"Miss Meijia, I hope you can cooperate with our investigation work!" Fujita tries to keep herself as calm as possible.

Meijia shook her head. "I don't know anything. It's just that I'm in the dark. When I wake up, there are dead people all over the street."

Fujita Meixi looked at the r country's big star and frowned.

She had asked several times, but this one would not say anything.

Helpless, she had to get up and went to another room.

At this time, Qingshan Xingye is asking about the pine flying flowers.

"Miss pine, I think you should know what we do, so for your safety, please tell me all about it." Castle Peak Xingye Road.

The face of the pine flying flower was pale, and his eyes were blank, as if he had not heard it at all.

Qingshan Xingye frowned, "pine flying flowers!"

"Ah The pine trees were flying in the air, which was a surprise.

"You are also a first-class expert in martial arts. What is it that scares you into such a state?" Qingshan Xingye leaned down and watched the flying flowers of pine trees and whispered.

"Do not ask, I will not say anything!"

"Oh? It seems that you are underestimating our Ninja means There is a cruel smile in Qingshan Xingye.

Pine flying flowers pale, but firmly said: "kill me, I will not say."

Pine flying flower is very clear what this special intelligence branch is doing, also understand that in r country, Ninja is absolutely invincible.

But if it's Xue an, she'd rather offend these ninjas.

Because the man But the existence that makes ghosts and gods fear!

Aoyama Xingye's face showed anger and was about to start.

Fujita Meixi came in and said in a cold voice, "forget it! This investigation can also be found out. If she doesn't say anything, she won't say it. "

Aoyama Xingye rubbed his hands awkwardly and said, "in fact, I just want to punish her a little bit!"

Fujida Meixi looked at the pine tree flying flowers, "Miss pine, I don't know what you have experienced, which will make you so afraid, but since someone dares to commit such a crime in r country, then be prepared to bear the anger of our national protection Ninja!"

Pine flying flower gently shook his head, "master Meixi, I know your reputation, but I still want to advise you not to check, that person It's not something you can do with it! "

Hearing this, Aoyama Xingye was dumbfounded.

"Not to be provoked? I'm more and more interested now, and the people we can't afford

When he said this, Aoyama Xingye's face was full of pride.

The flying pine trees lowered their heads and stopped talking.

At home in Tokyo, Xue an takes out a Peiyuan pill specially refined for an Yan.

"Yan'er, this is what I specially prepared for you when I was refining Peiyuan pill for you! Now you can eat it

Danba blinks and takes it.

"I don't feel much!"

As soon as the voice fell, an Yan felt a hot air in her chest. At the same time, her momentum began to climb.

Boom! A rather strong momentum came out.

Real man!

But a few breathing time, Anyan actually broke through a realm, directly to the real world.

If this progress spreads out, can startle ground jaw.

Xue an was also a little surprised. He didn't expect Anyan to break through with a Peiyuan pill.

Is it true that his wife is one of those spiritual talents?

"What a strange feeling!" An Yan looks down at his hands.

"It seems to have infinite power."

An Yan said, a hand out, in Xue an's waist gently twist.


Xue an felt a tremendous force coming, and could not help but show his teeth in pain.

An Yan looked carefully, and then quickly released his hand.

"Husband, I'm sorry. Is it really painful?"

Xue an rubbed his waist and said with a bitter smile, "what do you say?"

"Hee hee, who asked me to twist you before, you always pretended to be in pain. Now, you don't have to pretend!" An Yan said with a smile.

Xue an couldn't laugh or cry.

Women Sometimes it's hard to make sense.

"Husband, it's all over. Should we go home?" An Yan asked.

Xue an nodded, "tomorrow, we'll leave tomorrow!"

But when Takeuchi came back, he brought back a message that country R had just banned all airports.

Xue an frowned. Did he want to fly back from country R with a large family?

"Forget it, it's ok now. It's a tour. Let's stay for a few more days." An Yan said.Xue an nods.

In the next few days, Xue an took his wife and children to play.

He has been leading around Tokyo's interesting places.

Although such a big thing happened, Tokyo, after all, is an international metropolis, still very prosperous.

While Xue an and his family were touring mountains and rivers, Fujida Meixi finally found that a man had appeared in asakuso temple that day through various news analysis.

Xue an.

When she saw the name, her heart sank.

As a member of the intelligence section, she certainly knows about Xue an's story.

But will he do it?

But Qingshan Xingye patted her chest, "OK, Meixi junior sister, since you have a suspect, you can give me the rest!"

Said not to wait for Fujita Meixi to speak, directly ran away.

Fujida Meixi stamped his foot, "this mang bumps into a ghost! Don't make trouble

At the moment, Xue an is leading her two daughters to watch TV at home.

An Yan is happy to play the game.

Recently, she fell in love with the host games of r country, especially all kinds of horror games. She was afraid and wanted to play.

"Oh, my God Anyan was scared by a sudden ghost in the game and subconsciously grabbed Xue an's clothes.

Xue an can't laugh or cry.

"Then don't play if you're afraid!"

Anyan shook his head, firmly said: "I don't, I have to see how scary this game can be!"

Then an Yan said with pleading tone: "husband, you are closer to me!"

Xue an had to move closer.

When the family is enjoying this rare warm time.

An untimely voice came.

"What an enviable family

Xue an frowned and said in a cold voice, "get out of here!"

"Hee hee, why are you so angry? Aren't you the most courteous country in China? "

With that, the figure of Aoyama Xingye emerged from the air.

The way he appeared made the two girls cry out excitedly, "is it ninja?"

"Two beautiful ladies, yes, I am the ninja of the big r country!" said the polite Chao Xue Xiang and Xue Nian

Then he smiles at xue'an.

"Mr. Xue, there are several things we need your cooperation in the investigation! Please come with me! "

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