Not only that, he Yunxi kept pleading.

"Elder martial brother song, please take me back to the general arena. I don't want to die!"

Song Fuke didn't even look back.

Seeing that song Fuke didn't respond, he Yunxi couldn't help raising his voice.

"Elder martial brother song, have you forgotten what you said to me when you were in bed? You said you would keep me alive

Hearing these shouts, many people's faces showed different colors.

It turns out that there is a leg between the two!

But no matter how he Yunxi begged for abuse, song Fuke refused to turn back.

It is at this time that the gluttonous beast who devours everyone knows song Fuke's whereabouts.

As one of the main culprits, it certainly won't let song Fuke go.

I saw it suddenly a swing body.


It directly escapes into the void and reappears after Song Fuke and he Yunxi.

He Yunxi's cry became more shrill when he felt the giant beast coming after him.

"Elder martial brother song, please help me. I don't want to die!"

At this time, song's speed suddenly slowed down.

He Yunxi was very happy and ran forward quickly.

And while running, he yelled: "elder martial brother song, thank you..."

But just when she was grateful to song Fuke, song Fuke suddenly kicked back without looking back.


Caught off guard, this foot is kicking in he Yunxi's chest.

He Yunxi, who was running forward, was directly kicked out and vomited blood in the air.

Even so, she screamed bitterly: "Song Fuke, you have to die..." The voice stopped abruptly.

Because at this time, her whole body fell into the mouth of Taotie, and her spirit was destroyed.

And just taking advantage of this delay, song Fuke ran a long way forward, and was about to leave the scope of Linglong city.

Song Fuke's eyes showed a touch of joy, just about to work harder to break out of the boundary.

But at this time, in front of him emerged a indifferent figure.

It's Sean.

At the moment, although his face is a little pale, his eyes are full of playful color. Standing there quietly, he seems to be waiting for song Fuke.

Seeing this scene, song Fuke's eyes could not help showing the color of fury.

"Get out of here!"

Then he pushed his palms forward.

The terrible force came straight to Xue an and tried to push him away.

But just then, Xue an suddenly chuckled.

"Sorry, the road is blocked!"

With that, Xue an stepped down, and the space collapsed in an instant. He blocked song Fuke's attack.

Even though it's just a little stop, it's enough.

Before Song Fuke's second wave of attack, Taotie had arrived. He rushed forward and pressed song Fuke under his body with his sharp palms.

Song Fuke uttered a desperate scream, "ah, don't kill me, I can promise you any conditions..."

It seems that after hearing his plea for mercy, the action of the giant beast stopped.

After feeling this, song Fuke immediately cried out.

"Taotie, as long as you are willing to keep me alive, I can promise you any conditions. Please don't kill me!"

Taotie lowered his head and watched song Fuke coldly.

Song Fuke's face was like earth color, but the corner of his mouth still raised as much as he could, and he was full of flattery and smile.

At this time of his, where there is a little bit before the high spirited.

It's like a dog begging for mercy.

In the eyes of gluttonous, flashed a touch of fun color, "Oh, what conditions are you willing to agree?"

Although pressed in the claw, but song Fuke still nodded like pounding garlic in general, "yes, yes! As long as you will let me go, I can do anything. "

"Then I ask you, where is the man who sealed me now?"

"This..." Song Fuke just hesitated.

Taotie's palm was forced.

Song Fuke immediately screamed, "I said, I said, it's Yuehua Zhongjun who sealed you. He's in the general arena now!"

"The king of the moon..." Taotie repeated, and then began to laugh.

"When I just wake up from my deep sleep and my strength is at its lowest, seal me. I'm tired of being suppressed here for decades. I'll kill you!"

Song Fuke trembled all over and did not dare to speak.

At this time, Taotie looked down at him.

"Don't you want to die?"

Song Fuke nodded like a pound of garlic, "no I don't want to! "

"Then why did you call me one animal at a time?"Taotie suddenly roared, then pulled his paw.

Song Fuke's two legs were torn off.

The blood splashed, and song Fuke screamed.

But Taotie was even more excited. "Do you know what I hate most is the word" animal "? But you've been calling me, and now you're begging for mercy? "

While saying that, the gluttonous side wantonly abuse song Fuke.

In the blink of an eye, song Fuke's hands and feet were cut off by Qi gen, and her whole body was covered with large and small wounds, which can be described as extremely miserable.

Even so, song Fuke's will to survive was still very strong. He trembled his lips, opened his pierced eyes and whispered: "Rao Spare my life

But the next second, his head was swallowed by Taotie, and his spirits were all destroyed and completely destroyed.

So far.

Zuisheng building and the following members of the Yin Yang family were completely destroyed. Except for the dead bodies and the big pit left on the ground, there was no living creature.

Everyone held their breath and looked at the giant beast in silence.

Therefore, at the moment, the power from this giant beast has been dignified to the point of almost substance.

Especially the huge body which occupied half of the sky was full of supreme deterrence.

Yue Qinghuan swallowed his saliva subconsciously, and whispered: "just kill all those guys, Xue an, don't make trouble!"

But I seem to have heard her.

Then Xue an said faintly, "how about Taotie? I have untied the seal for you, and your revenge has been avenged. Now it's time to fulfill your promise! "

Words fall, this gluttonous Huo Ran turns around, dead stare at Xue an.

Xue an looks at it with displeasure.

Then Taotie laughed, "promise? What's the promise? "

Xue an slightly raised her eyebrows, "of course, you promised to do three things for me!"

"Oh! So that's it. I almost forgot if you didn't say it! " The color of treachery appeared in Taotie's eyes.

"Boy, you did untie the seal for me, but now I suddenly don't want to fulfill my promise. What should I do?"

Xue an's mouth gradually raised, and then said rather playfully: "so, do you want to default?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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