At this moment, however, he saw the fierce light in his eyes and gently swayed his body.

In a flash, there was a loud bang in Taotie's body, and then it turned into a light and rushed directly into the crowd of zuisheng building.

"Ah, help..." There was a shrill cry in the crowd, and the tight formation collapsed.

People are running away, but how can they match the speed of Taotie.

But see Taotie open blood pot big mouth, a mouth, crazy devour these zuisheng building thugs guards.

But in the blink of an eye, it swallowed at least seven or eight thugs.

With the phagocytosis, the seal pattern on Taotie's body gives out a slight light, and the momentum is faintly transformed.

Seeing this scene, he Yunxi, who had been shaking all over, was even more frightened and changed his color. He screamed hysterically: "come on! Stop it! Or we'll all die! "

One side of the big accounting room roared, and then with a very strange and treacherous way to depict a seal in the air.


He pushed forward.

This black light floating Fu Zhuan flew directly to Taotie, and then it was printed on the top of Taotie's head.


The Taotie raised his head to the sky and let out a roar of pain. Then the seal marks on his body lit up, forcing his rising momentum to fall down quickly.

Seeing this scene, he Yunxi could not help shouting excitedly, "hurry up, work harder and seal the beast back again!"

Although the accountant was as pale as paper, he knew that it was time for his life and death, so he didn't dare to keep a trace of it. He painted the seal script again in his hand, and at the same time, his feet kept moving, and he went straight to the gourmand.

But when he was about to come to Taotie, Taotie, who was struggling, suddenly flashed a cold light in his eyes. Then he opened his mouth and swallowed it directly.

The big cashier was scared to death, and the similar seal characters he had already depicted turned into nothing. At the same time, he tried to dodge, trying to avoid Taotie's mouth.

Can be caught off guard, how can he avoid the ancient beast attack.

So with a dull sound, the accountant was bitten off by Taotie.

Only the legs below the chest and abdomen are still standing in the void.

This scene shocked everyone.

At this time, the Taotie opened his mouth again and swallowed all the rest of the body in the big accounting room. Then he raised his head to the sky and let out a roar.

With the roar, the runes on his body became much shallower, and his momentum rose to a new height in an instant.

Seeing this, he Yunxi was cold all over and turned to run.

But as soon as she turned around, the glutton rushed towards her.

Sensing the approaching danger, he Yunxi could not help hissing and roaring: "stop him quickly!"

But at this time, people all avoid, where will someone listen to her!

He Yunxi's eyes showed the color of panic and despair, just when Lu Yushi appeared not far in front of her.

At the moment, the once invincible zuisheng building captain is also fleeing, even completely unaware of he Yunxi.

He Yunxi saw a flash in his eyes, rushed forward a few steps, reached for Lu Yushi's shoulder and pulled back.

Caught off guard, Lu Yushi was reeled by he Yunxi.

It was this delay that brought the giant beast to the front and swallowed it.

"Ah, he, you are..." Lu Yushi made a roar, but soon the roar disappeared.

Because his whole body has entered the mouth of Taotie.

But he Yunxi and Gu Yushan had already run away.

Seeing them disappear into the sky.

The Taotie snorted coldly, arched his hind legs back, and then his whole body catapulted out like a bow and arrow.

You know, after swallowing several experts in succession, the body of Taotie has become more and more huge.

But when it flies out, it is so light and fast.

But in a moment, it rushed behind he Yunxi and Gu Yushan, and then stretched out its forepaw and directly pushed them into the air.

"Spare your life, Mr. Taotie. It's nothing to do with me. It's all ordered by others." Gu Yushan screamed wildly.

He Yunxi's expression is a little calmer, but his face is pale as paper, looking at Taotie, feeling its burning breath, his eyes are full of begging and despair.

"Seal Unseal People Taotie suddenly opened his mouth and spoke in a vague voice.

Gu Yushan immediately said, "Mr. Taotie, the seal on your body is from a family expert. It has nothing to do with us. You..."

Before his words were heard, Taotie opened his mouth and swallowed Gu Yushan's head.The voice suddenly stopped, leaving Gu Yushan's headless body shaking slightly.

You know, the reason why Taotie is called a fierce beast in ancient times is that once it is swallowed, no matter how powerful you are, you will destroy the spirit and even the last trace of existence.

So at this moment, although Gu Yushan's body is still there except his head, he has already died so that he can't die any more.

"Noisy!" Taotie said in a cold voice.

At this time, he spoke fluently and skillfully, and his armpit eyes were staring at he Yunxi.

"Where is the man who hurt me and sealed me now?"

"I I don't know! " He Yunxi responded with a trembling voice.

"Well? I don't know? "

With this question, Taotie's power rose immediately, and he Yunxi's front paw was pressed with a slight force.

There was a dull sound.

He Yunxi's shoulder blades were crushed directly, and she couldn't help humming under the pain.

But she trembled and said, "Taotie Mr. Taotie, I really don't know who is the one who sealed you. I just came to guard here by the order of my family! "

Taotie was obviously very angry, so he opened his mouth to swallow he Yunxi.

But at this moment, the rune on it suddenly burst, as if a rope was tightening.

Taotie uttered a howl of extreme pain, and ignored he Yunxi. He began to roll in the void.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he Yunxi ran out.

At this time, a voice full of pride and pride came from the distant sky.

"A mere animal who has not yet become a climate dares to make trouble here?"

With the voice, but see a few light suddenly, after showing the body, all of them are extraordinary young, led by a man in a big robe, swaggering.

At the sight of these people, he Yunxi, who had escaped from death and was still in shock, was overjoyed and immediately fell to his knees.

"He Yunxi, an unworthy disciple, met several elder martial brothers."

At the same time, Yue Qinghuan, who was beside Xue an, was shocked by the men and blurted out three words.

"Yin Yang family!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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