Edward said in surprise, "what is this doing? Making movies? "

No one paid any attention to him.

Because these silent men are coming to the restaurant.

Even though the glass is still strong.

Many timid people are already shivering.

Edward said with a strong smile: "ha ha, it seems that these people are here to eat? Is that right? "

But his joke, at this time, seems so out of date.

"Shut up, please!" The bridge is beautiful and cool.

Edward closed his mouth and turned to see Xue an.

He wanted to see how the eccentric Chinese man would react.

At the moment, Xue an slowly drank the wine in the cup and stood up to smile at an Yan.

"Wait for me!"

An Yan nods.

The two little girls stopped chopsticks and seriously said to Xue an, "come on, Dad!"

Xue an smiles, "OK, come on!"

Edward didn't know what she was going to do. He was about to talk.

But see Xue an's hand pressed on the window glass.


As if the glass had been shot by a bullet, it immediately cracked and broken.

The wind and rain poured into xue'an's sleeves and made him hunt.

Then Xue an walked slowly in the wind and rain. Looking at the men who gathered around him, he said faintly, "I said that my patience is limited. Why don't you understand me?"

The leader of a man slowly raised his head, under the hat is a pair of extremely indifferent, even can be said to be inhuman eyes.

"Kill!" A word came out of his mouth.

All of a sudden all the men disappeared.

At the moment, in the distance of a tall building, Yuanqiao Liangjie sighed slightly.

"The ability to resist the current is really unique in the world."

Standing beside him, a man with a proud smile said, "it's good to bear without living method, but I'm very curious. Even though Xue an is tough, why doesn't he run in the face of so many of us? Can we say that China also has a stupid bushido spirit? "

When it comes to the spirit of Bushido, this man is rather disdainful.

Yuanqiao Liangjie smiles. "This is what China said. After all, he came with his family."

Yu current's palm yard Fu saw a flat disdained to skim his mouth, looking at Xue an in the distance, with a slight sneer in his heart.

No one can survive my men's ambush, and so do you!

Soon, you will become the 300th master who died under my imperial current.

Fu saw that Yiping was proud.

Standing in the wind and rain, Xue an took a step slowly.

But his foot is still in the air, in his side, a person suddenly appeared, and then stabbed.

This knife, whether it's air or speed, has reached its peak.

But Xue an didn't even look at it, and his feet fell down.


This stealthily attacked Ninja was like being blasted by a cannon, and flew out directly, smashing countless rain curtains behind him.

This scene also shocked people in the restaurant.

Edward was stunned and muttered to himself, "Kung Fu! My God, Chinese people really know kung fu! "

At the moment, the spirit of killing was even more intense. At least more than 20 swords stabbed at Xue an's side and head, blocking all Xue an's way.

The hearts of the people who are watching from the distant high-rise buildings are one of the pines.

Qingshan Xingye narrowed his eyes with pride.

In his opinion, Xue an is dead now.

But at this time, Xue an, standing in the storm and dark night, suddenly looked up.

His eyes are full of glittering, which makes Yuanqiao Liangjie and others all shocked.

Then he listened to Xue an's soft voice: "there should be a three foot flow lightsaber in the world!"

As his voice fell to the ground, a sword light rose from the sky, like a dragon in the nine days, circling Xue an's body on Monday.

More than 20 swords were smashed at the same time, and the swordsmen were stabbed in the throat by the sword spirit before they could even hum.

After that, Xue an continued to walk with his feet up.

Every step, there will be countless ninjas around him who will be killed by the sword light like you dragon!

No one can defeat the sword!

Fu saw the ghost of Yiping and exclaimed, "sword immortal!"

But the remote bridge cool interface color is extremely gloomy, already sink a voice to shout: "have no living method to bear to move out!"

There is no way to endure.

The most mysterious and powerful existence of ninja in r country.

This day, finally showed a trace.

Only a dozen strong and extremely strong breath came from all directions, and there was only one target, Xue an.But under this kind of attack, Xue an was not sad or unhappy, and continued to chant: "kill all the demons and swear to stop!"


Originally, a dragon like Liuguang sword suddenly split into two, two into four. In a flash, it turned into countless sword arrays, and then directly strangled all those who came.

So far.

Xue an takes three steps in the wind and rain.

All the Ninjas who ambushed him, all dead.

Yuanqiao Liangjie and Fu see a flat turn and run.

Qingshan Xingye and Fujihashi Meixi haven't responded yet. It can be seen that the masters have all run away, and they also turn to run.

Xue an slightly narrowed his eyes, "I said, my patience is very limited, then since you dare to provoke me, then go to death!"

The voice falls to the ground and the sword moves together. Xue an points to the front.



The sword is like a flood of steel, straight to this high-rise building.

The people were scared to death and tried to escape.

At this time, they found that the evasion was out of order.

Qingshan Xingye remembered what happened in xue'an that day. His face was very pale, "he He's cordoned off everything. "

At the moment, countless sword lights rush to the front of the high-rise building. From the first floor, these sword lights are just like locusts. They directly smash everything, and then they go up layer by layer.

Soon, the tall building seemed to be stripped of its coat and became a bare concrete column.

And Yuanqiao Liangjie and others are all forced to the top of the building, there is no way back.

As soon as Xue an lifted his feet, the sword Qi spread out a path directly under his feet. Xue an walked slowly up to the roof.

Looking at these people, I smile.

"Excuse me, please lend me your head!"

"No!" I was about to shout.

A sword light passed by, the head rose to the sky, and the corpse fell to the ground.

Yuanqiao Liangjie and others looked cold all over.

Xue an's eyes looked at these people. "Now, it's your turn."

Qingshan Xingye was the first one to collapse. He cried and said, "Mr. Xue, I'm sorry. It's all for my sake. Please let my younger martial sister go. I'm..."

Xue an held out a finger. "I can let her go, but one life is worth one life! Do you understand? "

Qingshan Xingye was stunned. After a moment, he suddenly roared and took out a knife to commit suicide.

All this happened very fast, Fujida Meixi has not responded, the elder martial brother has already died.

Xue an sighs slightly, "very good, you don't have to die now!"

As soon as Yuanqiao Liangjie's eyes lit up, he roared to Fujita: "I'm your master. Now kneel down and commit suicide. I'll change my life!"

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