

As the sacred land of r country, the anime fans from all over the world come and go every day.

On the street, all kinds of people wearing strange clothes Cosplay are more common.

"Dad, Dad, look Ultraman Xue Xiangxing pointed to a man on the street and said.

As a little girl, her favorite is Altman.

And Xue Niang looks at a girl dressed as a changeable little cherry.

Xue an looked at her two excited daughters and couldn't help laughing.

"What do you two want to be?"

"I'm going to be page!" Xue Nian said first.

"Well..." Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Then I'll have to be George, but I can do it!" Xue Xiang also nodded and said.

"All right? Father pig Xue Nian shook Xue an's arm and pleaded softly.

As a immortal who has experienced countless ups and downs, and has reached the peak of the world, Xue an asked himself that his heart was as solid as a rock, and nothing could be destroyed.

What's more, it's just a little girl's coquetry. It's not worth mentioning.

So Xue an hesitated for a second and nodded.

"Yeah, dad is the best!" The two little girls all cheered.

An Yan is watching the excitement.

"Mom, and you, you are the pig father now!" Xue wanted to say something serious.

The smile on an Yan's face solidified.

Akihabara, as the holy land of animation, even the roadside stalls sell all kinds of COS props.

So in a few minutes.

Piggy's family appeared in the streets of Akihabara.

However, because the appearance of this family is high enough, it has attracted a lot of attention.

The more like this, the more happy Xue Xiang and Xue Nian walk in front.

Xue an and an Yan wear a pig ear hat, some embarrassed to follow.

"Think about it. Are you tired? Why don't we go somewhere for ice cream Xue an offered ice cream as a big killer.

But Xue wanted to shake his head together with Xue Nian. His face was full of unhappiness. "Daddy pig, please call us page and George!"

Xue an:.... "

Three hours later.

The two girls are tired of shopping at last.

Xue an and an Yan couldn't help but breathe.

During these three hours, several people came forward to ask for a group photo.

There are even several star scouts who are excited to talk to each other and think that Xue Xiang and Xue Nian have a great future in performing arts.

Of course, Xue an refused.

"Daddy pig, I'm hungry!" Xue Nian said.

Xue an nodded, "go, eat!"

Xue Nian didn't move.

Xue an sighed. "Dear page, shall we go to dinner?"

Xue Nian just showed a smile, "OK, father pig!"

As night falls, the lights of Akihabara are on.

Xue an and his family are eating in the restaurant.

Although the taste has been raised by Xue an Diao, but this day down, the two little girls are really hungry, so they are gobbling up their meals.

Xue an slowly drinking wine, smiling at.

At the moment, the wind and rain outside gradually set off the warmth of the house.

Suddenly, the shop door was pushed open, and a cold wind mixed with rain poured in.

Xue an slightly raised eyes, and then saw an acquaintance.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Edward. I'm not interested in your splendid history, and I'm going to have dinner with my friends now. Would you please stop following me?" This bridge Meijia with a trace of anger said.

"Mr. Edward, Meijia said very clearly. Please don't follow us any more!" he said in a cold voice

A foreign man with blonde hair and blue eyes is laughing and saying: "miss benqiao, I have asked your company. In recent days, you have nothing to do, and if we have dinner, wouldn't we be better?"

The bridge is beautiful and beautiful.

This Edward is a relative of the chairman of the board of directors of Meijia's company. He flew to Tokyo from m to deal with official business.

However, he unexpectedly saw benqiao Meijia. Since then, Edward seems to be possessed. No matter where benqiao Meijia goes, he always follows.

This makes Meijia of this bridge very annoying.

This time, it's not easy to take the plaster with you.

Hetian Huizi is also full of displeasure. When she turns her head, she sees Xue an not far away. In front of her eyes, she sees a light, and then pushes the bridge Meijia.

"Look over there!"

Meijia of this bridge turns to look, can't help but also stupefied.He Tian Huizi cunning smile, also ignore this bridge Meijia's obstruction, straight walked past.

"Hello, Mr. Xue!"

He Tian Huizi big big square's greeting way.

Xue an leaned on the chair and said with a faint smile, "Hello!"

He also saw what had just happened, so he looked at Huizi OTA lightly and wanted to see what she was going to do next.

He Tian Huizi was originally not afraid of the nature of the temper, but in Xue an that indifferent eyes, the heart can not help but also some nervous.

I don't know how to say what I want to say.

Finally, this bridge Meijia bit her teeth and came up, "Mr. Xue, it's so clever to meet again."

Xue an nodded, then looked at Edward, who was gradually gloomy in the back. "It seems that someone is very unhappy."

Benqiao bit her teeth and whispered, "Mr. Xue, please help me. This guy is too annoying!"

Xue an smiles.

Because he didn't have to go, this Edward had come forward.

"This is Edward asked haughtily.

"This is Mr. Xue from China and a friend of ours, Mr. Edward. It's raining outside. Please come back!"

Though my heart is full of anger.

But because Edward is also the company's top management, so the bridge Meijia as far as possible to suppress the anger in the heart, light said.

Edward's eyes flashed a grim look, "Chinese people? Ha ha, I didn't expect miss benqiao and her friends from China. It's amazing

Then Edward looked at Xue an and asked, "which company is this Mr. Xue an executive?"

Xue an shook his head. "I'm not a senior executive of any company. I'm just visiting r country."

Edward said with a meaningful smile, "Oh, that's it

Then, instead of looking at Xue an with a straight eye, he turned to benqiao and said, "miss benqiao, the environment in this place is too bad. Why don't I take you to a French dinner?"

Benqiao Meijia looks extremely ugly.

Just about to say something, Keiko OTA pointed out the window like a ghost and said in a trembling voice, "my God, is there anyone in cos when it's raining?"

It's not just her, but most of the people who are eating in the restaurant at the moment have seen an amazing scene.

I saw in the rainy night of Akihabara street, slowly came a group of men wearing ancient Samurai clothes, wooden clogs, wearing hat.

The men seemed to walk in silence, even the rain on the ground did not disturb.

While the crowd was watching, Xue an took the wine in the cup and drank it slowly. He said faintly, "it's really a group of annoying guys." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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