"Yin Yang family?" Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly.

"That's right!" Yue Qinghuan took a deep breath and said slowly, "no wonder zuisheng Lou dares to be so arrogant, even to suppress the ancient fierce beasts for his own use. It turns out that their backstage is the Yin and Yang family. This is a trouble!"

"What's the trouble? I think it's very good. I beat the children to the adults, and they just solved it together. " Xue an light way.

Yue Qinghuan wry smile, "you don't understand, this Yin and Yang family even in the ancient hundred are very strong existence, no one dares to provoke."

"Not even you or your soldiers?" Xue an looked at her and said softly.

Yue Qinghuan was silent for a moment, and finally sighed, "you don't understand. Although our military strategists are strong, they have twelve Branches. In recent years, they have been fighting with each other, leading to their strength is not as good as before."

"As for me, I'm not afraid of them, but now..."

Yue Qinghuan didn't finish what she said, but seeing her gloomy look, she knew that there must be something hard to say.

Just at this time, but see this gluttonous beast stopped rolling, breathlessly lying in the void, the whole body is covered with deep visible bone wounds, looks very embarrassed and tired.

After confirming that he had no resistance, the man gave a satisfied sneer.

"Animals are animals. Even if they were fierce animals in ancient times, what could they do? In front of me, don't you still have to give up? "

After that, he turned his head and looked at Yue Qinghuan with pity.

"Oh, who should I be? It turns out that I'm miss Yue Qinghuan, a military strategist. I haven't seen you for a long time. Miss Yue is really more and more beautiful!"

Although the words are praise, they are full of arrogance and frivolity.

Yue Qinghuan's face became very ugly, but he couldn't attack it. He could only resist his anger and said in a cold voice, "Song Fuke, elder martial brother song, you are a great wizard of Yin Yang family. I'm just a girl. How can I fit your eyes?"

"Ha ha!" Song Fuke gave a sneer, and then looked at Xue an.

When he found out that the boy in white was just a half step immortal who could not be more "ordinary", song Fuke was slightly stunned, and then his eyes were filled with playfulness and disdain.

"Did you just tear down the zuisheng building of my Yin Yang family?" Song Fuke said in a cold voice.

Xue an shrugged, "yes! What's the problem? If you want to thank me, it's nothing more than a hand lift. "


"How dare you talk to elder martial brother song like this? You should clap your lips!"

Xue an's "frivolous" attitude immediately angered the people who followed song Fuke, and they all denounced.

Song Fuke's face is gradually gloomy, and his momentum is surging around him. His target is Xue an. At the same time, he stares at Xue an, trying to see some clues from the face of this beautiful boy.

But in the end he was disappointed.

Because he found that he could not see the smile on the young man's face.

Especially the other eyes, more deep as the sea in general, so that they are almost addicted to which unable to extricate themselves.

It made a difference in his eyes, but soon he sneered.

"It's really interesting. If I met you in other places, I might take you as a disciple of the Yin Yang family. Unfortunately You've done something you shouldn't have done, so you're doomed to pay the price! "

Then, he lowered his eyes and said with dignity: "now kneel down and let me take you back to the general arena. In this way, you may not die, otherwise, today is your death time!"

"Yes! Don't kneel down yet

"Elder martial brother song is merciful. Don't you kneel down and beg for mercy!"

These people who followed song Fuke were also a burst of uproar.

He Yunxi stood behind the crowd, his heart full of schadenfreude.

Boy, weren't you arrogant before?

Now I see how you are still mad!

But at this time, Xue an suddenly laughed, and then turned to look at Yue Qinghuan.

"Listen, they let me kneel down, and it seems that they want me to be grateful to them. What do you think is the reason?"

Yue Qinghuan's face was also very ugly at the moment, so he took a deep breath and walked forward: "elder martial brother song, please don't be impatient. There's a reason for this. We didn't deliberately make trouble, and..."

Before Yue Qinghuan finished, song Fuke interrupted her directly.

"What? Are you soldiers going to step in? "

Yue Qinghuan was dumb.

Song Fuke then sneered: "Yue Qinghuan, I've just given you enough face, even the whole process is only aimed at this boy, not involving you, so I hope you don't know how to praise me!"

Yue Qinghuan's face was blue and red, and his lavender eyes were full of infinite anger. He was obviously enraged by song Fuke's attitude.

But song Fuke didn't think so at all, "and I tell you the truth, even if you want to intervene, it's no use. My Yin Yang family is not in charge of your wife's work yet!""Those who are wise should step aside, or..."

Song Fuke gave a sneer, full of threat.

Yue Qinghuan's fists were so tightly clenched that his eyes were almost bursting with fire. Then he looked at Song Fuke and said word by word, "but if I insist on taking care of it?"

Song Fuke was also a little stunned, obviously did not expect Yue Qinghuan so persistent.

But he soon grinned, "if you insist on taking care of it, I'm sorry, i..."

Before the words were heard, Xue an suddenly put out his hand and patted Yue Qinghuan on the shoulder, "step back!"

Yue Qinghuan was stunned and looked at Xue an blankly.

Xue an showed his white teeth and said with a smile: "give these people to me. Just watch them on the side."

With that, Xue an stepped forward and blocked Yue Qinghuan behind him.

Looking at Xue an's back, Yue Qinghuan was confused.

What does this guy want?

Did he really think it was in the small sky like a puddle?

No matter how amazing his talent is, now he is only half a step immortal, and he can never be the opponent of song Fuke!

You should know that Yue Qinghuan, who was also a disciple of hundreds of schools in ancient times, knew the horror of song Fuke long ago.

At that time, song Fuke had the strength comparable to the half step sage, and later became one of the great Witches of the Yin Yang school.

If you want to have this position, you need at least half a step of Saint's realm.

This shows that he has already broken through, and time has passed for so long, how his current strength is even more mysterious.

At the same time, after seeing Xue an's action, all the people song Fuke brought were enraged.

"Arrogance! It's just half a step. Immortal Zun dares to challenge elder martial brother song like this. He really wants to die. "

"I guess I want to show myself in front of a beautiful woman. Unfortunately, elder martial brother song will teach him how to be a man!"

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