"Oh? What if I don't cooperate? " Xue an said lightly.

"Then don't blame me for being rude!" Qingshan Xingye sneered.

At this time, an Yan suddenly stood up and went to the kitchen.

Qingshan Xingye looked at an Yan and didn't take her seriously. He turned around and continued: "although you are very strong, don't forget that this is r country, and I! Now I order you to go back with me to cooperate with the investigation, otherwise... " The green mountain star field Yin compassion's smile.

But before the smile on his face dissipated, an Yan, men and women all stood up. He rushed out of the kitchen with a pan and swung it at the back of the head of Qingshan Xingye.


The pan came straight to the green hills and stars with the wind.

Qingshan Xingye's face appeared a trace of mockery smile, slightly side, to avoid the pan, and then a self satisfied smile.

"It's violent, but do you think you can beat me with that? I'm very tolerant... "

Words have not finished, an Yan a bite teeth, exhausted the strength of the whole body will throw the pan out of the hand.

This is very fast, and unexpected, Aoyama Xingye has not had time to react, was shot in the head.

Bang Dang.

There was a close contact between the pan and the head of Aoyama Xingye.

It has to be said that the head of the upper tolerance man is hard enough, and the pan is directly deformed.

And this on endure adult green hill Xingye's head also with the naked eye visible speed drum up a big bag.

"Good Good! How can you beat me in this way? You're all dead! I will kill you Qingshan Xingye was shaking with anger.

But just wanted to attack, a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't move!" Xue an said lightly.

Qingshan Xingye is frozen.

Although Xue an just lightly put his hand on his shoulder, Qingshan Xingye felt that his muscles didn't listen to him.

A strong sense of crisis welled up in his mind, which made him look at Xue an in horror.

Why is this man who has just returned to be so imposing?

And an Yan is still a little angry at the moment.

"Break into my house and take my husband away? Well, I'll let you know how good the pan is

An Yan is like a female dragon who is touched by the scales, approaching the edge of the rampage.

Xue an smile, "OK, wife, don't be angry, I think now this upper tolerance adult, should know wrong, right?"

Looking at Xue an's smile, Qingshan Xingye's blood is cold and his face is pale.

"Go back and tell your people that I didn't do the thing about the Qiancao temple. The murderer has been killed by me. Don't thank me, but don't provoke me again. My patience is very limited!" Xue an said lightly.

Qingshan Xingye shudders all over, nods hard, and then goes away.

But no matter how he used it this time, he couldn't make use of it.

It seems that the surrounding space is blocked by the air machine.

Qingshan Xingye walked away in fear.

After he left, Anyan was worried and said, "husband, will these guys still come?"

"Of course Xue an smiles faintly.

"What about that?" An Yan asked anxiously.

"In a pan, of course," he said Xue an joked.

An Yan face a red, lowered his head some wry way: "I am a listen to these guys unexpectedly want to take you to go, in the heart a anxious..."

Xue an kneaded her little head and said fondly, "well, these guys don't have a long memory without blood, and you do a good job!"


Xue an nodded. "Of course it's true!"

An Yan some shy smile, with just that hand carrying the pan of violence image.

When Fujita Meixi saw his elder martial brother Qingshan Xingye, he was shocked.

"Elder martial brother, what's the matter with you? Why is the brain so big all of a sudden? "

Qingshan Xingye bared his teeth and touched the smashed bag, and then said with a bitter smile: "it was smashed by someone with a pan. Besides, this incident of Qiancao temple is definitely related to Xue an! But this man is strong! I think we need to inform the teacher! "

"How strong is it?" Fujita frowned.

"Indescribably powerful, even I only saw such a terrible breath in the teacher."

I can't solve the problem with Fuji's face

Soon, Fujita's report attracted the attention of senior government officials.

The Prime Minister of R is like an ant in a hot pot.

The pressure on him can be imagined when such a big thing happened.If he can't give the people a satisfactory answer, then he must step down.

So when Fujita's report was submitted, the prime minister was overjoyed, and somehow the culprit was found.

Therefore, he immediately accepted the proposal, and asked Fujida Meixi and others to deal with the matter.

In r country, Ninja is a very strange existence.

They have always been hidden in the dark corner of history, and only when the world is in chaos or when they are competing for the best, they will come to the stage.

It was only after entering the modern society that these ninjas gradually walked out of the darkness and became an indispensable and important force in state R, even influencing the change of power.


In a tall building in Kyushu.

Yuanqiao Liangjie is leaning on the sofa and enjoying the good time of the day.

Suddenly, a white light began to appear.

Yuanqiao Liangjie frowned slightly and caught the white light between his fingers. At this time, he could see clearly that it was a letter.

It is also a secret technique used by Ninja to convey important information.

After watching, Yuanqiao Liangjie closed his eyes and seemed to be thinking about something. After a long time, he opened his eyes solemnly.


Several figures gradually emerged.

"My Lord!"

"Order to go down, life without life, Shengren to Tokyo!"


Yuanqiao Liangjie, frowning, stood up and paced back and forth in the room.

Xue an!

The name set off a storm in his heart.

In recent days, the entire wudaojie of r country seems to have experienced a magnitude 9 earthquake.

Because Beichen yidaoliu, Juhe and other major Kendo school swordsmen all died, as well as several masters of dari temple and shrine.

What happened in the Qiancao temple has become the thing that all the martial arts circles of R want to know.

But to be sure, this Xue an certainly can't get rid of the connection.

Thinking of this, a touch of murderous air flashed across Yuanqiao Liangjie's face.

"Let's inform other Ninja schools that this time, we must let this person who dares to challenge our imperial warriors pay the price!"



The leaders of several major Ninja schools have received confidential letters and sincere invitation from the prime minister.

These killers, who used to hide in the dark, began to emerge from the water and showed their sharp fangs!

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