building.

"The trough! What's the situation! "

Seeing this, the owner of the manor risked all his souls, then turned around and ran away.

Thanks to his quick reaction and agility.

This half of zuisheng building almost wiped his body and flew by, then it fell heavily on his manor.


With a loud noise, this originally exquisite and gorgeous courtyard was smashed out of a big hole by zuisheng building.

The shaken manor owner stood in the air, looking at the scene without tears.

What the hell is going on?

Who the hell did I mess with?

Why do you do this to me?

Under the three questions of fate, the manor owner turned around and flew to zuisheng building.

He's going to have to find out everything!

But he just flew over half of the city, before he came to the big pit left by zuisheng building.

There was a deep and creepy roar from the bottom of the earth.

The roar was so deafening that the whole Linglong city began to shake.

Then, in the pit, a powerful force rose to the sky.

The owner of the manor, who wanted to make a statement, immediately turned around and flew back to his manor.


In fact, it's not a big deal. It's just some buildings. It's a big deal to rebuild again!

The manor owner thought silently.

And around the huge pit, everyone's face changed.

In particular, he Yunxi had a big accounting room, and now his face could not be described with difficulty.

It's like a dead man.

Lu Yushi and LV Yangyan, who are fighting, are also separated, looking at the pit with a dignified face.

The whole room was as quiet as death.

Yue Qinghuan's face turned white and asked softly, "Xue an, what's in it?"

Xue an chuckled, "don't worry, you'll know soon!"

As soon as the voice fell, a flash of light came out of the huge pit, and then a monster appeared in the air.

This is a monster with sheep body, human face, armpit eyes and tiger teeth.

When I saw it, the whole audience was silent, and then there was a loud noise.

"Taotie! Oh, my God! It's a fierce beast in ancient times Someone screamed with despair on his face.

When we heard the name of Taotie, the whole Linglong city was shocked.The reason is that the name is too shocking and sensational.


One of the four evil beasts in ancient times was a kind of monster that only existed in legend for a long time.

It is said that his nature is cruel and greedy. Once he appears, he will be barren for thousands of miles.

This is also the reason why countless people are frightened after seeing it.

However, there are some super strong people who have found the difference of this gluttonous animal.

Because it's different from the legend or the record.

This Taotie is obviously much smaller in size. At the same time, there are countless runes in the body.

These runes go deep into the bone marrow, and some of them even keep oozing blood.

All of these show that this Taotie is not a complete adult, and has been seriously injured.

But it still can't let people down.

Because when the Taotie looked around the audience with his eyes under his armpit, the majesty and mystery still made countless people tremble.

Yue Qinghuan woke up at this time, and then exclaimed in a low voice: "my God, Xue an, do you already know that zuisheng is sealed with a glutton downstairs?"

"Of course not. In fact, I found out when I boarded the killing casino!" Xue an light way.

"What are these people doing to seal Taotie

"It's very simple, they want to use Taotie's ability to build a special Fengshui field, in order to swallow a huge amount of wealth, but this is just one of the most trivial purposes, their most important purpose is to subdue this Taotie!"

"Subdue this glutton?"

"That's right!" Xue an's eyes flashed a cold light.

"They try to subdue this glutton with blood and killing power, and make it for their own use!"

Yue Qinghuan was shocked by Xue an's words.

If so, the plot of zuisheng building would be too big.

Because since ancient times, no one has been able to subdue such ancient beasts.

"And who are they?" Yue Qinghuan whispered.

He Yunxi alone, or zuisheng building, is certainly not enough to support such a huge plot.

There must be a huge force behind them.

"This..." Xue an looked at he Yunxi, who was shaking in the distance, and gave a sneer.

"They need to ask themselves!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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