In these comments, song Fuke's eyes became extremely cold.

"Boy, this is your own death. You can't blame others!"

"Cut the crap!" Xue an reaches out his hand to song Fuke and says, "I'm going to let you all have no return today!"

Song Fuke was completely infuriated, and saw in front of him suddenly appeared countless Rotating Golden runes, and quickly gathered together.

In an instant, these golden rings turned into a small seal script and came straight to Xue an.

Strangely, the speed of this seal script is not fast, even slow in the eyes of many people.

But it's this slow Fu Zhuan, but it's devouring the space where it passes.

Xue an did not dodge.

Because he knew very well that no matter where he hid, he would not be able to escape the pursuit of this seal when it came out.

So he just looked at it quietly, and even there was a touch of excitement in his eyes.

Because it's the first tough fight he's had since he came across.

Although the previous battle against Zhang pengtian, the Lord of Baozhu City, was fierce, it was very watery because a large part of Zhang pengtian's strength was borrowed.

But song Fuke is different. As one of the great Witches of the Yin Yang family, he has a lot of strength, which is why Yue Qinghuan is very worried about Xue an.

Before everyone could react, the seal suddenly disappeared. When it reappeared, it came to Xue an and reprinted on his chest.


All of a sudden, a dazzling white light flashed across the field, followed by a loud noise.

Then countless people saw a shadow falling down from the air and crashing into the ground with a powerful force.


There was smoke and dust everywhere, and a huge hole appeared on the ground.

Look at the sky, where there is Xue an's figure.

This time, the whole audience was dead.

But soon, song Fuke sneered, "fight with me, you're too far away!"

In a flash, the group of people brought by song Fuke began to cheer, and the flattering words flooded song Fuke.

"Brother song is really powerful!"

"This boy is really looking for death. He dares to be disrespectful to elder martial brother song. I guess he's even powdered!"

Even he Yunxi could not help but take a breath, and then looked to the ground with a sneer.

It depends on how arrogant you are!

Yue Qinghuan, on the other hand, was completely stupid.

I saw her staring at the deep hole on the ground, only countless question marks hovering in her mind.


He just died?

A kind of unspeakable heartache suddenly hit, and tears appeared in her eyes.

But at this time, LV Yangyan, who had been standing behind them, suddenly stepped forward, stood in the position before Xue an, and then whispered.

"Don't cry, he should be OK!"

Yue Qinghuan raised her eyes with doubts.

Lu Yangyan said in a deep voice: "at the last moment, I saw him block the seal with his arm, so he should be OK!"


"Don't worry, he saved me once, and I won't let his woman get hurt. Now you step back and give it to me!" Lu Yangyan said coldly.

Yue Qinghuan's face turned red.

LV Yangyan obviously misunderstood her relationship with Xue an.

But she didn't explain or retreat. Instead, she stabilized her mind and looked coldly at Song Fuke.

"Song Fuke, are you determined to be the enemy of my wife's family? Aren't you afraid that your family's chief executive will blame you? "

"Yue Qinghuan, don't use the big Sima ming to oppress me here. The relationship between your brother and the big Sima Ming doesn't concern me. And just now everyone has seen that it's the boy who wants to die himself. Who can blame him?"

"So I'm still saying that if you know the truth, you should leave now. I can let you go, otherwise..."

"Or what?" Yue Qinghuan sneered.

"Otherwise, I can't guarantee that I will attack you! After all The goddess of the younger generation of military strategists, I'd like to kiss Fangze! " Song Fuke said ecstatically.

The group of people behind him even laughed, and the indecency in the laughter was obvious.

At this time, Yue Qinghuan suddenly calmed down. His figure suddenly flickered, and he was about to cross to the front of song Fuke.

But unexpectedly, a move that has always been unfavourable, failed this time.

Then song Fuke laughed wildly, "ha ha ha ha, useless Yue Qinghuan, I knew you would use this trick to deal with me, so I blocked the space ahead of time."Yue Qinghuan's eyes were full of humiliation.

On one side, however, Lu Yang Yan made a blow and said: "Zhenwu!"

But before the appearance of Zhenwu's virtual image, song Fuke shook it out with a flick of his finger, and then sneered.

"Don't say it's you. Even if you are the Taoist ancestors, you can't help me. After all On Tao and Dharma, my Yin Yang family is the first! "

"Oh? Is that right? " A chuckle came from under the ground.

Then the earth began to tremble and Xue an stepped out of it.

At the moment, his upper body clothes have burst, revealing the muscle lines full of explosive beauty below.

Although there is no previous suave, but more of a wild charm.

Song Fuke also had some disbelief, "how can it be? You're not dead? "

"Who told you I was dead?" Xue an light way.

Song Fuke's eyes suddenly became extremely cold.

He didn't expect that the boy in white, who was only half a step away from xianzun, could catch his own move and not die.

This made him no longer despise.

"Good! Sure enough, there are two brushes, but you still have to die today! "

With that, song Fuke made a seal with both hands and gave a cold drink.

"Anti blood fingerprints!"


A huge handprint fell from the sky and came straight to Xue an.

This time, song Fuke was more serious than before.

Xue an didn't take this palm hard, but suddenly raised his head to look at the Taotie.

"Are you interested in making a deal?"

This sudden remark stunned everyone.

Song Fuke was so angry that he laughed back, "I think you're really out of your mind. You're dying. Do you even want to make a deal with a beast?"

With that, the palm rushed to Xue an.

Xue an dodged this palm, but this was just the beginning, and the subsequent attacks came like a flood.

Xue an dodged from left to right, but his eyes stayed on this seemingly dying glutton.

Finally, after a silence, a low voice came from Taotie.

"What deal?"

"I'll untie all the seals for you, so that you can take revenge. You only need to promise me three things!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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