This remark made the group of people who followed song Fuke burst into laughter.

"It's really interesting that I dare to be so arrogant even though I'm dying!"

"Yes! What else do you say that you untied the seal, which was sealed by Lord Zhongjun himself? What kind of thing do you dare to say such a big thing? "

Song Fuke didn't say a word, just sneered and accelerated the attack.

In an instant, Xue an was under great pressure like a storm.

Despite this, Xue an's eyes still did not leave this gluttonous beast, as if waiting for its answer.

Just then, Taotie let out a low howl.

"Can you really untie the seal for me?"

"Now, do you think it's necessary for me to cheat you?" Xue an light way.

"Good! I promise you

Taotie's crisp promise surprised Xue an, so he said with a smile, "don't you ask me what three things I want you to do?"

"It's time. I can promise you anything as long as you can unseal it for me!" Taotie roared.

Xue an's eyes flashed a strange light, "good!"

After that, he dodged the blow of song Fuke, and then flew up to the gluttonous food in the sky.

"To die!" Song Fuke snorted coldly, and then drew his finger in front of him.


A huge gap suddenly appeared in the sky, and stopped Xue an outside.

At the same time, numerous seal characters attacked Xue an indiscriminately.

In an instant, the light was the bright Fu light, and Xue an's body was completely submerged.

Yue Qinghuan's heart was instantly raised to his throat.

Many of the onlookers shook their heads to themselves.

It's no use!

In front of song Fuke, who is half a saint, this young man in white has no chance of winning.


The light of the rune gradually dissipated, and the scene was empty.

"Ha ha, this boy must have been blasted by elder martial brother song, and there are no dregs left!" Someone sneered.

But at this time, the Taotie's scarred body suddenly appeared the glory of Tao Tao.

How to describe it!

The seal on Taotie's body is like a ring by ring code lock.

At the moment there is an invisible hand in the dial of these code locks, make it keep turning up.

This kind of vision naturally attracted song Fuke's attention, he did not hesitate to start the seal curse.


Taotie gave out a roar of pain, and the seal on his body contracted again.

But at this time the invisible hand also accelerated the speed, seal Guanghua will be crazy flashing up.

Song Fuke snorted angrily, then raised his hand and drew countless seal characters in front of him, attacking Taotie and all the spaces around it.


Fu Zhuan like fireworks burst open, the space to penetrate the holes.

This Taotie bear the brunt of the attack, the whole body was blown out big and small holes.

But at this time, the code Guanghua, which had been constantly rotating, suddenly stopped.

As soon as song Fuke wanted to speak, the seal characters he attacked fell like a tide.

Then, a click came out of the Taotie's body.

The voice instantly suppressed and covered all the breath of the audience.

It's as if there is something unspeakable in heaven and earth.

With each sound, the glory on the surface of Taotie's body will be broken.

In the end, the glory that once covered the whole body of Taotie completely dissipated.

Then Taotie gave out a very dull low roar.

Some people with shallow accomplishments can't stop shaking.

Song Fuke was even more livid. She took out a half black and half white jade pendant from her arms and squeezed it directly.


The jade pendant was smashed, and at the same time, a fierce black-and-white two Qi spurted out from it, directly attacking the Taotie beast in the distance.

"It's Yin Yang jade pendant! Elder martial brother song has lost money this time! " Someone exclaimed.

Yin Yang jade pendant is a special talisman treasure of Yin Yang family, which can only be made with the existence of simang level.

At the moment, the power of the jade pendant in Song Fuke's hand is obviously at least the existence of the middle monarch.

You should know that in the Yin Yang family, the strength level is roughly divided into: Wu, Dawu, Siming, Zhongjun, Yingshen, and the highest Eastern Emperor.

At Zhongjun level, he is already a legend level master.

The jade pendant from the hands of such beings is precious.

But at the moment, it's too late.

Although this black and white two gas condenses for the Yin and Yang double snake, fiercely rushed to the gluttonous giant.But when they just rushed to the front, the gluttonous beast just glanced at it indifferently, and the Yin and Yang twin snakes solidified instantly and burst into pieces.

Song Fuke was shocked, and his eyes were shocked.

This is equivalent to the jade pendant of Zhongjun level.

The result is so light to open?

Just as he was shocked, he saw that the body of this gluttonous beast suddenly began to grow rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, its size has increased by more than ten times, occupying half of the sky.

And the power it exudes is even more creepy.

At least just now, song Fuke and others, who were satisfied and believed that the war would be won, all turned very pale at the moment.

At the same time, but see this gluttonous beast slowly lowered his head, blood red eyes full of cold killing.

"You You're all going to die

Words fall, see it suddenly a mouth, directly swallow to song Fuke and others.

Although not to the mouth, but the fury of power has locked many people, making it unable to move.


After swallowing it, there were few people left to follow song Fuke.

Only the rest have been completely scared silly, standing in place even dare not move.

Taotie chewed for a while, and the sound of bones being chopped came from his mouth, and there was blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

But it still seems not satisfied, armpit eyes are still around inspection, seems to be looking for something.

All of a sudden.

In the void ten miles away from the battlefield, suddenly there were ripples, and then a light fell out of it.

It was song Fuke.

But at the moment, he had no desire for immortality before, and became extremely embarrassed.

After showing his figure, he flew away without hesitation.

But at this time, there was another light behind him, and then a woman yelled.

"Elder martial brother song, wait for me, don't leave me!"

It was he Yunxi.

But at this time, song Fuke didn't care about he Yunxi. His only goal now is to escape as soon as possible.

We'll wait until we get back to the general arena.

He Yunxi could not catch up with song Fuke with his strength.

But at this critical moment of his life, he Yunxi also burst out with unprecedented potential, struggling to catch up with him, song Fuke couldn't get rid of him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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