Fujita Meixi looks dull.

Yuanqiao Liangjie has been unable to restrain himself and is ready to do it himself.

But this time, Xue an light way: "I said, they can die for a life, but you can't!"

After that, a sword went straight to the distant bridge.

Yuanqiao Liangjie is shocked. He grabs Fujida and wants to block the sword light.

But at this time, his throat appeared a bloodstain, the bloodstain gradually expanded, and finally spewed out a blood spring.

There was an unwilling cackle in his throat and then he fell to the ground.

All ninjas sent by state R to deal with Xue an, Tuan Mie!

Fujita Meixi suddenly felt very cold, deep into the bone marrow of that kind of cold.

Xue an looked at her, "I won't kill you! Because your life is someone else's exchange, but I hope you can understand, my patience is only so little! Do you understand? "

Fujita nods with trembling.

Xue an looked at the stormy Tokyo and whispered, "since I have tolerated once, you still refuse to give up, so This time, I will give you a lesson that I will never forget. "

The sword turns into a giant dragon and crawls at Xue an's feet. Xue an raises his feet and goes straight to the tallest building in Tokyo, the Tokyo Tower, which is known as the world tree.

The sword light passed by, startled the countless high-ranking people in the city of Tokyo.

Many people in meditation practice suddenly opened their eyes and looked at the sky in horror.

"What a powerful sword power!"

"Who is this man?"

Therefore, after Xue an's sword light, countless figures rose and followed.

There is a faint smile in Xue an's mouth.

What he has to do is let these people know what the real power is.

The sword light stops.

Ahead is the towering Tokyo Tower.

Xue an stood in the air, silent.

Someone said in a loud voice, "master, why do you send out such amazing sword Qi?"

At the moment, a thunder flash, many people suddenly saw Xue an's face.

Some people exclaimed.

"Xue an! He's Xue an! "

Some people don't know who Xue an is, some people said solemnly.

"This man is a great power in China. I heard that the incident of Qiancao Temple some time ago was his work!"


Hearing this, many people can't help but take a breath.

In the incident of Qiancao temple, there are countless experts in r country.

Is it really this man who did it?

At this time, R is looking for something to annoy me

Said, sword light dragon suddenly rushed out, around the towering Tokyo Tower, suddenly a contraction.


This steel tower, a landmark building in Tokyo, was suddenly broken into three sections, then slowly collapsed and fell to the ground.


A deafening noise.

Rain and smoke are everywhere.

The whole of Tokyo was woken up by the noise.

And these high people who came here were even whiter by the sound of the blow. Some of them were shallow and fell to the ground directly.

Xue an stood in the air, light way: "now, who is not satisfied?"

No one dares to speak.

Only the sound of rain fills the sky.

Xue an nodded, "good, this is my lesson to you. If you dare to provoke me, it will be the end of it."

After that, Xue an stepped on his sword and left.

Until his men flew away.

The talent breathed a sigh of relief.

"This man, what is his cultivation?" Someone said in horror.

"No matter what kind of cultivation, just depending on the cultivation of kendo, you are already immortal. No one in our country R is his opponent!" Someone said with a wry smile.

More still silent.

In the face of absolute power gap.

The proud r warriors all lowered their heads.

When Xue an comes back to the restaurant.

All the people in the restaurant looked at him pale.

In particular, some timid people regard Xue an as a ghost.

"Husband, what happened just now? So loud? " An Yan asked.

Xue an smiles, "it's OK. I'm not comfortable. I'll tear down the Tokyo Tower."

"What?" Benqiao Meijia and heta Huizi stare round eyes together.

Tokyo Tower!

It's a tower made of steel. Did he tear it down alone?

Even Edward was shocked.

Xue an just smiles at this, "come on, let's go home! It is estimated that tomorrow, we will be able to return home! ""Really?" Ann Yan is very happy!

Xue an nods.

Then he smiles at Meijia and others, "goodbye!"

With his wife and children, the family left.

Meijia of this bridge looks at Xue an's back dully and suddenly understands.

All I have is just wishful thinking.

From Qiancao temple to today, this powerful and mysterious man has shocked Meijia of this bridge.

But it also made her understand how desperate the gap between herself and xue'an was.

"Miss benqiao, I'll take you home." Edward forced a smile.

This bridge Meijia looked at him, did not say a word, led her best friend, Hetian Huizi, and left alone.

This night, is destined to have many people sleepless.

When the first rays of sunlight in the morning came in.

Prominent figures in Tokyo have gathered at the bottom of Xue an's villa.

As xue'an went downstairs, the crowd stood up.

"Mr. Xue!"

Xue an smiles, "what? What's the matter? "

Although Xue an is smiling, but in these people's eyes, this man's smile is simply incomparable terror.

Because of what happened last night, it has spread uncontrollably.

As everyone knows, the tower of Tokyo is down.

But what ordinary people don't know is that it's this gentle looking man who caused all this.

The special envoy sent by the government of R was pale, wiped his cold sweat, and said with a flattering smile: "Mr. Xue, we are here to apologize to you. There may be some misunderstanding between us some time ago. We are very sorry for this. I hope..."

Xue an waved his hand. "Don't be so afraid. I did it last night because some of you touched my bottom line again and again. Now, after I finish my work, I will leave country R soon."

Xue an's words let everyone at the scene secretly relieved.

The God of death is leaving. That's wonderful!

The special envoy was even more happy, "Mr. Xue, if so, we will send a special plane to see you back!"

"No, I'll go back as soon as I want. Why? Do you expect me to go

Xue an's words made the special envoy start to sweat again.

Xue an leans on the sofa, light way: "still have, Takeuchi Qingzi is my person, you should know how to do?"

"Hi!" The crowd bent down and bowed their heads.

These people may exist in the outside world under one person and above ten thousand people, and even many of them are the so-called nobles of noble blood.

But at the moment, they all had to bow to xue'an.

Because in front of this man, they all understand one thing.

All worldly things are useless to him.

What he controls is the most formidable power.

That is the life and death of all!

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